-- |
--   Module      :  Data.Edison.Coll.LeftistHeap
--   Copyright   :  Copyright (c) 1998-1999, 2008 Chris Okasaki
--   License     :  MIT; see COPYRIGHT file for terms and conditions
--   Maintainer  :  robdockins AT fastmail DOT fm
--   Stability   :  stable
--   Portability :  GHC, Hugs (MPTC and FD)
--   Leftist Heaps
--   /References:/
-- * Chris Okasaki. /Purely Functional Data Structures/. 1998. Section 3.1.

module Data.Edison.Coll.LeftistHeap (
    -- * Type of leftist heaps
    Heap, -- instance of Coll/CollX, OrdColl/OrdCollX

    -- * CollX operations

    -- * Coll operations
    toSeq, lookup, lookupM, lookupAll, lookupWithDefault, fold, fold',
    fold1, fold1', filter, partition, strictWith,

    -- * OrdCollX operations

    -- * OrdColl operations

    -- * Documentation
) where

import Prelude hiding (null,foldr,foldl,foldr1,foldl1,lookup,filter)
import qualified Data.Edison.Coll as C ( CollX(..), OrdCollX(..), Coll(..), OrdColl(..),
                                   unionList, toOrdList )
import qualified Data.Edison.Seq as S
import Data.Edison.Coll.Defaults
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad
import Test.QuickCheck

moduleName :: String
moduleName = "Data.Edison.Coll.LeftistHeap"

data Heap a = E | L !Int !a !(Heap a) !(Heap a)

-- invariants:
--   * Heap ordered
--   * Leftist; the rank of any left node is >= the
--     rank of its right sibling.  The rank of a node
--     is the length of its right spine.

structuralInvariant :: Ord a => Heap a -> Bool
structuralInvariant E = True
structuralInvariant t@(L i x _ _) =
    i == rank t && isMin x t && checkLeftist t

 where rank :: Heap a -> Int
       rank E = 0
       rank (L _ _ _ s) = (rank s) + 1

       isMin _ E = True
       isMin z (L _ y l r) = z <= y && (isMin y l) && (isMin y r)

       checkLeftist E = True
       checkLeftist (L _ _ l r) =
          rank l >= rank r && checkLeftist l && checkLeftist r

node :: a -> Heap a -> Heap a -> Heap a
node x a E = L 1 x a E
node x E b = L 1 x b E
node x a@(L m _ _ _) b@(L n _ _ _)
  | m <= n     = L (m + 1) x b a
  | otherwise  = L (n + 1) x a b

Note: when we want to recurse down both sides, and we have a choice,
recursing down the smaller side first will minimize stack usage.

For delete,deleteAll,filter,partition: could compute fringe and reduce
rather that rebuilding with union at every deleted node

empty :: Ord a => Heap a
empty = E

singleton :: Ord a => a -> Heap a
singleton x = L 1 x E E

insert :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> Heap a
insert x E = L 1 x E E
insert x h@(L _ y a b)
  | x <= y    = L 1 x h E
  | otherwise = node y a (insert x b)

union :: Ord a => Heap a -> Heap a -> Heap a
union E h = h
union h@(L _ x a b) h' = union' h x a b h'
  where union' i _ _ _ E = i
        union' hx z q e hy@(L _ y c d)
          | z <= y    = node z q (union' hy y c d e)
          | otherwise = node y c (union' hx z q e d)

union E h = h
union h E = h
union h1@(L _ x a b) h2@(L _ y c d)
  | x <= y    = node x a (union b h2)
  | otherwise = node y c (union h1 d)
    -- ??? optimize to catch fact that h1 or h2 is known to be L case?

delete :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> Heap a
delete x h = case del h of
               Just h' -> h'
               Nothing -> h
  where del (L _ y a b) =
          case compare x y of
            LT -> Nothing
            EQ -> Just (union a b)
            GT -> case del b of
                    Just b' -> Just (node y a b')
                    Nothing -> case del a  of
                                 Just a' -> Just (node y a' b)
                                 Nothing -> Nothing
        del E = Nothing

deleteAll :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> Heap a
deleteAll x h@(L _ y a b) =
  case compare x y of
    LT -> h
    EQ -> union (deleteAll x a) (deleteAll x b)
    GT -> node y (deleteAll x a) (deleteAll x b)
deleteAll _ E = E

null :: Ord a => Heap a -> Bool
null E = True
null _ = False

size :: Ord a => Heap a -> Int
size h = sz h 0
  where sz E i = i
        sz (L _ _ a b) i = sz a (sz b (i + 1))

