module Graphics.UI.GLFW
  ( -- * Error handling
    Error (..)
  , setErrorCallback, ErrorCallback

    -- * Initialization and version information
  , Version (..)
  , init
  , terminate
  , getVersion
  , getVersionString

    -- * Monitor handling
  , Monitor
  , MonitorState (..)
  , VideoMode    (..)
  , GammaRamp    (gammaRampRed, gammaRampGreen, gammaRampBlue)
  , makeGammaRamp
  , getMonitors
  , getPrimaryMonitor
  , getMonitorPos
  , getMonitorPhysicalSize
  , getMonitorName
  , setMonitorCallback, MonitorCallback
  , getVideoModes
  , getVideoMode
  , setGamma
  , getGammaRamp
  , setGammaRamp

    -- * Window handling
  , Window
  , WindowHint        (..)
  , FocusState        (..)
  , IconifyState      (..)
  , ContextRobustness (..)
  , OpenGLProfile     (..)
  , ClientAPI         (..)
  , defaultWindowHints
  , windowHint
  , createWindow
  , destroyWindow
  , windowShouldClose
  , setWindowShouldClose
  , setWindowTitle
  , getWindowPos
  , setWindowPos
  , getWindowSize
  , setWindowSize
  , getFramebufferSize
  , iconifyWindow
  , restoreWindow
  , showWindow
  , hideWindow
  , getWindowMonitor
  , setCursorPos
    -- related to c'glfwGetWindowAttrib --.
  , getWindowFocused                   -- |
  , getWindowIconified                 -- |
  , getWindowResizable                 -- |
  , getWindowDecorated                 -- |
  , getWindowVisible                   -- |
  , getWindowClientAPI                 -- |
  , getWindowContextVersionMajor       -- |
  , getWindowContextVersionMinor       -- |
  , getWindowContextVersionRevision    -- |
  , getWindowContextRobustness         -- |
  , getWindowOpenGLForwardCompat       -- |
  , getWindowOpenGLDebugContext        -- |
  , getWindowOpenGLProfile  --------------'
  , setWindowPosCallback,       WindowPosCallback
  , setWindowSizeCallback,      WindowSizeCallback
  , setWindowCloseCallback,     WindowCloseCallback
  , setWindowRefreshCallback,   WindowRefreshCallback
  , setWindowFocusCallback,     WindowFocusCallback
  , setWindowIconifyCallback,   WindowIconifyCallback
  , setFramebufferSizeCallback, FramebufferSizeCallback
  , pollEvents
  , waitEvents
  , postEmptyEvent

    -- * Input handling
  , Key                         (..)
  , KeyState                    (..)
  , Joystick                    (..)
  , JoystickButtonState         (..)
  , MouseButton                 (..)
  , MouseButtonState            (..)
  , CursorState                 (..)
  , CursorInputMode             (..)
  , StickyKeysInputMode         (..)
  , StickyMouseButtonsInputMode (..)
  , ModifierKeys                (..)
  , Image                       (..)
  , Cursor                      (..)
  , StandardCursorShape         (..)
    -- related to c'glfwSetInputMode ----.
  , getCursorInputMode                -- |
  , setCursorInputMode                -- |
  , getStickyKeysInputMode            -- |
  , setStickyKeysInputMode            -- |
  , getStickyMouseButtonsInputMode    -- |
  , setStickyMouseButtonsInputMode  -----'
  , getKey
  , getMouseButton
  , getCursorPos
  , setKeyCallback,         KeyCallback
  , setCharCallback,        CharCallback
  , setMouseButtonCallback, MouseButtonCallback
  , setCursorPosCallback,   CursorPosCallback
  , setCursorEnterCallback, CursorEnterCallback
  , createCursor
  , createStandardCursor
  , setCursor
  , destroyCursor
  , setScrollCallback,      ScrollCallback
  , setDropCallback,        DropCallback
  , joystickPresent
  , getJoystickAxes
  , getJoystickButtons
  , getJoystickName

    -- * Time
  , getTime
  , setTime

    -- * Context
  , makeContextCurrent
  , getCurrentContext
  , swapBuffers
  , swapInterval
  , extensionSupported

    -- * Clipboard
  , getClipboardString
  , setClipboardString
  ) where


import Prelude hiding (init)

import Control.Monad         (when, liftM)
import Data.IORef            (IORef, atomicModifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef)
import Foreign.C.String      (peekCString, withCString)
import Foreign.C.Types       (CUInt, CUShort)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (advancePtr, allocaArray, peekArray, withArray)
import Foreign.Ptr           (FunPtr, freeHaskellFunPtr, nullFunPtr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.StablePtr
import Foreign.Storable      (Storable (..))
import System.IO.Unsafe      (unsafePerformIO)

import Graphics.UI.GLFW.C
import Graphics.UI.GLFW.Types

import Bindings.GLFW


-- We store FunPtrs from mk'GLFW*fun in these stored*Fun IORefs. Initialized
-- with unsafePerformIO, they are basically mutable global variables.

