module Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.MonadFunctions
, fetchOrigToks
, fetchToks
, getTypecheckedModule
, getRefactStreamModified
, getRefactInscopes
, getRefactRenamed
, putRefactRenamed
, getRefactParsed
, putParsedModule
, clearParsedModule
, getRefactFileName
, replaceToken
, putToksForSpan
, getToksForSpan
, getToksForSpanNoInv
, getToksForSpanWithIntros
, getToksBeforeSpan
, putToksForPos
, putToksAfterSpan
, putToksAfterPos
, putDeclToksAfterSpan
, removeToksForSpan
, removeToksForPos
, syncDeclToLatestStash
, indentDeclAndToks
, drawTokenTree
, drawTokenTreeDetailed
, getTokenTree
, getRefactDone
, setRefactDone
, clearRefactDone
, setStateStorage
, getStateStorage
, logm
, updateToks
, updateToksWithPos
, initRefactModule
) where
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified FastString as GHC
import qualified GHC as GHC
import qualified Data.Data as SYB
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcVersionSpecific
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.LocUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TokenUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TokenUtilsTypes
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TypeSyn
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Tree
import System.Log.Logger
import qualified Data.Map as Map
fetchToks :: RefactGhc [PosToken]
fetchToks = do
Just tm <- gets rsModule
let toks = retrieveTokensInterim $ (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
logm $ "fetchToks (not showing toks"
return toks
fetchToksFinal :: RefactGhc [PosToken]
fetchToksFinal = do
Just tm <- gets rsModule
let toks = retrieveTokensFinal $ (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
logm $ "fetchToksFinal (not showing toks)"
return toks
fetchOrigToks :: RefactGhc [PosToken]
fetchOrigToks = do
logm "fetchOrigToks"
Just tm <- gets rsModule
return $ rsOrigTokenStream tm
getToksForSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc [PosToken]
getToksForSpan sspan = do
st <- get
let checkInv = rsetCheckTokenUtilsInvariant $ rsSettings st
let Just tm = rsModule st
let forest = getTreeFromCache sspan (rsTokenCache tm)
let (forest',toks) = getTokensForNoIntros checkInv forest sspan
let tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest' $ rsTokenCache tm
let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk'})
put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
logm $ "getToksForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF sspan,toks))
return toks
getToksForSpanNoInv :: GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc [PosToken]
getToksForSpanNoInv sspan = do
st <- get
let checkInv = False
let Just tm = rsModule st
let forest = getTreeFromCache sspan (rsTokenCache tm)
let (forest',toks) = getTokensFor checkInv forest sspan
let tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest' $ rsTokenCache tm
let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk'})
put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
logm $ "getToksForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF sspan,toks))
return toks
getToksForSpanWithIntros :: GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc [PosToken]
getToksForSpanWithIntros sspan = do
st <- get
let checkInv = rsetCheckTokenUtilsInvariant $ rsSettings st
let Just tm = rsModule st
let forest = getTreeFromCache sspan (rsTokenCache tm)
let (forest',toks) = getTokensFor checkInv forest sspan
let tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest' $ rsTokenCache tm
let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk'})
put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
logm $ "getToksForSpanNoIntros " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF sspan,toks))
return toks
getToksBeforeSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc ReversedToks
getToksBeforeSpan sspan = do
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
let forest = getTreeFromCache sspan (rsTokenCache tm)
let (forest',toks) = getTokensBefore forest sspan
let tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest' $ rsTokenCache tm
let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk'})
put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
logm $ "getToksBeforeSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF sspan,toks))
return toks
replaceToken :: GHC.SrcSpan -> PosToken -> RefactGhc ()
replaceToken sspan tok = do
logm $ "replaceToken " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan) ++ (show tok)
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
let tk' = replaceTokenInCache (rsTokenCache tm) sspan tok
let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True })
put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
return ()
putToksForSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc GHC.SrcSpan
putToksForSpan sspan toks = do
logm $ "putToksForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan) ++ (show toks)
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
let (tk',newSpan) = putToksInCache (rsTokenCache tm) sspan toks
let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True })
put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
return newSpan
putToksForPos :: (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc GHC.SrcSpan
putToksForPos pos toks = do
logm $ "putToksForPos " ++ (show pos) ++ (showToks toks)
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
let mainForest = (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
let sspan = posToSrcSpan mainForest pos
let (tk',newSpan) = putToksInCache (rsTokenCache tm) sspan toks
let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True })
put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
drawTokenTree ""
return newSpan
putToksAfterSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan -> Positioning -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc GHC.SrcSpan
putToksAfterSpan oldSpan pos toks = do
logm $ "putToksAfterSpan " ++ (showGhc oldSpan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF oldSpan) ++ " at " ++ (show pos) ++ ":" ++ (showToks toks)
