20 Feb 2025 0.5.4 Release Merge Daniil's Itskov's changes: Add files for building with nix Build with ghc-9.10.1 Remove tests for hCurry and hCompose where ghc-9.4.8 has poor type inference not seen in newer versions. 23 Sep 2023 0.5.3 Release Build with ghc-9.4.6 and ghc-9.6.1. ghc-9.4.6 cannot compile examples/Properties/LengthIndependent.hs as some types cannot be inferred. This is fixed in ghc-9.6.1. 18 Feb 2022 0.5.2 Release Remove custom Setup.lhs which was for ghc-7.6 Change to pun quasiquote improves error messages: For `f [pun| x y |] = ()` f :: _ => r (a ': b ': c) -> () -- old f :: _ => r as -> () -- new Previously if you supplied a 9 element record to a function needing 10 elements, the error would not name the missing field. It is possible but unlikely that the old code will need to a type annotation like (id :: HLengthGE x (HSucc (HSucc HZero)) => r x -> r x) 23 Oct 2021 0.5.1 Release Build & pass tests with ghc-8.4.4 through, though with dependencies for tests need cabal flags --allow-newer=base --allow-newer=template-haskell, and also invariant-functors and lens from git (as specified in `cabal.project`) Add examples/HListExample/OverloadedLabels.hs 19 Feb 2018 0.5.0 Release Build & pass tests with ghc-7.6 through Add Dredge.hs (ghc>=7.8): access nested records/variants given only the last label along a path Move toLabel to another class to allow it to return Labels with kinds other than Symbol. tipyLens can now change the element type Add hTake and hDrop Use TypeError for prettier error messages in ghc-8.0 (still backwards compatible) Improve HFind and HUpdateAtHNat error messages by mentioning the whole record being changed 22 Dec 2015 0.4.2 Release Depend on base-orphans to avoid multiple definitions of Typeable '[], Typeable '(:) 3 Aug 2015 0.4.1 Release Add RecordU.hs, a record type with elements stored in unboxed arrays Documentation fixes (Thor Michael Støre) 5 May 2015 0.4 Release 16 Apr 2015 Make tests run (and pass) when called by "runghc Setup test" Add hNot, and add HNotFD which is injective (unlike the type family) Replace uses of `HLength xs ~ n` with `HLengthEq xs n`. 15 Mar 2015 Add HCurry.hs. Redefine Arity such that `Arity f (HSucc HZero)` will refine the type of `f` to `x -> y`. SameLabels is generalized so that functions like 'asLabelsOf' do not need to explicitly convert a that specifies the ordering of labels. Additional constraints might be needed to restore the old behavior: > type SameLabelsOld x y = (HAllTaggedLV x, HAllTaggedLV y, SameLabels x y) Similarly HExtend instances Proxy intended for making Proxies used to disambiguate labels (see 'asLabelsOf' again). Add hMapOutV, zipVR, extendsVariant. Rename the previous splitVariant to splitVariant1, and use the name splitVariant for a function that splits a Variant into two Variants. Add projected to Labelable.hs which allows working on a smaller Record or Variant. Add HasFieldM for lookups that return a default value if the field is missing. Split HZip into two classes: class HUnzip r x y xy => HZip r x y xy. This allows instance HUnzip Variant x y xy. Add Data,Typeable,Enum,Bounded,Ord,Monoid instances for Variant and TIC Implement HRLabelSet in terms of HLabelSet, which simplifies inferred types that would otherwise have redundancy (HLabelSet (LabelsOf r), HRLabelSet r) Move definitions into FakePrelude, and split up examples/Properties.hs into separate modules to help with compilation times when adding new tests. 15 Feb 2015 Change HList to a data family (see comments in HList.hs). Change the Show instance for TIP and HList to use "," not ", " as the separator for consistency with Record and ordinary lists. Parameterize HZip over the collection type to work on Record, TIP as well as HList. Add and use HProxies for building the spine of a HList from the type, to avoid having HLists of undefined/error values somewhere. Build with ghc-7.10 RC1. RecordU/RecordUS is moved to broken/ instead of updating it. 9 Sep 2014 Change the ordering of the list produced by HLeftUnion / (.<++.) to better match hAppend / ++ suggested by the name. 25 Aug 2014 Add HSort, which provides a merge sort and a quick sort. Support _ (wildcard) with the pun quasiquoter, and make patterns such as [pun| x y _ |] constrain the Record or Variant to have at least 3 elements. Reduce the number of parameters for Labelable Allow operations with different label kinds (ie. Record [Tagged 1 x, Tagged "y" Int]) to proceed as expected. 13 Jul 2014 Start RecordU and RecordUS, a variation on Record where the values are stored in unboxed array(s). Add Partition, GroupBy and Span. Add list2HList and isos sameLength and sameLabels. 