storedErrorFun           :: IORef C'GLFWerrorfun
storedMonitorFun         :: IORef C'GLFWmonitorfun

storedErrorFun           = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef nullFunPtr
storedMonitorFun         = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef nullFunPtr

-- These NOINLINE pragmas are due to use of unsafePerformIO.
-- See .

{-# NOINLINE storedErrorFun           #-}
{-# NOINLINE storedMonitorFun         #-}

  :: (c -> IO (FunPtr c))                    -- wf   wrapper function
  -> (h -> c)                                -- af   adapter function
  -> (FunPtr c -> IO (FunPtr c))             -- gf   c'glfwSet*Callback function
  -> (WindowCallbacks -> IORef (FunPtr c))   -- ior  accessor for storage location
  -> Window                                  -- win  window
  -> Maybe h                                 -- mcb  Haskell callback
  -> IO ()
setWindowCallback wr af gf ior win mcb = do
    pcallbacks <- castPtrToStablePtr `liftM` c'glfwGetWindowUserPointer (unWindow win)
    callbacks <- deRefStablePtr pcallbacks
    setCallback wr af gf (ior callbacks) mcb

  :: (c -> IO (FunPtr c))          -- wf   wrapper function
  -> (h -> c)                      -- af   adapter function
  -> (FunPtr c -> IO (FunPtr c))   -- gf   c'glfwSet*Callback function
  -> IORef (FunPtr c)              -- ior  storage location
  -> Maybe h                       -- mcb  Haskell callback
  -> IO ()
setCallback wf af gf ior mcb = do
    -- If mcb is Just, make ccb the FunPtr of the adapted callback. Otherwise a
    -- null FunPtr.
    ccb <- maybe (return nullFunPtr) (wf . af) mcb
    -- Call the GLFW callback-setting function.
    _ <- gf ccb
    -- Store it.
    storeCallback ior ccb

storeCallback :: IORef (FunPtr a) -> FunPtr a -> IO ()
storeCallback ior new = do
    -- Store the new FunPtr, retrieve the previous one.
    prev <- atomicModifyIORef ior (\cur -> (new, cur))
    -- Free the old FunPtr if necessary.
    when (prev /= nullFunPtr) $ freeHaskellFunPtr prev


type ErrorCallback           = Error -> String                                           -> IO ()
type WindowPosCallback       = Window -> Int -> Int                                      -> IO ()
type WindowSizeCallback      = Window -> Int -> Int                                      -> IO ()
type WindowCloseCallback     = Window                                                    -> IO ()
type WindowRefreshCallback   = Window                                                    -> IO ()
type WindowFocusCallback     = Window -> FocusState                                      -> IO ()
type WindowIconifyCallback   = Window -> IconifyState                                    -> IO ()
type FramebufferSizeCallback = Window -> Int -> Int                                      -> IO ()
type MouseButtonCallback     = Window -> MouseButton -> MouseButtonState -> ModifierKeys -> IO ()
type CursorPosCallback       = Window -> Double -> Double                                -> IO ()
type CursorEnterCallback     = Window -> CursorState                                     -> IO ()
type ScrollCallback          = Window -> Double -> Double                                -> IO ()
type KeyCallback             = Window -> Key -> Int -> KeyState -> ModifierKeys          -> IO ()
type CharCallback            = Window -> Char                                            -> IO ()
type MonitorCallback         = Monitor -> MonitorState                                   -> IO ()

-- 3.1 additions

-- CB scheduling

data ScheduledCallbacks = ScheduledCallbacks
  { _forward :: [IO ()] -- Execution iterates this list
  , _backward :: [IO ()] -- New schedules prepend here

storedScheduledCallbacks :: IORef ScheduledCallbacks
storedScheduledCallbacks = unsafePerformIO . newIORef $ ScheduledCallbacks [] []

-- This NOINLINE pragma is due to use of unsafePerformIO.
-- See .

{-# NOINLINE storedScheduledCallbacks #-}

-- This is provided in newer "base" versions. To avoid depending on
-- it, it's reimplemented here. Should remove if/when compatibility
-- with older base is not an issue:
atomicModifyIORef' :: IORef a -> (a -> (a,b)) -> IO b
atomicModifyIORef' ref f = do
    b <- atomicModifyIORef ref
            (\x -> let (a, b) = f x
                    in (a, a `seq` b))
    b `seq` return b

schedule :: IO () -> IO ()
schedule act =
  atomicModifyIORef' storedScheduledCallbacks $
  \(ScheduledCallbacks oldForward oldBackward) ->
  (ScheduledCallbacks oldForward (act : oldBackward), ())

splitFirst :: [a] -> (Maybe a, [a])
splitFirst [] = (Nothing, [])
splitFirst (x:xs) = (Just x, xs)

getNextScheduled :: IO (Maybe (IO ()))
getNextScheduled =
  atomicModifyIORef storedScheduledCallbacks $
  \(ScheduledCallbacks oldForward oldBackward) ->
  case oldForward of
    [] ->
      let (mCb, newForward) = splitFirst (reverse oldBackward)
      in (ScheduledCallbacks newForward [], mCb)
    (cb:rest) ->                -- Eat forward first
      (ScheduledCallbacks rest oldBackward, Just cb)

executeScheduled :: IO ()
executeScheduled = do
  mcb <- getNextScheduled
  case mcb of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just cb -> cb >> executeScheduled

-- Error handling

setErrorCallback :: Maybe ErrorCallback -> IO ()
setErrorCallback = setCallback
    (\cb a0 a1 -> do
        s <- peekCString a1
        schedule $ cb (fromC a0) s)

-- Initialization and version information

init :: IO Bool
init =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwInit

terminate :: IO ()
terminate = do
    -- Free all stored FunPtrs.
    storeCallback storedErrorFun           nullFunPtr
    storeCallback storedMonitorFun         nullFunPtr

getVersion :: IO Version
getVersion =
    allocaArray 3 $ \p -> do
        let p0 = p
            p1 = p `advancePtr` 1
            p2 = p `advancePtr` 2
        c'glfwGetVersion p0 p1 p2
        v0 <- fromC `fmap` peek p0
        v1 <- fromC `fmap` peek p1
        v2 <- fromC `fmap` peek p2
        return $ Version v0 v1 v2

getVersionString :: IO (Maybe String)
getVersionString = do
    p'vs <- c'glfwGetVersionString
    if p'vs /= nullPtr
      then Just `fmap` peekCString p'vs
      else return Nothing

-- Monitor handling

getMonitors :: IO (Maybe [Monitor])
getMonitors =
    alloca $ \p'n -> do
        p'mon <- c'glfwGetMonitors p'n
        n <- fromC `fmap` peek p'n
        if p'mon == nullPtr || n <= 0
          then return Nothing
          else (Just . map fromC) `fmap` peekArray n p'mon

getPrimaryMonitor :: IO (Maybe Monitor)
getPrimaryMonitor = do
    p'mon <- c'glfwGetPrimaryMonitor
    return $
      if p'mon == nullPtr
        then Nothing
        else Just $ fromC p'mon

getMonitorPos :: Monitor -> IO (Int, Int)
getMonitorPos mon =
    allocaArray 2 $ \p -> do
        let p'x = p
            p'y = p `advancePtr` 1
        c'glfwGetMonitorPos (toC mon) p'x p'y
        x <- fromC `fmap` peek p'x
        y <- fromC `fmap` peek p'y
        return (x, y)

getMonitorPhysicalSize :: Monitor -> IO (Int, Int)
getMonitorPhysicalSize mon =
    allocaArray 2 $ \p -> do
        let p'w = p
            p'h = p `advancePtr` 1
        c'glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize (toC mon) p'w p'h
        w <- fromC `fmap` peek p'w
        h <- fromC `fmap` peek p'h
        return (w, h)

getMonitorName :: Monitor -> IO (Maybe String)
getMonitorName mon = do
    p'name <- c'glfwGetMonitorName (toC mon)
    if p'name == nullPtr
      then return Nothing
      else Just `fmap` peekCString p'name

setMonitorCallback :: Maybe MonitorCallback -> IO ()
setMonitorCallback = setCallback
    (\cb a0 a1 -> schedule $ cb (fromC a0) (fromC a1))

getVideoModes :: Monitor -> IO (Maybe [VideoMode])
getVideoModes mon =
    alloca $ \p'n -> do
        p'vms <- c'glfwGetVideoModes (toC mon) p'n
        n <- fromC `fmap` peek p'n
        if p'vms == nullPtr || n <= 0
          then return Nothing
          else (Just . map fromC) `fmap` peekArray n p'vms

