Name: HDBC-postgresql Version: License: BSD3 Maintainer: Nicolas Wu Author: John Goerzen Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005-2011 John Goerzen license-file: LICENSE extra-source-files: LICENSE, hdbc-postgresql-helper.h, pgtypes_internal.h Makefile, README.txt, testsrc/TestTime.hs homepage: Category: Database synopsis: PostgreSQL driver for HDBC Description: This package provides a PostgreSQL driver for HDBC Stability: Stable Build-Type: Custom Cabal-Version: >=1.8 custom-setup setup-depends: Cabal >= 1.8 && < 3.1, base < 5 Flag splitBase description: Choose the new smaller, split-up package. Flag buildtests description: Build the executable to run unit tests default: False Flag minTime15 description: Use time 1.5 or higher. default: True Library Exposed-Modules: Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL Other-Modules: Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.Connection, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.ConnectionImpl, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.Statement, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.Types, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.Utils, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.Parser, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.PTypeConv, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.ErrorCodes Extensions: ExistentialQuantification, ForeignFunctionInterface Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, mtl, HDBC>=2.2.0, parsec, utf8-string, bytestring, old-time, convertible if flag(minTime15) Build-Depends: time >= 1.5 && < 1.10 CPP-Options: -DMIN_TIME_15 else Build-Depends: time < 1.5, old-locale if impl(ghc >= 6.9) Build-Depends: base >= 4 Extra-Libraries: pq C-Sources: hdbc-postgresql-helper.c Include-Dirs: . GHC-Options: -O2 -Wall Executable runtests if flag(buildtests) Buildable: True Build-Depends: HUnit, QuickCheck, testpack, containers, convertible, parsec, utf8-string, bytestring, old-time, base >= 4.6 && < 5.0, HDBC>=2.2.6 if flag(minTime15) Build-Depends: time >= 1.5 && < 1.9 CPP-Options: -DMIN_TIME_15 else Build-Depends: time < 1.5, old-locale else Buildable: False Main-Is: runtests.hs Other-Modules: Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.Connection, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.ConnectionImpl, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.Statement, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.Types, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.Utils, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.Parser, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.PTypeConv, Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.ErrorCodes, SpecificDB, SpecificDBTests, TestMisc, TestSbasics, TestUtils, Testbasics, Tests C-Sources: hdbc-postgresql-helper.c include-dirs: . Extra-Libraries: pq Hs-Source-Dirs: ., testsrc GHC-Options: -O2 Extensions: ExistentialQuantification, ForeignFunctionInterface source-repository head type: git location: