
module DDF.DBI (module DDF.DBI, module DDF.ImportMeta) where
import qualified Prelude as P
import DDF.Util
import System.Random
import Data.Constraint
import Data.Constraint.Forall
import DDF.ImportMeta

class Monoid r m where
  zero :: r h m
  plus :: r h (m -> m -> m)

class DBI (repr :: * -> * -> *) where
  z :: repr (a, h) a
  s :: repr h b -> repr (a, h) b
  abs :: repr (a, h) b -> repr h (a -> b)
  app :: repr h (a -> b) -> repr h a -> repr h b
  -- | We use a variant of HOAS so it can be compile to DBI, which is more compositional (No Negative Occurence).
  -- It require explicit lifting of variables.
  -- Use lam to do automatic lifting of variables.
  hoas :: (repr (a, h) a -> repr (a, h) b) -> repr h (a -> b)
  hoas f = abs $ f z
  com :: repr h ((b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c))
  com = lam3 $ \f g x -> app f (app g x)
  flip :: repr h ((a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c))
  flip = lam3 $ \f b a -> app2 f a b
  id :: repr h (a -> a)
  id = lam $ \x -> x
  const :: repr h (a -> b -> a)
  const = lam2 $ \x _ -> x
  scomb :: repr h ((a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c))
  scomb = lam3 $ \f x arg -> app2 f arg (app x arg)
  dup :: repr h ((a -> a -> b) -> (a -> b))
  dup = lam2 $ \f x -> app2 f x x
  let_ :: repr h (a -> (a -> b) -> b)
  let_ = flip1 id

const1 = app const
map2 = app2 map
return = pure
bind2 = app2 bind
map1 = app map
join1 = app join
bimap2 = app2 bimap
bimap3 = app3 bimap
flip1 = app flip
flip2 = app2 flip
let_2 = app2 let_

class Functor r f where
  map ::  r h ((a -> b) -> (f a -> f b))

class Functor r a => Applicative r a where
  pure :: r h (x -> a x)
  ap :: r h (a (x -> y) -> a x -> a y)

class (DBI r, Applicative r m) => Monad r m where
  bind :: r h (m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b)
  join :: r h (m (m a) -> m a)
  join = lam $ \m -> bind2 m id
  bind = lam2 $ \m f -> join1 (app2 map f m)
  {-# MINIMAL (join | bind) #-}

class BiFunctor r p where
  bimap :: r h ((a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d)

app3 f a b c = app (app2 f a b) c
com2 = app2 com

class NT repr l r where
    conv :: repr l t -> repr r t

class NTS repr l r where
    convS :: repr l t -> repr r t

instance (DBI repr, NT repr l r) => NTS repr l (a, r) where
    convS = s . conv

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} NTS repr l r => NT repr l r where
    conv = convS

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} NT repr x x where
    conv = P.id

lam :: forall repr a b h. DBI repr =>
  ((forall k. NT repr (a, h) k => repr k a) -> (repr (a, h)) b) -> repr h (a -> b)
lam f = hoas (\x -> f $ conv x)

lam2 :: forall repr a b c h. DBI repr =>
  ((forall k. NT repr (a, h) k => repr k a) -> (forall k. NT repr (b, (a, h)) k => repr k b) -> (repr (b, (a, h))) c) -> repr h (a -> b -> c)
lam2 f = lam $ \x -> lam $ \y -> f x y

lam3 f = lam2 $ \a b -> lam $ \c -> f a b c

app2 f a = app (app f a)

plus2 = app2 plus

noEnv :: repr () x -> repr () x
noEnv = P.id

instance Weight () where weightCon = Sub Dict

instance Weight P.Double where weightCon = Sub Dict

instance (Weight l, Weight r) => Weight (l, r) where
  weightCon :: forall con. (con (), con P.Float, con P.Double, ForallV (ProdCon con)) :- con (l, r)
  weightCon = Sub (mapDict (prodCon \\ (instV :: (ForallV (ProdCon con) :- ProdCon con l r))) (Dict \\ weightCon @l @con \\ weightCon @r @con))

class ProdCon con l r where
  prodCon :: (con l, con r) :- con (l, r)

instance ProdCon Random l r where prodCon = Sub Dict

instance ProdCon RandRange l r where prodCon = Sub Dict

instance ProdCon P.Show l r where prodCon = Sub Dict

class Weight w where
  weightCon :: (con (), con P.Float, con P.Double, ForallV (ProdCon con)) :- con w