getVideoMode :: Monitor -> IO (Maybe VideoMode)
getVideoMode mon = do
    p'vm <- c'glfwGetVideoMode (toC mon)
    if p'vm == nullPtr
      then return Nothing
      else (Just . fromC) `fmap` peek p'vm

setGamma :: Monitor -> Double -> IO ()
setGamma mon e =
    c'glfwSetGamma (toC mon) (toC e)

getGammaRamp :: Monitor -> IO (Maybe GammaRamp)
getGammaRamp m = do
    p'ggr <- c'glfwGetGammaRamp (toC m)
    if p'ggr == nullPtr
      then return Nothing
      else do
          ggr <- peek p'ggr
          let p'rs = c'GLFWgammaramp'red   ggr
              p'gs = c'GLFWgammaramp'green ggr
              p'bs = c'GLFWgammaramp'blue  ggr
              cn   = c'GLFWgammaramp'size  ggr
              n    = fromC cn
          if n == 0 || nullPtr `elem` [p'rs, p'gs, p'bs]
            then return Nothing
            else do
                rs <- map fromC `fmap` peekArray n p'rs
                gs <- map fromC `fmap` peekArray n p'gs
                bs <- map fromC `fmap` peekArray n p'bs
                return $ Just GammaRamp
                  { gammaRampRed   = rs
                  , gammaRampGreen = gs
                  , gammaRampBlue  = bs

setGammaRamp :: Monitor -> GammaRamp -> IO ()
setGammaRamp mon gr =
    let rs = map toC $ gammaRampRed   gr :: [CUShort]
        gs = map toC $ gammaRampGreen gr :: [CUShort]
        bs = map toC $ gammaRampBlue  gr :: [CUShort]
        -- GammaRamp's smart constructor ensures that the RGB lists all have
        -- equal length, so just use the number of reds.
        cn = toC $ length rs :: CUInt
    in alloca       $ \p'ggr ->
       withArray rs $ \p'rs  ->
       withArray gs $ \p'gs  ->
       withArray bs $ \p'bs  -> do
          let ggr = C'GLFWgammaramp
                      { c'GLFWgammaramp'red   = p'rs
                      , c'GLFWgammaramp'green = p'gs
                      , c'GLFWgammaramp'blue  = p'bs
                      , c'GLFWgammaramp'size  = cn
          poke p'ggr ggr
          c'glfwSetGammaRamp (toC mon) p'ggr

-- Window handling

defaultWindowHints :: IO ()
defaultWindowHints =

windowHint :: WindowHint -> IO ()
windowHint wh =
    let (t, v) = unpack
    in c'glfwWindowHint t v
    unpack = case wh of
      (WindowHint'Resizable           x) -> (c'GLFW_RESIZABLE,             toC x)
      (WindowHint'Visible             x) -> (c'GLFW_VISIBLE,               toC x)
      (WindowHint'Decorated           x) -> (c'GLFW_DECORATED,             toC x)
      (WindowHint'RedBits             x) -> (c'GLFW_RED_BITS,              toC x)
      (WindowHint'GreenBits           x) -> (c'GLFW_GREEN_BITS,            toC x)
      (WindowHint'BlueBits            x) -> (c'GLFW_BLUE_BITS,             toC x)
      (WindowHint'AlphaBits           x) -> (c'GLFW_ALPHA_BITS,            toC x)
      (WindowHint'DepthBits           x) -> (c'GLFW_DEPTH_BITS,            toC x)
      (WindowHint'StencilBits         x) -> (c'GLFW_STENCIL_BITS,          toC x)
      (WindowHint'AccumRedBits        x) -> (c'GLFW_ACCUM_RED_BITS,        toC x)
      (WindowHint'AccumGreenBits      x) -> (c'GLFW_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS,      toC x)
      (WindowHint'AccumBlueBits       x) -> (c'GLFW_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS,       toC x)
      (WindowHint'AccumAlphaBits      x) -> (c'GLFW_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS,      toC x)
      (WindowHint'AuxBuffers          x) -> (c'GLFW_AUX_BUFFERS,           toC x)
      (WindowHint'Samples             x) -> (c'GLFW_SAMPLES,               toC x)
      (WindowHint'RefreshRate         x) -> (c'GLFW_REFRESH_RATE,          toC x)
      (WindowHint'Stereo              x) -> (c'GLFW_STEREO,                toC x)
      (WindowHint'sRGBCapable         x) -> (c'GLFW_SRGB_CAPABLE,          toC x)
      (WindowHint'ClientAPI           x) -> (c'GLFW_CLIENT_API,            toC x)
      (WindowHint'ContextVersionMajor x) -> (c'GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, toC x)
      (WindowHint'ContextVersionMinor x) -> (c'GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, toC x)
      (WindowHint'ContextRobustness   x) -> (c'GLFW_CONTEXT_ROBUSTNESS,    toC x)
      (WindowHint'OpenGLForwardCompat x) -> (c'GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, toC x)
      (WindowHint'OpenGLDebugContext  x) -> (c'GLFW_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT,  toC x)
      (WindowHint'OpenGLProfile       x) -> (c'GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE,        toC x)

