Control-Monad-ST2: A variation on the ST monad with two type parameters.

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The ST2 monad is like the ST monad, but with finer-grained control over access to mutable state. The phantom type parameters r and w are used to track the read and write dependencies of the computation. If a computation of type ST2 r w a is polymorphic in w then it does not write any external state. If it is also polymorphic in r then it does not read any external state.

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Dependencies array, base (>=4.5 && <5), QuickCheck, SafeSemaphore [details]
Tested with ghc ==7.6.2
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright Kevin Backhouse, 2013
Author Kevin Backhouse
Category Control
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Source repo this: git clone Version-
Uploaded by KevinBackhouse at 2013-06-11T01:52:44Z
Reverse Dependencies 2 direct, 0 indirect [details]
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Readme for Control-Monad-ST2-

[back to package description]

The Control.Monad.ST2 monad is like the Control.Monad.ST monad, but
with finer-grained control over access to mutable state. The phantom
type parameters r and w are used to track the read and write
dependencies of the computation. If a computation of type ST2 r w a is
polymorphic in w then it does not write any external state. If it is
also polymorphic in r then it does not read any external state.

Change log
---------- - First version