True False 5 gtk-save True False 13 5 gtk-open False Gifcurry - mouse icon.ico center True False vertical True False Select an input file. True Select an Input File False True 0 True False True True True Start time. none gtk-media-play Start Time (seconds) number False True 0 True True Duration. 0 gtk-media-stop Duration (seconds) number False True 1 False True 1 True False vertical True False True True True GIF width in px. none gtk-justify-fill The width of the GIF. Width number False True 0 True True GIF quality from 1 to 100. 3 3 3 gtk-preferences The quality of the GIF between 1 and 100. Quality [1-100] number False True 1 False True 0 True True Optional top text. gtk-italic Text will show up at the top of the GIF. Optional top text. False True 1 False True 2 True True Optional bottom text. gtk-italic Text will show up at the bottom of the GIF. Optional bottom text. False True 3 True False Select an output folder. select-folder Select an Output Folder False True 4 True False False True 5 True True Output file name. none gtk-file Output file name. False True 6 True False Create True True True Create the GIF. create_icon half top True True True 0 Open True True True Open the GIF. open_icon half top True True True end 1 False True 7 True False button True True True half True True 0 button True True True half True True 1 False True 8 True False True False 5 5 Status False True 0 True False vertical False True 1 True True False Ready. False True True 2 True True 9