Module      : HNumeric.Stats
Description : Haskell Statistics Library with HNum.Vector
CopyRight   : (c) Tae Geun Kim, 2018
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : edeftg@gmail.com
Stability   : Experimental
module HNum.Stats where

import           HNum.Vector
import           Data.Random.Normal
import           System.Random

-- | To contain coefficients of linear regression.
type Coeff a = (a, a)
-- Basic Probability

-- | Factorial
fac :: Integral a => a -> a
fac 0 = 1
fac 1 = 1
fac n = product [1 .. n]

-- | Factorial with start n,end s
facStop :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
facStop n s = product [s .. n]

-- | Permutation
p :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
n `p` r = facStop n (n - r + 1)

-- | Combination using permutation
c :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
n `c` r = (n `p` r) `div` fac r

-- Basic Statistics
-- | Basic Statistics Class for Vector
class VecOps v => Statistical v where
  mean :: Fractional a => v a -> a
  -- | Single Valued covariance
  cov' :: Floating a => v a -> v a -> a
  -- | Covariance Matrix
  cov :: Floating a => v a -> v a -> Matrix a
  var :: Floating a => v a -> a
  std :: Floating a => v a -> a
  -- | Correlation Coefficient
  cor :: Floating a => v a -> v a -> a

instance Statistical Vector where
  mean x = sum x / fromIntegral (length x)
  cov' x y
    | length x <= 1 || length y <= 1 = error "Samples are not enough"
    | length x /= length y = error "Length is not same"
    | otherwise = ((x .- mean x) .*. (y .- mean y)) / fromIntegral (length x - 1)
  cov x y = matrix [[var x, cov' x y], [cov' y x, var y]]
  var v = cov' v v
  std = sqrt . var
  cor x y = cov' x y / (std x * std y)

-- Distribution  

-- | Least Square Method - (Intercept, Slope)
lm :: Floating a => Vector a -> Vector a -> Coeff a
lm x y = (my - b1 * mx, b1)
  mx = mean x
  my = mean y
  b1 = (x .- mx) .*. (y .- my) / ((x .- mx) .*. (x .- mx))

-- | Line Fitting with (Intercept, Slope) & Range of x
lineFit :: Floating a => Coeff a -> Vector a -> Vector a
lineFit (n, m) x = x .* m .+ n

-- | Residual Sum of Squares
rss :: Floating a => Vector a -> Vector a -> a
rss x y = sum ((y - lineFit (lm x y) x) .^ 2)

-- | Relative Standard Error
rse :: Floating a => Vector a -> Vector a -> a
rse x y = sqrt (1 / fromIntegral (length x - 2) * rss x y)