v * Added ```splitOnData``` for assigning via a given set of data cols. * Bumped upper bounds * Checked compilation w/ghc-8.10.2 * Fixed a redundant include warning for Monoid using CPP in Frames.Folds v * Added Combinator for aggregation in Frames.Aggregation along with helpers to create folds over data cols, promote simple functions to record functions to be used in aggregations, combine key aggregations. * Added ```toRecordFold``` to the Folds modules to simplify making record to record folds from record to Type folds. See examples. * Added an example of its use in the example. * Added the full record/functor generalization in Frames.Aggregation.General * Added the specialization to ```Maybe``` in Frames.Aggregation.Maybe * Cleanup of unneccesary imports * Suppressed Orphan Instance warnings about Hashable instances for ```Record``` and general record types. These instances should properly be in Vinyl. * Bumped some upper bounds for GHC 8.8. Still can't compile with 8.8+ until discrimination is updated. v * Added Combinators for ```record (Maybe :. ElField) rs``` (Much thanks to Tim Pierson, @o1lo01ol1o, for the idea and the work!). * Added Combinators polymorphic in record type (```Rec```, ```ARec``` or ```SRec``` are supported) and composed interpretation functor ```f :. ElField``` * ```Maybe :. ElField``` case now uses the general case in order to avoid code duplication * ```Record``` case still uses separate code because the amount of new coercion code required was enough to not seem worth the re-use of the polymorphic case. v * Changed example from "executable" to "test-suite". Now it doens't need to be built and its dependencies don't leak to library users. v * lowered containers lower bound * rasied some outdated upper bounds (profunctors, hashable) v * Initial hackage release