23 Jun 2014 TIPTransform and TIPTransformM become part of the distribution, and missing fields are reported with the Fail superclass technique. Projection of a TIP to a tuple is reimplemented without an explicit type signature. The functions are exported as tipyTuple, tipyTuple3 etc. Conversion between HLists and up to 6-tuples done with HTuple. Add ZipVariant, Unvariant, splitVariant, extendVariant, an instance Eq (Variant v) and an instance Labelable TIC. Add quickcheck in examples/Properties.hs. Coverage measured with HPC is about 40%. 5 Jun 2014 Start to parameterize operations on the collection type. This means that where we previously had HMapCxt f x y another type parameter with kind [*] -> * is added. This means previous uses of HMapCxt f x y become HMap HList f x y. This allows hMap to be used with Record and Variant. HUpdateAtLabel is similarly generalized. Rework Variant: the implementation is now similar to Dynamic and TIC. Likewise, TIP is implemented in terms of Record. 28 May 2014 Add tipyLens and ticPrism. Add a HExtend instance for Variant. Add functional dependencies to Labelable (and corresponding superclasses) to avoid ambiguous types. 26 May 2014 Add prisms for Variant. This adds a dependency on "profunctors". Parameterize Labelable on the collection type. This allows labelable labels to be used with RecordS or VariantS, where the resulting Optic is a Lens or Prism respectively. Remove recordLabels in favor of labelsOf: a kind variable which only appears on the RHS required a lengthy type annotation to fix that variable. Pattern matching to convert a `Label (a :: k)` to `a :: k` happens later on when another value with kind `k` is a available on the LHS. Improve type errors when accessing missing fields when using Labelable labels. Except for HPrism, the error message contains `Fail (FieldNotFound "x")`. This involved adding a HUpdateAtLabel class and HTPupdateAtLabel type which hides the `n` type variable. Reduce the number of parameters to HMapCxt. The old version could be defined in terms of the new version as: type HMapCxt_old f a b ha hb = (HMapCxt f a b, HList a ~ ha, HList b ~ hb) Reimplement RecordValues in terms of HMap. The original implementation is kept because it avoids the need for -XAllowAmbiguousTypes. Add hMapR and hMapV to map over the values in a Record or the value in a Variant respectively. These functions are defined in terms of HFmap which may be useful on it's own. Add a typeable instance for Label3, and change examples/cmdargs.hs to use this label kind. This allows the example to work with ghc-7.8.2 which lacks an instance Typeable (x :: Symbol). 28 Mar 2014 Release Fix build with ghc-7.8 broken by changes in HList 0.3.4 20 Feb 2014 Release 0.3.4 RecordPuns add ( ) syntax Use the tagged package: this removes LVPair and lowercase proxy. 03 Feb 2014 Release Relax hspec dependency 29 Jan 2014 Release Work with newer GHC.TypeLits (SingI and similar were moved out) 05 Nov 2013 Release fix `cabal test' 01 Nov 2013 Release 0.3 pun quasiquote supports nested records remove HStagedEq 30 Oct 2013 Another large patch from Adam Vogt Connect HList with Lens. The Data instance for HList treats HList as a list; a Data instance for HListFlat treats HList as a tuple. 24 Oct 2013 Another large patch from Adam Vogt Added HFoldl, HScanr, Data instances for HList, finished the update of Record, the Keyword example becomes full-fledged part of HList 17 Sep 2013 Another large patch from Adam Vogt Added HReplicate, SameLength constraint (used by HSequence and HMap), FunCxt for interpreting context applications, convenient syntax for record patterns, clean-up of ApplyAB and general clean-up 31 Aug 2013 Large patch from Adam Vogt Improving the Apply class (ApplyAB) to help type inference and avoid specifying many type sigatures. Fix a few of broken code files, in particular RecordAdv. 28 Aug 2013 Large patch from Adam Vogt moved files that need attention to broken/ put HSequence in with HList.HList: fixed the function added Label6 with GHC Symbols fix HZip, Variant, examples/TIPTransformM.hs Many Haddoc changes and beautifications format some examples for doctest 27 Aug 2013 Adam Vogt's patch greatly simplifying makeLabels. Updated TIC.hs 15 Nov 2012 Ported basic Records. 31 Oct 2012 New file HList/HList.hs contains the implementation of heterogeneous lists. HListPrelude.hs defines operations that work across all heterogeneous collections (lists, TIP, Records, etc). General clean-up, removing obsolete code. Code re-written up to Records. 