member :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> Bool
member _ E = False
member x (L _ y a b) =
  case compare x y of
    LT -> False
    EQ -> True
    GT -> member x b || member x a

count :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> Int
count _ E = 0
count x (L _ y a b) =
  case compare x y of
    LT -> 0
    EQ -> 1 + count x b + count x a
    GT -> count x b + count x a

toSeq :: (Ord a,S.Sequence seq) => Heap a -> seq a
toSeq h = tol h S.empty
  where tol E rest = rest
        tol (L _ x a b) rest = S.lcons x (tol b (tol a rest))

lookupM :: (Ord a, Monad m) => a -> Heap a -> m a
lookupM _ E = fail "LeftistHeap.lookupM: XXX"
lookupM x (L _ y a b) =
  case compare x y of
    LT -> fail "LeftistHeap.lookupM: XXX"
    EQ -> return y
    GT -> case lookupM x b `mplus` lookupM x a of
                Nothing -> fail "LeftistHeap.lookupM: XXX"
                Just q -> return q

lookupAll :: (Ord a,S.Sequence seq) => a -> Heap a -> seq a
lookupAll x h = look h S.empty
  where look E ys = ys
        look (L _ y a b) ys =
          case compare x y of
            LT -> ys
            EQ -> S.lcons y (look b (look a ys))
            GT -> look b (look a ys)

fold :: Ord a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Heap a -> b
fold _ e E = e
fold f e (L _ x a b) = f x (fold f (fold f e a) b)

fold' :: Ord a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Heap a -> b
fold' _ e E = e
fold' f e (L _ x a b) = e `seq` f x $! (fold' f (fold' f e a) b)

fold1 :: Ord a => (a -> a -> a) -> Heap a -> a
fold1 _ E = error "LeftistHeap.fold1: empty collection"
fold1 f (L _ x a b) = fold f (fold f x a) b

fold1' :: Ord a => (a -> a -> a) -> Heap a -> a
fold1' _ E = error "LeftistHeap.fold1': empty collection"
fold1' f (L _ x a b) = fold' f (fold' f x a) b

filter :: Ord a => (a -> Bool) -> Heap a -> Heap a
filter _ E = E
filter p (L _ x a b)
    | p x = node x (filter p a) (filter p b)
    | otherwise = union (filter p a) (filter p b)

partition :: Ord a => (a -> Bool) -> Heap a -> (Heap a, Heap a)
partition _ E = (E, E)
partition p (L _ x a b)
    | p x = (node x a' b', union a'' b'')
    | otherwise = (union a' b', node x a'' b'')
  where (a', a'') = partition p a
        (b', b'') = partition p b

deleteMin :: Ord a => Heap a -> Heap a
deleteMin E = E
deleteMin (L _ _ a b) = union a b

deleteMax :: Ord a => Heap a -> Heap a
deleteMax h = case maxView h of
                Nothing     -> E
                Just (_,h') -> h'

unsafeInsertMin :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> Heap a
unsafeInsertMin x h = L 1 x h E

unsafeAppend :: Ord a => Heap a -> Heap a -> Heap a
unsafeAppend E h = h
unsafeAppend (L _ y a b) h = node y a (unsafeAppend b h)

filterLT :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> Heap a
filterLT y (L _ x a b) | x < y = node x (filterLT y a) (filterLT y b)
filterLT _ _ = E

filterLE :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> Heap a
filterLE y (L _ x a b) | x <= y = node x (filterLE y a) (filterLE y b)
filterLE _ _ = E

filterGT :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> Heap a
filterGT y h = C.unionList (collect h [])
  where collect E hs = hs
        collect h@(L _ x a b) hs
          | x > y = h : hs
          | otherwise = collect a (collect b hs)

filterGE :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> Heap a
filterGE y h = C.unionList (collect h [])
  where collect E hs = hs
        collect h@(L _ x a b) hs
          | x >= y = h : hs
          | otherwise = collect b (collect a hs)

partitionLT_GE :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> (Heap a, Heap a)
partitionLT_GE y h = (h', C.unionList hs)
  where (h', hs) = collect h []

        collect E hs = (E, hs)
        collect h@(L _ x a b) hs
          | x >= y = (E, h:hs)
          | otherwise = let (a', hs') = collect a hs
                            (b', hs'') = collect b hs'
                        in (node x a' b', hs'')

partitionLE_GT :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> (Heap a, Heap a)
partitionLE_GT y h = (h', C.unionList hs)
  where (h', hs) = collect h []