-- | Creates a new window.
-- Note: If running in GHCI don't forget to `:set -fno-ghci-sandbox` or you
-- may run into an assertion failure, segfault or other nasty crash.
createWindow :: Int -- ^ Desired width for the window.
             -> Int -- ^ Desired height for the window.
             -> String -- ^ Desired title for the window.
             -> Maybe Monitor -- ^ Monitor to use in fullscreen mode.
             -> Maybe Window  -- ^ Window for context object sharing, see
                              -- < here>.
             -> IO (Maybe Window)
createWindow w h title mmon mwin =
    withCString title $ \ptitle -> do
        charFun             <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        cursorEnterFun      <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        cursorPosFun        <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        framebufferSizeFun  <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        keyFun              <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        mouseButtonFun      <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        scrollFun           <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        windowCloseFun      <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        windowFocusFun      <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        windowIconifyFun    <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        windowPosFun        <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        windowRefreshFun    <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        windowSizeFun       <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        dropFun             <- newIORef nullFunPtr
        let callbacks = WindowCallbacks
              { storedCharFun             = charFun
              , storedCursorEnterFun      = cursorEnterFun
              , storedCursorPosFun        = cursorPosFun
              , storedFramebufferSizeFun  = framebufferSizeFun
              , storedKeyFun              = keyFun
              , storedMouseButtonFun      = mouseButtonFun
              , storedScrollFun           = scrollFun
              , storedWindowCloseFun      = windowCloseFun
              , storedWindowFocusFun      = windowFocusFun
              , storedWindowIconifyFun    = windowIconifyFun
              , storedWindowPosFun        = windowPosFun
              , storedWindowRefreshFun    = windowRefreshFun
              , storedWindowSizeFun       = windowSizeFun
              , storedDropFun             = dropFun
        p'win <- c'glfwCreateWindow
          (toC w)
          (toC h)
          (maybe nullPtr toC mmon)
          (maybe nullPtr toC mwin)
        if p'win == nullPtr
          then return Nothing
          else do callbackPtr <- newStablePtr callbacks
                  c'glfwSetWindowUserPointer p'win (castStablePtrToPtr callbackPtr)
                  return $ Just $ fromC p'win

destroyWindow :: Window -> IO ()
destroyWindow win = do
    pcb <- castPtrToStablePtr `liftM` c'glfwGetWindowUserPointer (toC win)
    cbs <- deRefStablePtr pcb
    c'glfwDestroyWindow (toC win)

    let free callback = do funptr <- readIORef (callback cbs)
                           when (funptr /= nullFunPtr) $ freeHaskellFunPtr funptr
    free storedCharFun
    free storedCursorEnterFun
    free storedCursorPosFun
    free storedFramebufferSizeFun
    free storedKeyFun
    free storedMouseButtonFun
    free storedScrollFun
    free storedWindowCloseFun
    free storedWindowFocusFun
    free storedWindowIconifyFun
    free storedWindowPosFun
    free storedWindowRefreshFun
    free storedWindowSizeFun
    freeStablePtr pcb

windowShouldClose :: Window -> IO Bool
windowShouldClose win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwWindowShouldClose (toC win)

setWindowShouldClose :: Window -> Bool -> IO ()
setWindowShouldClose win b =
    c'glfwSetWindowShouldClose (toC win) (toC b)

setWindowTitle :: Window -> String -> IO ()
setWindowTitle win title =
    withCString title $ c'glfwSetWindowTitle (toC win)

getWindowPos :: Window -> IO (Int, Int)
getWindowPos win =
    allocaArray 2 $ \p -> do
        let p'x = p
            p'y = p `advancePtr` 1
        c'glfwGetWindowPos (toC win) p'x p'y
        x <- fromC `fmap` peek p'x
        y <- fromC `fmap` peek p'y
        return (x, y)

setWindowPos :: Window -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
setWindowPos win x y =
    c'glfwSetWindowPos (toC win) (toC x) (toC y)

getWindowSize :: Window -> IO (Int, Int)
getWindowSize win =
    allocaArray 2 $ \p -> do
        let p'w = p
            p'h = p `advancePtr` 1
        c'glfwGetWindowSize (toC win) p'w p'h
        w <- fromC `fmap` peek p'w
        h <- fromC `fmap` peek p'h
        return (w, h)

