module Tests.Directory where import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import Test.QuickCheck (Property, (===)) import Test.HUnit.Base hiding (Test) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.List ((\\), sort) import qualified Data.DList as DList import System.FilePath.Glob.Base import System.FilePath.Glob.Directory import System.FilePath.Glob.Primitive import System.FilePath.Glob.Utils import Tests.Base (PString, unPS) tests :: Test tests = testGroup "Directory" [ testCase "includeUnmatched" caseIncludeUnmatched , testCase "onlyMatched" caseOnlyMatched , testGroup "commonDirectory" [ testGroup "edge-cases" testsCommonDirectoryEdgeCases , testProperty "property" prop_commonDirectory ] , testCase "globDir1" caseGlobDir1 , testGroup "repeated-path-separators" testsRepeatedPathSeparators ] caseIncludeUnmatched :: Assertion caseIncludeUnmatched = do let pats = ["**/D*.hs", "**/[MU]*.hs"] everything <- getRecursiveContentsDir "System" let expectedMatches = [ [ "System/FilePath/Glob/Directory.hs" ] , [ "System/FilePath/Glob/Match.hs" , "System/FilePath/Glob/Utils.hs" ] ] let everythingElse = everything \\ concat expectedMatches result <- globDirWith (GlobOptions matchDefault True) (map compile pats) "System" mapM_ (uncurry assertEqualUnordered) (zip expectedMatches (fst result)) case snd result of Nothing -> assertFailure "Expected Just a list of unmatched files" Just unmatched -> assertEqualUnordered everythingElse unmatched caseOnlyMatched :: Assertion caseOnlyMatched = do let pats = ["**/D*.hs", "**/[MU]*.hs"] let expectedMatches = [ [ "System/FilePath/Glob/Directory.hs" ] , [ "System/FilePath/Glob/Match.hs" , "System/FilePath/Glob/Utils.hs" ] ] result <- globDirWith globDefault (map compile pats) "System" mapM_ (uncurry assertEqualUnordered) (zip expectedMatches (fst result)) assertEqual "" Nothing (snd result) caseGlobDir1 :: Assertion caseGlobDir1 = do -- this is little a bit of a hack; we pass the same pattern twice to ensure -- that the optimization in the single pattern case is bypassed let naiveGlobDir1 p = fmap head . globDir [p, p] let pat = compile "FilePath/*/*.hs" let dir = "System" actual <- globDir1 pat dir expected <- naiveGlobDir1 pat dir assertEqual "" expected actual assertEqualUnordered :: (Ord a, Show a) => [a] -> [a] -> Assertion assertEqualUnordered = assertEqual "" `on` sort -- Like 'getRecursiveContents', except this function removes the root directory -- from the returned list, so that it should match* the union of matched and -- unmatched files returned from 'globDirWith', where the same directory was -- given as the directory argument. -- -- * to be a little more precise, these files will only match up to -- normalisation of paths e.g. some patterns will cause the list of matched -- files to contain repeated slashes, whereas the list returned by this -- function will not have repeated slashes. getRecursiveContentsDir :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] getRecursiveContentsDir root = fmap (filter (/= root) . DList.toList) (getRecursiveContents root) -- These two patterns should always be equal prop_commonDirectory' :: String -> (Pattern, Pattern) prop_commonDirectory' str = let pat = compile str (a, b) = commonDirectory pat in (pat, literal a <> b) prop_commonDirectory :: PString -> Property prop_commonDirectory = uncurry (===) . prop_commonDirectory' . unPS testsCommonDirectoryEdgeCases :: [Test] testsCommonDirectoryEdgeCases = zipWith mkTest [1 :: Int ..] testData where mkTest i (input, expected) = testCase (show i) $ do assertEqual "" expected (commonDirectory (compile input)) uncurry (assertEqual "") (prop_commonDirectory' input) testData = [ ("[.]/*", ("", compile "[.]")) , ("foo/[.]bar/*", ("", compile "[.]")) , ("[.]foo/bar/*", ("", compile "[.]foo/bar/*")) , ("*", ("", compile "*")) , ("[f]oo[.]/bar/*", ("foo./bar/", compile "*")) , ("foo[.]bar/baz/*", ("", compile "*")) , (".[.]/foo/*", ("../foo/", compile "*")) ] -- see #16 testsRepeatedPathSeparators :: [Test] testsRepeatedPathSeparators = zipWith mkTest [1 :: Int ..] testData where mkTest i (dir, pat, expected) = testCase (show i) $ do actual <- globDir1 (compile pat) dir assertEqualUnordered expected actual testData = [ ( "System" , "*//Glob///[U]*.hs" , [ "System/FilePath//Glob///Utils.hs" ] ) , ( "System" , "**//[GU]*.hs" , [ "System/FilePath//Glob.hs" , "System/FilePath/Glob//Utils.hs" ] ) , ( "System" , "File**/" , [ "System/FilePath/" ] ) , ( "System" , "File**//" , [ "System/FilePath//" ] ) , ( "System" , "File**///" , [ "System/FilePath///" ] ) , ( "System/FilePath" , "**//Glob.hs" , [ "System/FilePath//Glob.hs" ] ) , ( "System" , "**Path/Glob//Utils.hs" , [ "System/FilePath/Glob//Utils.hs" ] ) ]