        collect E hs = (E, hs)
        collect h@(L _ x a b) hs
          | x > y = (E, h:hs)
          | otherwise = let (a', hs') = collect a hs
                            (b', hs'') = collect b hs'
                        in (node x a' b', hs'')

partitionLT_GT :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> (Heap a, Heap a)
partitionLT_GT y h = (h', C.unionList hs)
  where (h', hs) = collect h []

        collect E hs = (E, hs)
        collect h@(L _ x a b) is =
          case compare x y of
            GT -> (E, h:is)
            EQ -> let (a', hs') = collect a is
                      (b', hs'') = collect b hs'
                  in (union a' b', hs'')
            LT -> let (a', hs') = collect a is
                      (b', hs'') = collect b hs'
                  in (node x a' b', hs'')

minView :: (Ord a, Monad m) => Heap a -> m (a, Heap a)
minView E = fail "LeftistHeap.minView: empty collection"
minView (L _ x a b) = return (x, union a b)

minElem :: Ord a => Heap a -> a
minElem E = error "LeftistHeap.minElem: empty collection"
minElem (L _ x _ _) = x

maxView :: (Ord a, Monad m) => Heap a -> m (a, Heap a)
maxView E = fail "LeftistHeap.maxView: empty collection"
maxView (L _ x E _) = return (x, E)
maxView (L _ x a E) = return (y, L 1 x a' E)
  where Just (y,a') = maxView a
maxView (L _ x a b)
    | y >= z    = return (y, node x a' b)
    | otherwise = return (z, node x a b')
  where Just (y, a') = maxView a
        Just (z, b') = maxView b

-- warning: maxView and maxElem may disagree if root is equal to max!

maxElem :: Ord a => Heap a -> a
maxElem E = error "LeftistHeap.maxElem: empty collection"
maxElem (L _ x E _) = x
maxElem (L _ _ a b) = findMax b (findLeaf a)
  where findMax E m = m
        findMax (L _ x E _) m
          | m >= x = m
          | otherwise = x
        findMax (L _ _ d c) m = findMax d (findMax c m)

        findLeaf E = error "LeftistHeap.maxElem: bug"
        findLeaf (L _ x E _) = x
        findLeaf (L _ _ y c) = findMax c (findLeaf y)

foldr :: Ord a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Heap a -> b
foldr _ e E = e
foldr f e (L _ x a b) = f x (foldr f e (union a b))

foldr' :: Ord a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Heap a -> b
foldr' _ e E = e
foldr' f e (L _ x a b) = e `seq` f x $! (foldr' f e (union a b))

foldl :: Ord a => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Heap a -> b
foldl _ e E = e
foldl f e (L _ x a b) = foldl f (f e x) (union a b)

foldl' :: Ord a => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Heap a -> b
foldl' _ e E = e
foldl' f e (L _ x a b) = e `seq` foldl' f (f e x) (union a b)

foldr1 :: Ord a => (a -> a -> a) -> Heap a -> a
foldr1 _ E = error "LeftistHeap.foldr1: empty collection"
foldr1 _ (L _ x E _) = x
foldr1 f (L _ x a b) = f x (foldr1 f (union a b))

foldr1' :: Ord a => (a -> a -> a) -> Heap a -> a
foldr1' _ E = error "LeftistHeap.foldr1': empty collection"
foldr1' _ (L _ x E _) = x
foldr1' f (L _ x a b) = f x $! (foldr1' f (union a b))

foldl1 :: Ord a => (a -> a -> a) -> Heap a -> a
foldl1 _ E = error "LeftistHeap.foldl1: empty collection"
foldl1 f (L _ x a b) = foldl f x (union a b)

foldl1' :: Ord a => (a -> a -> a) -> Heap a -> a
foldl1' _ E = error "LeftistHeap.foldl1: empty collection"
foldl1' f (L _ x a b) = foldl' f x (union a b)

{- ???? -}
unsafeMapMonotonic :: Ord a => (a -> a) -> Heap a -> Heap a
unsafeMapMonotonic _ E = E
unsafeMapMonotonic f (L i x a b) =
  L i (f x) (unsafeMapMonotonic f a) (unsafeMapMonotonic f b)

-- all fields are already fully strict!
strict :: Heap a -> Heap a
strict h = h

strictWith :: (a -> b) -> Heap a -> Heap a
strictWith _ h@E = h
strictWith f h@(L _ x l r) = f x `seq` strictWith f l `seq` strictWith f r `seq` h

