# HNumeric ![Travis](https://travis-ci.org/Axect/HNumeric.svg?branch=master) ## Packages * HNum.Vector : Contain vector, matrix, linear algebra * HNum.Stats : Contain statistical functions ## Installation ### 1. Cabal Install ```sh cabal update cabal install HNumeric ``` That's all! ### 2. Import to Stack project If you use this package to your own project, then you should change `stack.yaml` and `package.yaml` #### 1) Change `stack.yaml` ```yaml # In stack.yaml extra-deps: - git: https://github.com/Axect/HNumeric.git commit: [Latest Commit] - normaldistribution-1.1.0,3 ``` * Replace [Latest Commit] with latest commit in [HNumeric Commit](https://github.com/Axect/HNumeric/commits/master) #### 2) Change `package.yaml` ```yaml # In package.yaml dependecies: - base - HNumeric - normaldistribution ``` Then enjoy! ## Usage ### Import Module * HNum.Vector * HNum.Stats ### Basic Vector Usage ```haskell -- HNumeric- Documentation let a = vector [1,2,3] -- Vector declaration let b = vector [4,5,6] -- Print Vector print a -- You can (+1) by fmap (Vector is functor) (+1) <$> a -- Or MATLAB-like operator (.+, .-, .*, ./, .^) a .+ 1 -- You can make list from vector toList a -- [1, 2, 3] -- You can make vector from list fromList [1,2,3] -- Vector [1,2,3] -- You can add (subtract, multiply, divide) vectors a + b -- Vector [5,7,9] -- Also dot product is here. a .*. b -- 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6 = 32 -- Declare Matrix (Syntactic Sugar) let c = matrix [[1,2],[3,4]] -- or Declare using R Syntax let d = Matrix {val = Vector [5,6,7,8], row = 2, col = 2, byRow = True} -- Determinant det c -- Inverse inv c -- Transpose transpose c -- Matrix ops with Constant (+, -, *, /, ^) c .+ 1 -- Matrix [[2,3],[4,5]] -- Matrix ops with Matrix (+, -) c + c -- Matrix [[2,4],[6,8]] -- Matrix Multiplication c %*% d -- Matrix - Inverse Multiplication c %/% d -- Vector Concatenate hcat a b -- Vector [1,2,3,4,5,6] vcat a b -- Matrix [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] -- Matrix Concatenate hcat c d -- Matrix [[1,2,5,6],[3,4,7,8]] vcat c d -- Matrix [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]] -- Insert Vector to Matrix Vector [1, 2] .: c -- Matrix [[1,2],[1,2],[3,4]] ``` ### Basic Stats Usage ```haskell -- Sample Vector (import Vector) v = Vector [1..10] w = Vector [10, 9 .. 1] -- Mean mean v -- Var var v -- Std std v -- Cov Matrix cov v w -- Only Cov cov' v w -- Linear Fit (intercept, slope) = lm v w -- (11.0, -1.0) -- (Intercept, Slope) -- Linear Fit function lineFit (intercept, slope) (Vector [1 .. 20]) -- RSS rss v w -- RSE rse v w ``` ### TODO * ~~Effective Matrix Multiplication~~ * Write Vector to CSV * ~~Haddock~~ * DataFrame using Map * ~~Fix Matrix Implementation~~ * ~~Numeric Class Define~~