module DDF.Combine where
import DDF.Meta.Interpreter
import qualified DDF.Map as Map
import DDF.Lang
import qualified DDF.VectorTF as VTF
instance (DBI l, DBI r) => DBI (Combine l r) where
z = Combine z z
s (Combine l r) = Combine (s l) (s r)
app (Combine fl fr) (Combine xl xr) = Combine (app fl xl) (app fr xr)
abs (Combine l r) = Combine (abs l) (abs r)
hoas f = Combine (hoas $ \x -> case f (Combine x z) of Combine l _ -> l) (hoas $ \x -> case f (Combine z x) of Combine _ r -> r)
instance (Bool l, Bool r) => Bool (Combine l r) where
bool x = Combine (bool x) (bool x)
ite = Combine ite ite
instance (Char l, Char r) => Char (Combine l r) where
char x = Combine (char x) (char x)
instance (Prod l, Prod r) => Prod (Combine l r) where
mkProd = Combine mkProd mkProd
zro = Combine zro zro
fst = Combine fst fst
instance (Double l, Double r) => Double (Combine l r) where
double x = Combine (double x) (double x)
doublePlus = Combine doublePlus doublePlus
doubleMinus = Combine doubleMinus doubleMinus
doubleMult = Combine doubleMult doubleMult
doubleDivide = Combine doubleDivide doubleDivide
doubleExp = Combine doubleExp doubleExp
doubleEq = Combine doubleEq doubleEq
instance (Float l, Float r) => Float (Combine l r) where
float x = Combine (float x) (float x)
floatPlus = Combine floatPlus floatPlus
floatMinus = Combine floatMinus floatMinus
floatMult = Combine floatMult floatMult
floatDivide = Combine floatDivide floatDivide
floatExp = Combine floatExp floatExp
instance (Option l, Option r) => Option (Combine l r) where
nothing = Combine nothing nothing
just = Combine just just
optionMatch = Combine optionMatch optionMatch
instance (Map.Map l, Map.Map r) => Map.Map (Combine l r) where
empty = Combine Map.empty Map.empty
lookup = Combine Map.lookup Map.lookup
singleton = Combine Map.singleton Map.singleton
alter = Combine Map.alter Map.alter
mapMap = Combine Map.mapMap Map.mapMap
unionWith = Combine Map.unionWith Map.unionWith
instance (Bimap l, Bimap r) => Bimap (Combine l r) where
size = Combine size size
empty = Combine empty empty
singleton = Combine singleton singleton
lookupL = Combine lookupL lookupL
lookupR = Combine lookupR lookupR
toMapL = Combine toMapL toMapL
toMapR = Combine toMapR toMapR
insert = Combine insert insert
updateL = Combine updateL updateL
updateR = Combine updateR updateR
instance (Dual l, Dual r) => Dual (Combine l r) where
dual = Combine dual dual
runDual = Combine runDual runDual
instance (Unit l, Unit r) => Unit (Combine l r) where
unit = Combine unit unit
instance (Sum l, Sum r) => Sum (Combine l r) where
left = Combine left left
right = Combine right right
sumMatch = Combine sumMatch sumMatch
instance (Int l, Int r) => Int (Combine l r) where
int x = Combine (int x) (int x)
pred = Combine pred pred
isZero = Combine isZero isZero
instance (Y l, Y r) => Y (Combine l r) where
y = Combine y y
instance (List l, List r) => List (Combine l r) where
nil = Combine nil nil
cons = Combine cons cons
listMatch = Combine listMatch listMatch
instance (Functor l m, Functor r m) => Functor (Combine l r) m where
map = Combine map map
instance (Applicative l m, Applicative r m) => Applicative (Combine l r) m where
pure = Combine pure pure
ap = Combine ap ap
instance (Monad l m, Monad r m) => Monad (Combine l r) m where
bind = Combine bind bind
join = Combine join join
instance (IO l, IO r) => IO (Combine l r) where
putStrLn = Combine putStrLn putStrLn
instance (VTF.VectorTF l, VTF.VectorTF r) => VTF.VectorTF (Combine l r) where
zero = Combine
basis = Combine VTF.basis VTF.basis
plus = Combine
mult = Combine VTF.mult VTF.mult
vtfMatch = Combine VTF.vtfMatch VTF.vtfMatch
instance (DiffWrapper l, DiffWrapper r) => DiffWrapper (Combine l r) where
diffWrapper = Combine diffWrapper diffWrapper
runDiffWrapper = Combine runDiffWrapper runDiffWrapper
instance (Fix l, Fix r) => Fix (Combine l r) where
fix = Combine fix fix
runFix = Combine runFix runFix
instance (FreeVector l, FreeVector r) => FreeVector (Combine l r) where
freeVector = Combine freeVector freeVector
runFreeVector = Combine runFreeVector runFreeVector
instance (Lang l, Lang r) => Lang (Combine l r) where
exfalso = Combine exfalso exfalso
runWriter = Combine runWriter runWriter
writer = Combine writer writer
double2Float = Combine double2Float double2Float
float2Double = Combine float2Double float2Double
state = Combine state state
runState = Combine runState runState