-- the remaining functions all use default definitions

fromSeq :: (Ord a,S.Sequence seq) => seq a -> Heap a
fromSeq = fromSeqUsingUnionSeq

insertSeq :: (Ord a,S.Sequence seq) => seq a -> Heap a -> Heap a
insertSeq = insertSeqUsingUnion

unionSeq :: (Ord a,S.Sequence seq) => seq (Heap a) -> Heap a
unionSeq = unionSeqUsingReduce

deleteSeq :: (Ord a,S.Sequence seq) => seq a -> Heap a -> Heap a
deleteSeq = deleteSeqUsingDelete

lookup :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> a
lookup = lookupUsingLookupM

lookupWithDefault :: Ord a => a -> a -> Heap a -> a
lookupWithDefault = lookupWithDefaultUsingLookupM

unsafeInsertMax :: Ord a => a -> Heap a -> Heap a
unsafeInsertMax = unsafeInsertMaxUsingUnsafeAppend

unsafeFromOrdSeq :: (Ord a,S.Sequence seq) => seq a -> Heap a
unsafeFromOrdSeq = unsafeFromOrdSeqUsingUnsafeInsertMin

toOrdSeq :: (Ord a,S.Sequence seq) => Heap a -> seq a
toOrdSeq = toOrdSeqUsingFoldr

-- instance declarations

instance Ord a => C.CollX (Heap a) a where
  {singleton = singleton; fromSeq = fromSeq; insert = insert;
   insertSeq = insertSeq; unionSeq = unionSeq;
   delete = delete; deleteAll = deleteAll; deleteSeq = deleteSeq;
   null = null; size = size; member = member; count = count;
   strict = strict;
   structuralInvariant = structuralInvariant; instanceName _ = moduleName}

instance Ord a => C.OrdCollX (Heap a) a where
  {deleteMin = deleteMin; deleteMax = deleteMax;
   unsafeInsertMin = unsafeInsertMin; unsafeInsertMax = unsafeInsertMax;
   unsafeFromOrdSeq = unsafeFromOrdSeq; unsafeAppend = unsafeAppend;
   filterLT = filterLT; filterLE = filterLE; filterGT = filterGT;
   filterGE = filterGE; partitionLT_GE = partitionLT_GE;
   partitionLE_GT = partitionLE_GT; partitionLT_GT = partitionLT_GT}

instance Ord a => C.Coll (Heap a) a where
  {toSeq = toSeq; lookup = lookup; lookupM = lookupM;
   lookupAll = lookupAll; lookupWithDefault = lookupWithDefault;
   fold = fold; fold' = fold'; fold1 = fold1; fold1' = fold1';
   filter = filter; partition = partition; strictWith = strictWith}

instance Ord a => C.OrdColl (Heap a) a where
  {minView = minView; minElem = minElem; maxView = maxView;
   maxElem = maxElem; foldr = foldr; foldr' = foldr';
   foldl = foldl; foldl' = foldl'; foldr1 = foldr1;
   foldr1' = foldr1'; foldl1 = foldl1; foldl1' = foldl1';
   toOrdSeq = toOrdSeq; unsafeMapMonotonic = unsafeMapMonotonic}

instance Ord a => Eq (Heap a) where
  xs == ys = C.toOrdList xs == C.toOrdList ys

instance (Ord a, Show a) => Show (Heap a) where
  showsPrec = showsPrecUsingToList

instance (Ord a, Read a) => Read (Heap a) where
  readsPrec = readsPrecUsingFromList

instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Heap a) where
  arbitrary = sized (\n -> arbTree n)
    where arbTree 0 = return E
          arbTree n =
            frequency [(1, return E),
                       (4, liftM3 snode arbitrary (arbTree (n `div` 2))
                                                  (arbTree (n `div` 4)))]

          snode x a b = sift (node x a b)

          sift E = E
          sift t@(L _ x a E)
            | a == E || x <= minElem a = t
          sift (L r x (L r' y a b) E) =
                L r y (sift (L r' x a b)) E
          sift t@(L _ x a b)
            | x <= minElem a && x <= minElem b = t
          sift (L r x (L r' y a b) c)
            | y <= minElem c =
                L r y (sift (L r' x a b)) c
          sift (L r x a (L r' y b c)) =
                L r y a (sift (L r' x b c))
          sift _ = error "LeftistHeap.arbitrary: bug!"

instance (Ord a, CoArbitrary a) => CoArbitrary (Heap a) where
  coarbitrary E = variant 0
  coarbitrary (L _ x a b) =
      variant 1 . coarbitrary x . coarbitrary a . coarbitrary b

instance (Ord a) => Monoid (Heap a) where
    mempty  = empty
    mappend = union
    mconcat = unionSeq

instance (Ord a) => Ord (Heap a) where
    compare = compareUsingToOrdList