{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- NOTE: -- -- To be able to compile with ghc-7.6 functions like foo are sometimes -- called -- -- $(varE 'foo) because this prevents ghc-7.6 from failing to typecheck -- the expression (which fails because the number of elements in the -- supplied HList isn't known until Properties.LengthDependentSplice) module Properties.LengthDependent where #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) import qualified Data.Kind as DK #endif import Data.HList.HSort (hMSortBy) import Data.HList.Variant (eqVariant) import Data.HList.Record (hZipRecord2) import Data.HList.HList (hAppend') import Data.HList.CommonMain #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0) import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib.Internal hiding (doE) import Language.Haskell.TH (Name, mkName, doE) #else import Language.Haskell.TH #endif import Test.QuickCheck import Properties.Common import Test.Hspec import Control.Lens import Data.List (sort,permutations) import Data.Monoid hlN :: Int -> ExpQ hlN n = [| \proxy -> hSequence $ $(varE 'hReplicate) $(hNatE n) (arbitrary `asTypeOf` return proxy) |] -- > $(rKN id n) (undefined :: t) :: Arbitrary t => Gen (HList [Record t1, Record t2, ... ]) -- -- where -- t1 ~ '[Tagged 1 t, Tagged 2 t, Tagged 3 t, ... , Tagged n t] -- t2 ~ '[Tagged 2 t, Tagged 1 t, Tagged 3 t, ... , Tagged n t] -- tN ~ nth permutation of t1 rKN :: (forall a. [a] -> [a]) -- ^ take some subset of the permutations of 1 .. n -> Int -> ExpQ rKN = rKN' (litT . numTyLit) rKN' :: (Integer -> TypeQ) -- ^ make the label -> (forall a. [a] -> [a]) -- ^ take some subset of the permutations of 1 .. n -> Int -> ExpQ rKN' mkLab takeK n = [| \proxy -> do $(recs [| arbitrary `asTypeOf` return proxy |]) `asTypeOf` return $sig |] where sig = [| undefined |] `sigE` quantify [t| HList $(hListT rss) |] ti :: Int -> Name ti i = mkName ("t" ++ show i) recs gen = doE $ [ bindS (varP (ti i)) gen | i <- [1 .. n] ] ++ [ noBindS [| return $ $(hListE [ [| unlabeled # $(hListE (map (varE . ti) is)) |] | is <- takeK $ permutations [1 .. n] ]) |] ] myForallT :: [Name] -> TypeQ -> TypeQ #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0) myForallT ns = forallT [ plainInvisTV n inferredSpec | n <- ns ] (cxt []) #else myForallT ns = forallT (map plainTV ns) (cxt []) #endif quantify :: TypeQ -> TypeQ quantify = myForallT [ mkName ("x" ++ show i) | i <- [1 .. n]] rss :: [TypeQ] rss = takeK $ #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) [ [t| (Record :: [DK.Type] -> DK.Type) $(hListT (map taggedN ns)) |] #else [ [t| (Record :: [*] -> *) $(hListT (map taggedN ns)) |] #endif | ns <- permutations [1 .. fromIntegral n] ] -- taggedN 1 == [t| Tagged 1 x1 |] taggedN :: Integer -> TypeQ taggedN i = [t| Tagged $(mkLab i) $(varT (mkName ("x"++show i))) |] -- | > $(rN n) :: a -> Record [Tagged 1 a, Tagged 2 a, ... Tagged n a] rN n = [| \proxy -> $(varE 'hHead) `fmap` $(rKN (take 1) n) proxy |] -- | > $(rNstr n) :: a -> Record [Tagged "1" a, Tagged "2" a, ... Tagged n a] rNstr n = [| \proxy -> $(varE 'hHead) `fmap` $(rKN' (litT . strTyLit . show) (take 1) n) proxy |] vN :: Int -> ExpQ vN n = [| \proxy -> do let toV :: Gen (Record a) -> Variant a toV = undefined v <- arbitrary return (v `asTypeOf` toV ($(rN n) proxy)) |] -- specs for 1 HList of length >= 1 hl1 n1 = [| do let -- | generate a HList of length nMax containing elements -- selected from there genHL proxy = $(hlN n1) proxy it "hConcat/hAppend" $ property $ do x <- genHL True y <- genHL True return $ conjoin [$(varE 'hConcat) ($(varE 'hBuild) x y) == hAppend x y, $(varE 'hConcat) ($(varE 'hBuild) x y) == hAppend' x y, $(varE 'hConcat) (hBuild x) == x] it "partition" $ property $ do x <- genHL True return $ conjoin [hPartitionEq (Proxy :: Proxy ConstTrue) (Proxy :: Proxy ()) x `eq` (x, HNil), hPartitionEq (Proxy :: Proxy ConstFalse) (Proxy :: Proxy ()) x `eq` (HNil, x)] it "listAsHList/hList2List" $ do property $ do x <- genHL True return $ conjoin [ review listAsHList x `eq` hList2List x, review listAsHList' x `eq` hList2List x] it "read/show" $ property $ do xs <- genHL True return $ read (show xs) == xs it "hLength/hReplicate" $ property $ do xs <- genHL True return $ hNat2Integral (hLength xs) == hNat2Integral $(hNatE n1) it "hInits last id" $ property $ do xs <- genHL True return $ $(varE 'hLast) (hInits xs) == xs it "hInits head empty" $ property $ do xs <- genHL True return $ hHead (hInits xs) == HNil it "hTails head id" $ property $ do xs <- genHL True return $ hHead (hTails xs) == xs it "hTails last empty" $ property $ do xs <- genHL True return $ $(varE 'hLast) (hTails xs) == HNil it "hScanr equals scanr" $ property $ do f <- arbitrary a <- arbitrary hl <- genHL True return $ hList2List (hScanr (BinF f) a hl) == scanr f a (hList2List hl) it "hFoldr equals foldr" $ property $ do f <- arbitrary a <- arbitrary hl <- genHL True return $ hFoldr (BinF f) a hl == foldr f a (hList2List hl) it "hFoldr1 equals foldr1" $ property $ do f <- arbitrary hl <- genHL True return $ hFoldr1 (BinF f) hl == foldr1 f (hList2List hl) it "hFoldl equals foldl" $ property $ do f <- arbitrary a <- arbitrary hl <- genHL True return $ hFoldl (BinF f) a hl == foldl f a (hList2List hl) it "hSplitAt" $ property $ do hl <- genHL True let n = hLength hl l = hList2List hl -- hList2List doesn't like empty lists, and hMapOut id needs -- annotations, so the following cases are easier to construct -- than a direct comparison with splitAt return $ conjoin [ case hSplitAt hZero hl of (hNil, hl') -> (hNil `eq` HNil) .&&. (hl' `eq` hl), case $(varE 'hSplitAt) n hl of (hl', hNil) -> (hNil `eq` HNil) .&&. (hl' `eq` hl), $(varE 'hMap) (HSplitAtAppend hl) ($(varE 'hIterate) (hSucc n) HSuccF hZero) `eq` $(varE 'hReplicate) (hSucc n) hl , map (\n -> uncurry (++) $ splitAt n l) [0 .. length l] === replicate (length l+1) l -- the equivalent list-version ] it "hAppend empty is identity" $ property $ do x <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") return $ all (== x) [$(varE 'hAppend) HNil x, $(varE 'hAppend) x HNil] it "hReverse involution" $ do property $ do x <- genHL True return $ x == $(varE 'hReverse) (hReverse x) it "hReverse does nothing for ()" $ let xs = $(varE 'hReplicate) $(hNatE n1) () in xs `shouldBe` $(varE 'hReverse) xs it "hInit == tail on reverse" $ property $ do let hInitReference xs = hReverse (hTail (hReverse xs)) hl <- genHL True return $ $(varE 'hInit) hl `eq` $(varE 'hInitReference) hl it "hList2List/list2HList" $ property $ do x <- genHL True return $ list2HList (hList2List x) === Just x it "hMap equals map" $ property $ do f <- arbitrary hl <- genHL True return $ hList2List (hMap f hl) `eq` map (f :: Bool -> BoolN "f") (hList2List hl) it "hZip" $ property $ do x <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") y <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "y") return $ hList2List (hZip x y) `eq` hList2List x `zip` hList2List y it "hZipRecord" $ property $ do x <- $(rN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") y <- $(rN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "y") let