{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Module in charge of loading fonts.
module Graphics.Text.TrueType
    ( -- * Functions
    , loadFontFile
    , getStringCurveAtPoint
    , unitsPerEm
    , isPlaceholder
    , getCharacterGlyphsAndMetrics
    , getGlyphForStrings
    , stringBoundingBox
    , findFontOfFamily
    , pointInPixelAtDpi
    , pixelSizeInPointAtDpi

      -- * Font cache
    , FontCache
    , FontDescriptor( .. )
    , emptyFontCache
    , findFontInCache
    , buildCache
    , enumerateFonts
    , descriptorOf

      -- * Types
    , Font
    , FontStyle( .. )
    , RawGlyph( .. )
    , Dpi
    , PointSize( .. )
    , CompositeScaling( .. )
    , BoundingBox( .. )
    ) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Monoid( mempty )
import Control.Applicative((<$>))

import Control.Monad( foldM, forM )
import Data.Function( on )
import Data.Int ( Int16 )
import Data.List( sortBy, mapAccumL, foldl' )
import Data.Word( Word16 )
import Data.Binary( Binary( .. ) )
import Data.Binary.Get( Get
                      , bytesRead
                      , getWord16be
                      , getWord32be
                      , getLazyByteString
                      , skip

#if MIN_VERSION_binary(0,6,4)
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as G
import Control.DeepSeq( NFData )
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as G
import qualified Control.Exception as E
-- I feel so dirty. :(
import System.IO.Unsafe( unsafePerformIO )
import Control.DeepSeq( NFData, ($!!) )

import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU

{-import Graphics.Text.TrueType.Types-}
import Graphics.Text.TrueType.MaxpTable
import Graphics.Text.TrueType.Glyph
import Graphics.Text.TrueType.Header
import Graphics.Text.TrueType.OffsetTable
import Graphics.Text.TrueType.CharacterMap
import Graphics.Text.TrueType.HorizontalInfo
import Graphics.Text.TrueType.Name()
import Graphics.Text.TrueType.FontType
import Graphics.Text.TrueType.FontFolders

{-import Debug.Trace-}

-- | Load a font file, the file path must be pointing
-- to the true type file (.ttf)
loadFontFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either String Font)
loadFontFile filepath = decodeFont <$> LB.readFile filepath

getOrFail :: NFData a => Get a -> LB.ByteString -> Either String a
getOrFail getter str =
#if MIN_VERSION_binary(0,6,4)
  case G.runGetOrFail getter str of
    Left err -> Left $ show err
    Right (_, _, value) -> Right value
  unsafePerformIO $ E.evaluate (let v = G.runGet getter str in
                                return $!! v)
    `E.catch` catcher
      where catcher :: E.SomeException -> IO (Either String a)
            catcher e = return . Left $ show e

-- | Decode a in-memory true type file.
decodeFont :: LB.ByteString -> Either String Font
decodeFont = getOrFail getFont

decodeWithDefault :: forall a . (NFData a, Binary a)
                  => a -> LB.ByteString -> a
decodeWithDefault defaultValue str =
    case getOrFail get str of
      Left _ -> defaultValue
      Right v -> v

gotoOffset :: TableDirectoryEntry -> Get ()
gotoOffset entry = do
    readed <- bytesRead
    let toDrop = fromIntegral (_tdeOffset entry) - readed
    if toDrop < 0 then fail "Weirdo weird"
    else skip $ fromIntegral toDrop

getLoca :: Font -> Get Font
getLoca font@(Font { _fontMaxp = Just maxp, _fontHeader = Just hdr })
  | _fHdrIndexToLocFormat hdr == 0 = do
      v <- VU.replicateM glyphCount
            ((* 2) . fromIntegral <$> getWord16be)
      return font { _fontLoca = Just v }
  | otherwise = do
      v <- VU.replicateM glyphCount getWord32be
      return font { _fontLoca = Just v }
  where glyphCount = fromIntegral $ _maxpnumGlyphs maxp
getLoca font = return font

getGlyph :: Font -> LB.ByteString -> Get Font
getGlyph font@(Font { _fontLoca = Just locations }) str =

  return font { _fontGlyph = Just . V.map decoder $ VU.convert locationInterval }
      where decoder (xStart, xEnd)
                | xEnd <= xStart = emptyGlyph
                | otherwise =
                    decodeWithDefault emptyGlyph $ chop xStart xEnd
            chop start _ = LB.drop (fromIntegral start) str
            locationsAll = locations `VU.snoc` fromIntegral (LB.length str)
            locationInterval = VU.zip locations $ VU.tail locationsAll
getGlyph font _ = return font