setWindowSize :: Window -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
setWindowSize win w h =
    c'glfwSetWindowSize (toC win) (toC w) (toC h)

getFramebufferSize :: Window -> IO (Int, Int)
getFramebufferSize win =
    allocaArray 2 $ \p -> do
        let p'w = p
            p'h = p `advancePtr` 1
        c'glfwGetFramebufferSize (toC win) p'w p'h
        w <- fromC `fmap` peek p'w
        h <- fromC `fmap` peek p'h
        return (w, h)

iconifyWindow :: Window -> IO ()
iconifyWindow =
    c'glfwIconifyWindow . toC

restoreWindow :: Window -> IO ()
restoreWindow =
    c'glfwRestoreWindow . toC

showWindow :: Window -> IO ()
showWindow =
    c'glfwShowWindow . toC

hideWindow :: Window -> IO ()
hideWindow =
    c'glfwHideWindow . toC

getWindowMonitor :: Window -> IO (Maybe Monitor)
getWindowMonitor win = do
    p'mon <- c'glfwGetWindowMonitor (toC win)
    return $ if p'mon == nullPtr
      then Nothing
      else Just $ fromC p'mon

setCursorPos :: Window -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
setCursorPos win x y =
    c'glfwSetCursorPos (toC win) (toC x) (toC y)

-- start of functions related to c'glfwGetWindowAttrib

getWindowFocused :: Window -> IO FocusState
getWindowFocused win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetWindowAttrib (toC win) c'GLFW_FOCUSED

getWindowIconified :: Window -> IO IconifyState
getWindowIconified win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetWindowAttrib (toC win) c'GLFW_ICONIFIED

getWindowResizable :: Window -> IO Bool
getWindowResizable win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetWindowAttrib (toC win) c'GLFW_RESIZABLE

getWindowDecorated :: Window -> IO Bool
getWindowDecorated win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetWindowAttrib (toC win) c'GLFW_DECORATED

getWindowVisible :: Window -> IO Bool
getWindowVisible win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetWindowAttrib (toC win) c'GLFW_VISIBLE

getWindowClientAPI :: Window -> IO ClientAPI
getWindowClientAPI win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetWindowAttrib (toC win) c'GLFW_CLIENT_API

getWindowContextVersionMajor :: Window -> IO Int
getWindowContextVersionMajor win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetWindowAttrib (toC win) c'GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR

getWindowContextVersionMinor :: Window -> IO Int
getWindowContextVersionMinor win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetWindowAttrib (toC win) c'GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR

getWindowContextVersionRevision :: Window -> IO Int
getWindowContextVersionRevision win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetWindowAttrib (toC win) c'GLFW_CONTEXT_REVISION

getWindowContextRobustness :: Window -> IO ContextRobustness
getWindowContextRobustness win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetWindowAttrib (toC win) c'GLFW_CONTEXT_ROBUSTNESS

getWindowOpenGLForwardCompat :: Window -> IO Bool
getWindowOpenGLForwardCompat win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetWindowAttrib (toC win) c'GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT

getWindowOpenGLDebugContext :: Window -> IO Bool
getWindowOpenGLDebugContext win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetWindowAttrib (toC win) c'GLFW_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT

getWindowOpenGLProfile :: Window -> IO OpenGLProfile
getWindowOpenGLProfile win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetWindowAttrib (toC win) c'GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE

-- end of functions related to c'glfwGetWindowAttrib

setWindowPosCallback :: Window -> Maybe WindowPosCallback -> IO ()
setWindowPosCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (\cb a0 a1 a2 ->
      schedule $ cb (fromC a0) (fromC a1) (fromC a2))
    (c'glfwSetWindowPosCallback (toC win))

setWindowSizeCallback :: Window -> Maybe WindowSizeCallback -> IO ()
setWindowSizeCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (\cb a0 a1 a2 ->
      schedule $ cb (fromC a0) (fromC a1) (fromC a2))
    (c'glfwSetWindowSizeCallback (toC win))

setWindowCloseCallback :: Window -> Maybe WindowCloseCallback -> IO ()
setWindowCloseCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (. fromC)
    (c'glfwSetWindowCloseCallback (toC win))

setWindowRefreshCallback :: Window -> Maybe WindowRefreshCallback -> IO ()
setWindowRefreshCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (. fromC)
    (c'glfwSetWindowRefreshCallback (toC win))

setWindowFocusCallback :: Window -> Maybe WindowFocusCallback -> IO ()
setWindowFocusCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (\cb a0 a1 -> schedule $ cb (fromC a0) (fromC a1))
    (c'glfwSetWindowFocusCallback (toC win))

setWindowIconifyCallback :: Window -> Maybe WindowIconifyCallback -> IO ()
setWindowIconifyCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (\cb a0 a1 -> schedule $ cb (fromC a0) (fromC a1))
    (c'glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback (toC win))

setFramebufferSizeCallback :: Window -> Maybe FramebufferSizeCallback -> IO ()
setFramebufferSizeCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (\cb a0 a1 a2 -> schedule $ cb (fromC a0) (fromC a1) (fromC a2))
    (c'glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback (toC win))

pollEvents :: IO ()
pollEvents = c'glfwPollEvents >> executeScheduled

waitEvents :: IO ()
waitEvents = c'glfwWaitEvents >> executeScheduled

postEmptyEvent :: IO ()
postEmptyEvent = c'glfwPostEmptyEvent

-- Input handling

-- start of glfw{GS}etInputMode-related functions

getCursorInputMode :: Window -> IO CursorInputMode
getCursorInputMode win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetInputMode (toC win) c'GLFW_CURSOR

setCursorInputMode :: Window -> CursorInputMode -> IO ()
setCursorInputMode win c =
    c'glfwSetInputMode (toC win) c'GLFW_CURSOR (toC c)

getStickyKeysInputMode :: Window -> IO StickyKeysInputMode
getStickyKeysInputMode win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetInputMode (toC win) c'GLFW_STICKY_KEYS

setStickyKeysInputMode :: Window -> StickyKeysInputMode -> IO ()
setStickyKeysInputMode win sk =
    c'glfwSetInputMode (toC win) c'GLFW_STICKY_KEYS (toC sk)

getStickyMouseButtonsInputMode :: Window -> IO StickyMouseButtonsInputMode
getStickyMouseButtonsInputMode win =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetInputMode (toC win) c'GLFW_STICKY_MOUSE_BUTTONS

setStickyMouseButtonsInputMode :: Window -> StickyMouseButtonsInputMode -> IO ()
setStickyMouseButtonsInputMode win smb =
    c'glfwSetInputMode (toC win) c'GLFW_STICKY_MOUSE_BUTTONS (toC smb)

-- end of glfw{GS}etInputMode-related functions

getKey :: Window -> Key -> IO KeyState
getKey win k =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetKey (toC win) (toC k)

getMouseButton :: Window -> MouseButton -> IO MouseButtonState
getMouseButton win b =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetMouseButton (toC win) (toC b)

getCursorPos :: Window -> IO (Double, Double)
getCursorPos win =
    allocaArray 2 $ \p -> do
        let p'x = p
            p'y = p `advancePtr` 1
        c'glfwGetCursorPos (toC win) p'x p'y
        x <- fromC `fmap` peek p'x
        y <- fromC `fmap` peek p'y
        return (x, y)

setKeyCallback :: Window -> Maybe KeyCallback -> IO ()
setKeyCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (\cb a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 ->
      schedule $ cb (fromC a0) (fromC a1) (fromC a2) (fromC a3) (fromC a4))
    (c'glfwSetKeyCallback (toC win))

setCharCallback :: Window -> Maybe CharCallback -> IO ()
setCharCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (\cb a0 a1 -> schedule $ cb (fromC a0) (fromC a1))
    (c'glfwSetCharCallback (toC win))

setMouseButtonCallback :: Window -> Maybe MouseButtonCallback -> IO ()
setMouseButtonCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (\cb a0 a1 a2 a3 -> schedule $ cb (fromC a0) (fromC a1) (fromC a2) (fromC a3))
    (c'glfwSetMouseButtonCallback (toC win))

setCursorPosCallback :: Window -> Maybe CursorPosCallback -> IO ()
setCursorPosCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (\cb a0 a1 a2 -> schedule $ cb (fromC a0) (fromC a1) (fromC a2))
    (c'glfwSetCursorPosCallback (toC win))

setCursorEnterCallback :: Window -> Maybe CursorEnterCallback -> IO ()
setCursorEnterCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (\cb a0 a1 -> schedule $ cb (fromC a0) (fromC a1))
    (c'glfwSetCursorEnterCallback (toC win))

setScrollCallback :: Window -> Maybe ScrollCallback -> IO ()
setScrollCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (\cb a0 a1 a2 -> schedule $ cb (fromC a0) (fromC a1) (fromC a2))
    (c'glfwSetScrollCallback (toC win))

joystickPresent :: Joystick -> IO Bool
joystickPresent js =
    fromC `fmap` c'glfwJoystickPresent (toC js)