r1 = hZip x y ^. unlabeled & hList2List r2 = hZipRecord2 x y ^. unlabeled & hList2List r_ = hList2List (x ^. unlabeled) `zip` hList2List (y ^. unlabeled) return $ conjoin [ r1 `eq` r_, r2 `eq` r_, hUnzip (hZip x y) `eq` (x,y) ] it "hZip/hUnZip" $ property $ do x <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") y <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "y") return $ hUnzip (hZip x y) == (x,y) it "hUnzip/hZip" $ property $ do xy <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "x", BoolN True :: BoolN "y") let (x,y) = hUnzip xy return $ xy `eq` hZip x y it "hUnzip2/hZip2" $ property $ do xy <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "x", BoolN True :: BoolN "y") let (x,y) = hUnzip2 xy return $ xy `eq` hZip2 x y -- XXX doesn't work with ghc-7.10.1 -- (should be fixed for 7.10.2) it "hZip/hZip2" $ property $ do x <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") y <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "y") return $ hZip x y `eq` hZip2 x y -- lots of duplication, not sure if it's worth factoring out it "HList monoid unit" $ property $ do x <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") return $ conjoin [ x === (x `mappend` mempty), x === (mempty `mappend` x) ] it "Record monoid unit" $ property $ do x <- $(rN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") return $ conjoin [ x === (x `mappend` mempty), x === (mempty `mappend` x) ] it "Variant monoid unit" $ property $ do x <- $(rN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") return $ conjoin [ x === (x `mappend` mempty), x === (mempty `mappend` x) ] -- lots of duplication, not sure if it's worth factoring out it "HList monoid assoc" $ property $ do x <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") y <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") z <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") return $ ((x `mappend` y) `mappend` z) `eq` (x `mappend` (y `mappend` z)) it "Record monoid assoc" $ property $ do x <- $(rN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") y <- $(rN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") z <- $(rN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") return $ ((x `mappend` y) `mappend` z) `eq` (x `mappend` (y `mappend` z)) it "Variant monoid assoc" $ property $ do x <- $(vN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") y <- $(vN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") z <- $(vN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") return $ ((x `mappend` y) `mappend` z) `eq` (x `mappend` (y `mappend` z)) it "Variant == /eqVariant" $ property $ do x <- $(vN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") y <- $(vN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") return $ conjoin [ eqVariant x y == (x == y), (x == y) == (y == x) ] it "Variant ord" $ property $ do x <- $(vN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") y <- $(vN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") z <- $(vN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") let xyz = [x,y,z] s:ss = map sort (permutations xyz) return $ all (s ==) ss #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 707 && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 901 -- ghc-7.6 has no ordering for Nat (only for HNat) it "hSort (the labels)" $ property $ do x <- $(rN n1) True let rx = x & from hListRecord %~ hReverse -- rN generates a record that has labels in ascending order already return $ conjoin [ x `eq` (x & from hListRecord %~ hSort), x `eq` (rx & from hListRecord %~ hSort), x `eq` (x & from hListRecord %~ hMSortBy (Proxy :: Proxy HLeFn)), x `eq` (rx & from hListRecord %~ hMSortBy (Proxy :: Proxy HLeFn)) ] -- restrict to lists of length 4 (since then the number of permutations -- is a manageable 24 not 120) it "hSort permutations" $ property $ do xs <- $(rKN id (min 4 n1)) True return $ all (== hHead xs) (hMapOut HSortF xs) #endif it "hRenameLabel" $ property $ do r <- $(rN n1) True return $ conjoin $(listE [ [| hRenameLabel $ln lx r .!. lx === r .!. $ln |] | i <- [1 .. n1], let ln = [| Label :: Label $(litT (numTyLit (fromIntegral i))) |] ]) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 901 it "rearranged / hMapR" $ property $ do r <- $(rN n1) True let revR = r & from hListRecord %~ hReverse asT :: x -> As x asT _ = id -- hMap works on the reversed list return $ hMapR not r === (r & rearranged' . asT revR . unlabeled %~ hMap not) #endif it "hOccurs" $ property $ do w <- arbitrary :: Gen (BoolN "w") x <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") y <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "y") z <- genHL (BoolN True :: BoolN "z") let xyz = hConcat (hBuild x y z) hxyz = hEnd (hBuild (hHead x) (hHead y) (hHead z)) -- -XNoMonoLocalBinds on ghc <= 7.10.4 allowed -- having one function hM1 v = hOccursMany xyz === hList2List v hM2 v = hOccursMany xyz === hList2List v hM3 v = hOccursMany xyz === hList2List v return $ conjoin [ hM1 x, hM2 y, hM3 z, hOccurs (hConcat (hBuild x (HCons w HNil) z)) === w, hOccursOpt xyz === (Nothing `asTypeOf` Just w) -- hProject hxyz === hBuild (hHead x) (hHead y) ] |] hl2 n1 n2 = [| do it "splitVariant" $ property $ do x <- $(vN (n1 + n2)) True let testV :: forall n x yin yout. (Eq (Variant x), SplitVariant x yin yout, HSplitAt n x yin yout, ExtendsVariant yin x, ExtendsVariant yout x) => Proxy n -> Variant x -> Bool testV n v = case $(varE 'splitVariant) v of Left a -> extendsVariant (a :: Variant yin) == v Right a -> extendsVariant (a :: Variant yout) == v return $ $(varE 'testV) $(hNatE n1) x it "hAppend equals ++" $ property $ do x <- $(hlN n1) True y <- $(hlN n2) True return $ hList2List (hAppend x y) === hList2List x ++ hList2List y it "hTranspose involution" $ property $ do x <- return (error "hTranspose involution") `asTypeOf` $(hlN n1) True xx <- $(hlN n2) x return $ $(varE 'hTranspose) ($(varE 'hTranspose) xx) === xx it "leftUnion / unionSR" $ property $ do x <- $(rN n1) True y <- $(rN n2) True let asL r = r ^. unlabeled . to hList2List asLs (r1,r2) = (asL r1, asL r2) merge xs ys = xs ++ drop (length xs) ys mergeSym xs ys = (merge xs ys, merge ys xs) eqSorted (a,b) (c,d) = sort a === sort c .&&. sort b === sort d return $ conjoin [ asL (x .<++. y) === asL x `merge` asL y, ($(varE '(.<++.)) x x) === x, ($(varE '(.<++.)) y y) === y, asLs (unionSR x y) `eqSorted` mergeSym (asL x) (asL y), (x `unionSR` x) === (x,x), (y `unionSR` y) === (y,y)] |] hl3 n1 n2 n3 = [| do it "hAppend/hAppendList assoc" $ property $ do x <- $(hlN n1) (BoolN True :: BoolN "x") y <- $(hlN n2) (BoolN True :: BoolN "y") z <- $(hlN n3) (BoolN True :: BoolN "z") return $ conjoin #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 707 [ $([| (x `hAppend` y) `hAppend` z |]) === $([| x `hAppend` (y `hAppend` z) |]), $([| (x `hAppendList` y) `hAppendList` z|]) === $([| x `hAppendList` (y `hAppendList` z)|]) ] #else [ ((x `hAppend` y) `hAppend` z) === (x `hAppend` (y `hAppend` z)), ((x `hAppendList` y) `hAppendList` z) === (x `hAppendList` (y `hAppendList` z)) ] #endif |]