getHmtx :: Font -> Get Font
getHmtx font@Font { _fontMaxp = Just maxp,
                    _fontHorizontalHeader = Just hdr } = do
  let metricCount = _hheaLongHorMetricCount hdr
      glyphCount = fromIntegral $ _maxpnumGlyphs maxp
  table <- getHorizontalMetrics (fromIntegral metricCount) glyphCount
  return font { _fontHorizontalMetrics = Just table }
getHmtx font = return font

fetchTables :: [String] -> OffsetTable -> Get Font
fetchTables tableList offsetTable = do
    let sortedTables =
            sortBy (compare `on` _tdeOffset) . V.toList $ _otEntries offsetTable
    tableData <-
      forM sortedTables $ \entry -> do
          gotoOffset entry
          (B.unpack $ _tdeTag entry,) <$> getLazyByteString (fromIntegral $ _tdeLength entry)

    foldM (fetch tableData) (emptyFont offsetTable) tableList

    getFetch tables name getter =
      case [str | (n, str) <- tables, n == name] of
        [] -> fail $ "Table not found " ++ name
        (s:_) ->
            case getOrFail getter s of
               Left err -> fail err
               Right v -> return v

    fetch tables font "head" = do
      table <- getFetch tables "head" get
      return $ font { _fontHeader = Just table }

    fetch tables font "maxp" = do
      table <- getFetch tables "maxp" get
      return $ font { _fontMaxp = Just table }

    fetch tables font "cmap" = do
      table <- getFetch tables "cmap" get
      return $ font { _fontMap = Just table }

    fetch tables font "name" = do
      table <- getFetch tables "name" get
      return $ font { _fontNames = Just table }

    fetch tables font "hhea" = do
      table <- getFetch tables "hhea" get
      return $ font { _fontHorizontalHeader = Just table }

    fetch tables font "glyf" =
      case [getGlyph font s | ("glyf", s) <- tables] of
        [] -> return font
        (g:_) -> g

    fetch tables font "loca" =
      getFetch tables "loca" (getLoca font)

    fetch tables font "hmtx" =
      getFetch tables "hmtx" (getHmtx font)

    fetch _ font _ = return font

getFont :: Get Font
getFont = get >>= fetchTables allTables
    allTables = ["head", "maxp", "cmap", "name", "hhea",  "loca", "glyf", "hmtx"]

getFontNameAndStyle :: Get Font
getFontNameAndStyle =
    (filterTable isNecessaryForName <$> get) >>= fetchTables ["head", "name"]
    isNecessaryForName v = v == "name" || v == "head"

-- | This function will search in the system for truetype
-- files and index them in a cache for further fast search.
buildCache :: IO FontCache
buildCache = buildFontCache loader
    loader n =
        toMayb . getOrFail getFontNameAndStyle <$> LB.readFile n
    toMayb (Left _) = Nothing
    toMayb (Right v) = Just v

-- | Try to find a font with the given properties in the
-- font cache.
findFontInCache :: FontCache -> FontDescriptor -> Maybe FilePath
findFontInCache (FontCache cache) descr = M.lookup descr cache

-- | This function will scan the system's font folder to
-- find a font with the desired properties. Favor using
-- a FontCache to speed up the lookup process.
findFontOfFamily :: String -> FontStyle -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findFontOfFamily = findFont loader
    loader n =
        toMayb . getOrFail getFontNameAndStyle <$> LB.readFile n
    toMayb (Left _) = Nothing
    toMayb (Right v) = Just v

-- | Express device resolution in dot per inch.
type Dpi = Int

-- | Font size expressed in points.
-- You must convert size expressed in pixels to point using
-- the DPI information.
-- See pixelSizeInPointAtDpi
newtype PointSize = PointSize { getPointSize :: Float }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

toPixelCoord :: (Integral a) => Font -> PointSize -> Dpi -> a -> Float
toPixelCoord font pointSize dpi v =
    (fromIntegral v * getPointSize pointSize * fromIntegral dpi) /
    (72 * emSize)
    emSize = fromIntegral $ unitsPerEm font

toFCoord :: Integral a => Font -> PointSize -> Dpi -> Float -> a
toFCoord font size dpi v = floor $ v * emSize / pixelSize
    emSize = fromIntegral $ unitsPerEm font
    pixelSize = size `pointInPixelAtDpi` dpi

pointInPixelAtDpi :: PointSize -> Dpi -> Float
pointInPixelAtDpi size dpi =
    (getPointSize size * fromIntegral dpi) / 72

pixelSizeInPointAtDpi :: Float -> Dpi -> PointSize
pixelSizeInPointAtDpi pixelSize dpi =
    PointSize $ (pixelSize / fromIntegral dpi) * 72

glyphOfStrings :: Font -> String -> [(Glyph, HorizontalMetric)]
glyphOfStrings Font { _fontMap = Just mapping
                    , _fontGlyph = Just glyphes
                    , _fontHorizontalMetrics = Just hmtx } str =
    fetcher . findCharGlyph mapping 0 <$> str
    fetcher ix = (glyphes V.! ix, _glyphMetrics hmtx V.! ix)
glyphOfStrings _ _ = []