getJoystickAxes :: Joystick -> IO (Maybe [Double])
getJoystickAxes js =
    alloca $ \p'n -> do
        p'axes <- c'glfwGetJoystickAxes (toC js) p'n
        n <- fromC `fmap` peek p'n
        if p'axes == nullPtr || n <= 0
          then return Nothing
          else (Just . map fromC) `fmap` peekArray n p'axes

getJoystickButtons :: Joystick -> IO (Maybe [JoystickButtonState])
getJoystickButtons js =
    alloca $ \p'n -> do
        p'buttons <- c'glfwGetJoystickButtons (toC js) p'n
        n <- fromC `fmap` peek p'n
        if p'buttons == nullPtr || n <= 0
          then return Nothing
          else (Just . map fromC) `fmap` peekArray n p'buttons

getJoystickName :: Joystick -> IO (Maybe String)
getJoystickName js = do
    p'name <- c'glfwGetJoystickName (toC js)
    if p'name == nullPtr
      then return Nothing
      else Just `fmap` peekCString p'name

-- Time

getTime :: IO (Maybe Double)
getTime = do
    t <- fromC `fmap` c'glfwGetTime
    return $ if t == 0
      then Nothing
      else Just t

setTime :: Double -> IO ()
setTime =
    c'glfwSetTime . toC

-- Context

makeContextCurrent :: Maybe Window -> IO ()
makeContextCurrent =
    c'glfwMakeContextCurrent . maybe nullPtr toC

getCurrentContext :: IO (Maybe Window)
getCurrentContext = do
    p'win <- c'glfwGetCurrentContext
    return $ if p'win == nullPtr
      then Nothing
      else Just $ fromC p'win

swapBuffers :: Window -> IO ()
swapBuffers =
    c'glfwSwapBuffers . toC

swapInterval :: Int -> IO ()
swapInterval =
    c'glfwSwapInterval . toC

extensionSupported :: String -> IO Bool
extensionSupported ext =
    withCString ext $ \p'ext ->
      fromC `fmap` c'glfwExtensionSupported p'ext

-- Clipboard

setClipboardString :: Window -> String -> IO ()
setClipboardString win s =
    withCString s (c'glfwSetClipboardString (toC win))

getClipboardString :: Window -> IO (Maybe String)
getClipboardString win = do
    p's <- c'glfwGetClipboardString (toC win)
    if p's == nullPtr
      then return Nothing
      else Just `fmap` peekCString p's

-- 3.1 additions (

-- Cursor Objects

-- | Creates a new cursor.
createCursor :: Image -- ^ The desired cursor image.
             -> Int   -- ^ The desired x-coordinate, in pixels, of the cursor
                      --   hotspot.
             -> Int   -- ^ The desired y-coordinate, in pixels, of the cursor
                      --   hotspot.
             -> IO Cursor
createCursor (Image w h pxs) x y =
    alloca        $ \p'img ->
    withArray pxs $ \p'pxs -> do
        let img = C'GLFWimage (toC w)
                              (toC h)
        poke p'img img
        Cursor <$> c'glfwCreateCursor p'img (toC x) (toC y)

-- | Creates a cursor with a standard shape that can be set for a window with
-- setCursor.
createStandardCursor :: StandardCursorShape -> IO Cursor
createStandardCursor = (Cursor <$>) . c'glfwCreateStandardCursor . toC

-- | Sets the cursor image to be used when the cursor is over the client area
-- of the specified window. The set cursor will only be visible when the cursor
-- mode of the window is GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL.

-- On some platforms, the set cursor may not be visible unless the window also
-- has input focus.
setCursor :: Window -> Cursor -> IO ()
setCursor (Window wptr) (Cursor cptr) = c'glfwSetCursor wptr cptr

-- | Destroys a cursor previously created with `createCursor`. Any remaining
-- cursors will be destroyed by `terminate`.
destroyCursor :: Cursor -> IO ()
destroyCursor = c'glfwDestroyCursor . unCursor

-- Path Drop Input

type DropCallback = Window    -- ^ The window that received the event.
                  -> [String] -- ^ The file and/or directory path names
                  -> IO ()

-- | Sets the file drop callback of the specified window, which is called when
-- one or more dragged files are dropped on the window.
setDropCallback :: Window -> Maybe DropCallback -> IO ()
setDropCallback win = setWindowCallback
    (\cb w c fs -> do
        let count = fromC c
        fps <- flip mapM [0..count-1] $ \i -> do
            let p = advancePtr fs i
            p' <- peek p
            peekCString p'
        schedule $ cb (fromC w) fps)
    (c'glfwSetDropCallback (toC win))