{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} module Properties.Common where import Data.HList.CommonMain import Test.QuickCheck import Data.Array.Unboxed import Data.HList.Variant import Data.Monoid import Data.Semigroup import Control.Lens import Control.Applicative import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol) import Language.Haskell.TH #if MIN_VERSION_hspec_expectations(0,8,0) import Test.Hspec.Expectations (shouldBe, shouldReturn, Expectation, HasCallStack) #else import Test.Hspec.Expectations (shouldBe, shouldReturn, Expectation) import GHC.Exts (Constraint) type HasCallStack = (() :: Constraint) #endif hListT :: [TypeQ] -> TypeQ hListT = foldr (\a b -> [t| $a ': $b |]) promotedNilT hListE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ hListE = foldr (\a b -> [| $a `HCons` $b |]) [| HNil |] hNatE :: Int -> ExpQ hNatE n = foldr appE [| hZero |] (replicate n [| hSucc |]) hNatT :: Int -> TypeQ hNatT n = foldr appT [t| HZero |] (replicate n [t| HSucc |]) lx = Label :: Label "x" ly = Label :: Label "y" lz = Label :: Label "z" data BinF b = BinF (b -> b -> b) instance (bb ~ (b, b), b ~ b') => ApplyAB (BinF b') bb b where applyAB (BinF f) = uncurry f -- | A more general type than @===@ used to -- ensure that both sides can infer the same type eq :: (Show a, Show b, HCast a b, HCast b a, Eq a, Eq b) => a -> b -> Property eq x y = hCast x === Just y .&&. Just x === hCast y infix 4 `eq` shouldShowTo :: (HasCallStack, Show a) => a -> String -> Expectation shouldShowTo x y = show x `shouldBe` y infixr 0 `shouldShowTo` shouldReturnShowTo :: (HasCallStack, Show a) => IO a -> String -> Expectation shouldReturnShowTo x y = fmap show x `shouldReturn` y infixr 0 `shouldReturnShowTo` data HSuccF = HSuccF instance (psn ~ Proxy (HSucc n), pn ~ Proxy n) => ApplyAB HSuccF pn psn where applyAB _ = hSucc data HSplitAtAppend l = HSplitAtAppend (HList l) instance (pn ~ Proxy n, HSplitAt n l a b, HAppend (HList a) (HList b), y ~ HAppendR (HList a) (HList b)) => ApplyAB (HSplitAtAppend l) pn y where applyAB (HSplitAtAppend l) n = case hSplitAt n l of (a,b) -> hAppend a b data ConstTrue instance HEqByFn ConstTrue instance HEqBy ConstTrue x y True data ConstFalse instance HEqByFn ConstFalse instance HEqBy ConstFalse x y False instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Tagged t a) where arbitrary = fmap Tagged arbitrary instance Arbitrary (HList '[]) where arbitrary = return HNil instance (Arbitrary x, Arbitrary (HList xs)) => Arbitrary (HList (x ': xs)) where arbitrary = do x <- arbitrary xs <- arbitrary return $ x `HCons` xs instance (Arbitrary x, Arbitrary (Variant (Tagged t y ': ys)), HExtend (Tagged s (Maybe x)) (Variant (Tagged t y ': ys)), HNat2Integral (HLength ys)) => Arbitrary (Variant (Tagged s x ': Tagged t y ': ys)) where arbitrary = do let nys = hNat2Integral (Proxy :: Proxy (HLength ys)) x :: Maybe x <- frequency [ (1, Just <$> arbitrary), (nys+1, return Nothing) ] yys :: Variant (Tagged t y ': ys) <- arbitrary return $ Tagged x .*. yys instance Arbitrary z => Arbitrary (Variant '[Tagged t z]) where arbitrary = do z <- arbitrary return $ mkVariant1 Label z instance (CoArbitrary x, CoArbitrary (Variant (y ': z)), HNat2Integral n, n ~ HLength (y ': z)) => CoArbitrary (Variant (x ': y ': z)) where coarbitrary v = case splitVariant1' v of Left x -> variant (hNat2Integral (Proxy :: Proxy n) :: Int) . coarbitrary x Right v' -> coarbitrary v' instance (CoArbitrary v, Unvariant '[Tagged t v] v) => CoArbitrary (Variant '[Tagged t v]) where coarbitrary v = coarbitrary (unvariant v) -- | This type is used to make unique types with two members. -- -- > (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") /= (BoolN True :: BoolN "y") -- -- is a type error newtype BoolN (n :: Symbol) = BoolN Bool deriving (Eq,CoArbitrary,Arbitrary,Show,Read,Ord) boolN next = simple $ iso (\(BoolN x) -> x) BoolN next instance Monoid (BoolN n) where mempty = BoolN (getAll mempty) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 906 mappend (BoolN x) (BoolN y) = BoolN (getAll (mappend (All x) (All y))) instance Semigroup (BoolN n) where (<>) = mappend #else instance Semigroup (BoolN n) where (BoolN x) <> (BoolN y) = BoolN (getAll (mappend (All x) (All y))) #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,9,0) instance Arbitrary (Identity (BoolN n)) where arbitrary = fmap return arbitrary #endif data HSortF = HSortF instance (x ~ Record xs, y ~ Record ys, HRLabelSet ys, HSort xs ys) => ApplyAB HSortF x y where applyAB _ (Record x) = mkRecord (hSort x)