25 Oct 2012 hUnfold hProjectByHNats and hProjectAwayByHNats now take type-level list of naturals as the argument. They are implemented in terms of Unfold. More computation is made purely type-level. 24 Oct 2012 Nat, Bool and [*] kinds HList is now GADT Rewriting FakePrelude, HListPrelude, HArray using type families to a large extent, and getting rid of functional dependencies 12 Oct 2011 Getting rid of overlapping instances in HOccurs Using only one TypeEq. This is the only place with overlapping instances Using ~ operator instead of TypeCast. Deprecating TypeCast Rearrangements of code, removing obsolete code Making sure everything works under GHC 7.0.4 19 May 2010 Beautification, release and tag 0.2.3 by Adam Vogt 26 April 2010 Patches from Adam Vogt to format documentation for Haddoc and to expose MakeLabels Release 0.2.1 by Gwern Branwen 29 March 2010 examples/TIPTransformM.hs, the monadic version of TIPTransform.hs 17 February 2010 Two patches from Adam Vogt to get the code compile on ghc-6.12 and to make Record Typeable instances nonstrict 10-14 January 2010 Reverse parameter order for .@. Changed fixity <++ Pushed uses of LANGUAGE pragmas further for OOHaskell examples 16 September 2009 Added TypeCastGeneric3, TypeEqGeneric3 -- the instances of typeCast and TypeEq that don't require separate compilation. They are like TypeCastGeneric2, TypeEqGeneric2, but integrated with the FakePrelude. Added the example file TIPTransform.hs, a variation on the keyword argument problem posed by Andrew U. Frank. Adjusted the LANGUAGE pragmas, made the examples run without the global -fglasgow-exts 15 September 2009 Release 0.2 by Gwern Branwen 11 August 2009 Made the regression tests run again. Please do "cd examples; make test-ghc" after any changes. 11 August 2009 Applied a patch from Justin Bailey: Updated fixity declarations for record operators for usability and to better match familiar list and arithmetic operators. Added Haddock comments for these operators 1 July 2009 Applied a set of four patches by Brian Bloniarz: Improve error messages from Record functions using the Fail type class trick Add hRearrange, to permute a Record by labels Expose a few hidden modules, needed for HaskellDB Make hMap, hMapOut & recordLabels maximally lazy Add recordValues, analogous to recordLabels 29 June 2008 Apply the set of patches by gwern0@gmail.com: moving a few files around, cleaning up hlist.cabal 3 February 2008 Fifteen patches by gwern0@gmail.com: Data.HList hierarchy, use of LANGUAGE, -Wall, changes to Cabal files 19 September 2007 Added HMemberM Optimized record projection in Record.hs. The optimization should be especially noticeable for record narrowing. Added NarrowM, which reports both success and failure of narrowing Added equivR, record equivalence modulo field order, with witnessing conversions ConsUnion.hs now checks for record types and treat the latter equivalent modulo the order of fields. This gives optimized, shallower unions. 13 September 2007 Added UnionSymRec, the symmetric union of two records. The code is not very optimal though. 12 September 2007 Added MakeLabels -- Template Haskell code for automatically generating Labels (as in Label4.hs). Renaming of (data) types in Records, to more meaningful names. 05 September 2007 Added ConsUnion.hs -- building homogeneous lists of heterogeneous components by constructing the union on-the-fly. 12 February 2007 Added patches by Einar Karttunen: Move files to subdirectories Add Cabal infrastructure and HList.hs Make it compile with GHC 6.6 31 October 2006 Added HSequence.hs: (monadic) `sequence' for heterogeneous lists. It is also the illustration of TypeCast. 26 October 2006 Added CHList.hs: Potentially infinite, open, statically constrained HLists. 30 August 2006 Record.hs: Labels now are exclusively type-level entities with no run-time representation. The Record API remains the same (although the implementation had to be adjusted). 31 July 2006 TAG Release-2.0. The HList DARCS repository announced. 22 June 2006 VariantP.hs: Our extensible (variant) list supports the regular list API. 20 June 2006 Added VariantP.hs -- polymorphic variants as dual of records. The extensibility problem solved? We can re-use as much as old code as possible, when extending the variant and extending the functions to the extended variant (and get the subtyping for free). 19 June 2006 Added RecordP.hs -- records with unzipped and fully phantom labels. Added tests as well. 08 May 2006 MainPatternMatch.hs -- example of pattern-matching on HList's Records 08 February 2006 Primed hMap/HMap as to enable a new native definition Started ChangeLog, finally.