-- | Return the number of pixels relative to the point size.
unitsPerEm :: Font -> Word16
unitsPerEm Font { _fontHeader = Just hdr } =
    fromIntegral $ _fUnitsPerEm hdr
unitsPerEm  _ = 1

-- | String bounding box. with value for
-- min/max.
data BoundingBox = BoundingBox
  { _xMin :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
  , _yMin :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
  , _xMax :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
  , _yMax :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
    -- | Should be 0 most of the times.
  , _baselineHeight :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
  deriving (Eq)

-- | Compute the bounding box of a string displayed with a font at
-- a given size. The resulting coordinate represent the width and the
-- height in pixels.
stringBoundingBox :: Font -> Dpi -> PointSize -> String -> BoundingBox
stringBoundingBox font dpi size str =
    BoundingBox xMini yMini width yMaxi 0
    glyphs = glyphOfStrings font str
    xMini = case glyphs of
        [] -> 0
        (glyph, _):_ -> toPixel . _glfXMin $ _glyphHeader glyph

    (width, yMini, yMaxi) =
        foldl' go (0, 0, 0) glyphs

    toPixel :: Integral a => a -> Float
    toPixel = toPixelCoord font size dpi

    go (xf, yMin, yMax) (glyph, metric) = (width', yMin', yMax')
        advance = _hmtxAdvanceWidth metric
        width' = xf + toPixel advance
        yMin' = min yMin. toPixel . _glfYMin $ _glyphHeader glyph
        yMax' = max yMax. toPixel . _glfYMax $ _glyphHeader glyph

-- | Extract a list of outlines for every char in the string.
-- The given curves are in an image like coordinate system,
-- with the origin point in the upper left corner.
getStringCurveAtPoint :: Dpi            -- ^ Dot per inch of the output.
                      -> (Float, Float) -- ^ Initial position of the baseline.
                      -> [(Font, PointSize, String)] -- ^ Text to draw
                      -> [[VU.Vector (Float, Float)]] -- ^ List of contours for each char
getStringCurveAtPoint dpi initPos lst = snd $ mapAccumL go initPos glyphes where
  glyphes = concat [(font, size,)
                         <$> glyphOfStrings font str | (font, size, str) <- lst]

  toPixel (font, pointSize, _) = toPixelCoord font pointSize dpi
  toCoord (font, pointSize, _) = toFCoord font pointSize dpi

  maximumSize = maximum [ toPixel p . _glfYMax $ _glyphHeader glyph
                                | p@(_, _, (glyph, _)) <- glyphes ]

  go (xf, yf) p@(font, pointSize, (glyph, metric)) = ((toPixel p $ xi + advance, yf), curves)
      (xi, yi) = (toCoord p xf, toCoord p yf)
      bearing = fromIntegral $ _hmtxLeftSideBearing metric
      advance = fromIntegral $ _hmtxAdvanceWidth metric
      curves =
          getGlyphIndexCurvesAtPointSizeAndPos font dpi (toCoord p maximumSize)
            (pointSize, glyph) (xi + bearing, yi)

-- | This function return the list of all contour for all char with the given
-- font in a string. All glyph are at the same position, they are not placed
-- like with `getStringCurveAtPoint`. It is a function helpful to extract
-- the glyph geometry for further external manipulation.
getGlyphForStrings :: Dpi -> [(Font, PointSize, String)]
                   -> [[VU.Vector (Float, Float)]]
getGlyphForStrings dpi lst =  go <$> glyphes where
  glyphes = concat
    [(font, size,) <$> glyphOfStrings font str | (font, size, str) <- lst]

  toCoord (font, pointSize, _) = toFCoord font pointSize dpi

  maximumSize :: Float
  maximumSize =
     maximum [ toPixelCoord font pointSize dpi . _glfYMax $ _glyphHeader glyph
                   | (font, pointSize, (glyph, _)) <- glyphes ]

  go p@(font, pointSize, (glyph, _metric)) =
        font dpi (toCoord p maximumSize) (pointSize, glyph) (0, 0)

getGlyphIndexCurvesAtPointSizeAndPos :: Font -> Dpi -> Int -> (PointSize, Glyph)
                                     -> (Int, Int)
                                     -> [VU.Vector (Float, Float)]
getGlyphIndexCurvesAtPointSizeAndPos Font { _fontHeader = Nothing } _ _ _ _ = []
getGlyphIndexCurvesAtPointSizeAndPos Font { _fontGlyph = Nothing } _ _ _ _ = []
    Font { _fontHeader = Just hdr, _fontGlyph = Just allGlyphs }
        dpi _maximumSize (pointSize, topGlyph) (baseX, baseY) = glyphReverse <$> glyphExtract topGlyph
    go index | index >= V.length allGlyphs = []
             | otherwise = glyphExtract $ allGlyphs V.! index

    pixelSize = pointSize `pointInPixelAtDpi` dpi
    emSize = fromIntegral $ _fUnitsPerEm hdr

    baseYF = toPixelCoordinate (0 :: Int) baseY

    glyphReverse = VU.map (\(x,y) -> (x, baseYF - y))

    toPixelCoordinate shift coord =
        (fromIntegral (shift + fromIntegral coord) * pixelSize) / emSize

    composeGlyph composition = VU.map updateCoords <$> subCurves
        subCurves = go . fromIntegral $ _glyphCompositeIndex composition
        toFloat v = fromIntegral v / (0x4000 :: Float)
        CompositeScaling ai bi ci di ei fi = _glyphCompositionScale composition

        scaler v1 v2
            | fromIntegral (abs (abs ai - abs ci)) <= (33 / 65536 :: Float) = 2 * vf
            | otherwise = vf
           vf = toFloat $ max (abs v1) (abs v2)

        m = scaler ai bi
        n = scaler ci di

        am = toFloat ai / m
        cm = toFloat ci / m
        bn = toFloat ci / n
        dn = toFloat di / n
        e = fromIntegral ei
        f = fromIntegral fi

        updateCoords (x,y) =
            (m * (am * x + cm *y + e), n * (bn * x + dn * y + f))

    glyphExtract Glyph { _glyphContent = GlyphEmpty } = []
    glyphExtract Glyph { _glyphContent = GlyphComposite compositions _ } =
        concatMap composeGlyph $ V.toList compositions
    glyphExtract Glyph { _glyphContent = GlyphSimple countour } =
        [ VU.map mapper c | c <- extractFlatOutline countour]
        mapper (x,y) =
          (toPixelCoordinate baseX x, toPixelCoordinate (0 :: Int) y)

-- | True if the character is not present in the font, therefore it
-- will appear as a placeholder in renderings.
isPlaceholder :: Font -> Char -> Bool
isPlaceholder Font { _fontMap = Just fontMap } character =
    findCharGlyph fontMap 0 character == 0
isPlaceholder Font { _fontMap = Nothing } _ = True

-- | Retrive the glyph contours and associated transformations.
-- The coordinate system is assumed to be the TTF one (y upward).
-- No transformation is performed.
getCharacterGlyphsAndMetrics :: Font
                             -> Char
                             -> (Float, V.Vector RawGlyph) -- ^ Advance and glyph information.
    Font { _fontMap = Just mapping
         , _fontGlyph = Just allGlyphs
         , _fontHorizontalMetrics = Just hmtx }
        character =
    (advance, getCharacterGlyphs allGlyphs allMetrics glyphIndex)
    glyphIndex = findCharGlyph mapping 0 character
    allMetrics = _glyphMetrics hmtx
    metrics = allMetrics V.! glyphIndex
    advance = fromIntegral (_hmtxAdvanceWidth metrics)
getCharacterGlyphsAndMetrics _ _ = (0, mempty)

-- | This type represent unscaled glyph information, everything
-- is still in its raw form.
data RawGlyph = RawGlyph
    { -- | List of transformations to apply to the contour in order
      -- to get their correct placement.
      _rawGlyphCompositionScale :: ![CompositeScaling]

      -- | Glyph index in the current font.
    , _rawGlyphIndex            :: !Int

      -- | Real Geometry of glyph, each vector contain one
      -- contour.
    , _rawGlyphContour          :: ![VU.Vector (Int16, Int16)]

prependScale :: CompositeScaling -> RawGlyph -> RawGlyph
prependScale scale rGlyph =
    rGlyph { _rawGlyphCompositionScale = scale : _rawGlyphCompositionScale rGlyph }

getCharacterGlyphs :: V.Vector Glyph -> V.Vector HorizontalMetric -> Int
                   -> V.Vector RawGlyph
getCharacterGlyphs allGlyphs allMetrics glyphIndex =
    case _glyphContent (allGlyphs V.! glyphIndex) of
      GlyphEmpty -> mempty
      GlyphComposite compositions _ -> V.concatMap expandComposition compositions
      GlyphSimple countour ->
          V.singleton . RawGlyph mempty glyphIndex $ extractFlatOutline countour
    recurse = getCharacterGlyphs allGlyphs allMetrics 

    expandComposition GlyphComposition { _glyphCompositeIndex = index
                                       , _glyphCompositionScale = scale } =
      V.map (prependScale scale) . recurse $ fromIntegral index