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
let forest = getTreeFromCache oldSpan (rsTokenCache tm)
let (forest',newSpan) = addToksAfterSrcSpan forest oldSpan pos toks
let tk' = replaceTreeInCache oldSpan forest' $ rsTokenCache tm
let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
return newSpan
putToksAfterPos :: (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> Positioning -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc GHC.SrcSpan
putToksAfterPos pos position toks = do
logm $ "putToksAfterPos " ++ (show pos) ++ " at " ++ (show position) ++ ":" ++ (show toks)
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
let mainForest = (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
let sspan = posToSrcSpan mainForest pos
let forest = getTreeFromCache sspan (rsTokenCache tm)
let (forest',newSpan) = addToksAfterSrcSpan forest sspan position toks
let tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest' $ rsTokenCache tm
let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
logm $ "putToksAfterPos result:" ++ (show forest') ++ "\ntree:\n" ++ (drawTreeEntry forest')
return newSpan
putDeclToksAfterSpan :: (SYB.Data t) => GHC.SrcSpan -> GHC.Located t -> Positioning -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located t)
putDeclToksAfterSpan oldSpan t pos toks = do
logm $ "putDeclToksAfterSpan " ++ (showGhc oldSpan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF oldSpan,pos,toks))
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
let forest = getTreeFromCache oldSpan (rsTokenCache tm)
let (forest',_newSpan, t') = addDeclToksAfterSrcSpan forest oldSpan pos toks t
let tk' = replaceTreeInCache oldSpan forest' (rsTokenCache tm)
let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
return t'
removeToksForSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc ()
removeToksForSpan sspan = do
logm $ "removeToksForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan)
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
let tk' = removeToksFromCache (rsTokenCache tm) sspan
let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
return ()
removeToksForPos :: (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> RefactGhc ()
removeToksForPos pos = do
logm $ "removeToksForPos " ++ (show pos)
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
let mainForest = (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
let sspan = posToSrcSpan mainForest pos
let tk' = removeToksFromCache (rsTokenCache tm) sspan
let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
drawTokenTree "removeToksForPos result"
return ()
drawTokenTree :: String -> RefactGhc ()
drawTokenTree msg = do
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
logm $ msg ++ "\ncurrent token tree:\n" ++ (drawTokenCache (rsTokenCache tm))
return ()
drawTokenTreeDetailed :: String -> RefactGhc ()
drawTokenTreeDetailed msg = do
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
logm $ msg ++ "\ncurrent detailed token tree:\n" ++ (drawTokenCacheDetailed (rsTokenCache tm))
return ()
getTokenTree :: RefactGhc (Tree Entry)
getTokenTree = do
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
let mainForest = (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
return mainForest
syncDeclToLatestStash :: (SYB.Data t) => (GHC.Located t) -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located t)
syncDeclToLatestStash t = do
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
let t' = syncAstToLatestCache (rsTokenCache tm) t
return t'
indentDeclAndToks :: (SYB.Data t) => (GHC.Located t) -> Int -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located t)
indentDeclAndToks t offset = do
let (GHC.L sspan _) = t
logm $ "indentDeclAndToks " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan) ++ ",offset=" ++ show offset
st <- get
let Just tm = rsModule st
let tk = rsTokenCache tm
let forest = (tkCache tk) Map.! mainTid
let (t',forest') = indentDeclToks t forest offset
let tk' = tk {tkCache = Map.insert mainTid forest' (tkCache tk) }
let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
drawTokenTree "indentDeclToks result"
return t'
getTypecheckedModule :: RefactGhc GHC.TypecheckedModule
getTypecheckedModule = do
mtm <- gets rsModule
case mtm of
Just tm -> return $ rsTypecheckedMod tm
Nothing -> error "HaRe: file not loaded for refactoring"
getRefactStreamModified :: RefactGhc Bool
getRefactStreamModified = do
Just tm <- gets rsModule
return $ rsStreamModified tm
getRefactInscopes :: RefactGhc InScopes
getRefactInscopes = GHC.getNamesInScope
getRefactRenamed :: RefactGhc GHC.RenamedSource
getRefactRenamed = do
mtm <- gets rsModule
let tm = gfromJust "getRefactRenamed" mtm
return $ gfromJust "getRefactRenamed2" $ GHC.tm_renamed_source $ rsTypecheckedMod tm
putRefactRenamed :: GHC.RenamedSource -> RefactGhc ()
putRefactRenamed renamed = do
st <- get
mrm <- gets rsModule
let rm = gfromJust "putRefactRenamed" mrm
let tm = rsTypecheckedMod rm
let tm' = tm { GHC.tm_renamed_source = Just renamed }
let rm' = rm { rsTypecheckedMod = tm' }
put $ st {rsModule = Just rm'}
getRefactParsed :: RefactGhc GHC.ParsedSource
getRefactParsed = do
mtm <- gets rsModule
let tm = gfromJust "getRefactParsed" mtm
let t = rsTypecheckedMod tm
let pm = GHC.tm_parsed_module t
return $ GHC.pm_parsed_source pm
:: GHC.TypecheckedModule -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc ()
putParsedModule tm toks = do
st <- get
put $ st { rsModule = initRefactModule tm toks }
clearParsedModule :: RefactGhc ()
clearParsedModule = do
st <- get
put $ st { rsModule = Nothing }
getRefactFileName :: RefactGhc (Maybe FilePath)
getRefactFileName = do
mtm <- gets rsModule
case mtm of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just _tm -> do toks <- fetchOrigToks
return $ Just (GHC.unpackFS $ fileNameFromTok $ ghead "getRefactFileName" toks)
getRefactDone :: RefactGhc Bool
getRefactDone = do
flags <- gets rsFlags
logm $ "getRefactDone: " ++ (show (rsDone flags))
return (rsDone flags)
setRefactDone :: RefactGhc ()
setRefactDone = do
logm $ "setRefactDone"
st <- get
put $ st { rsFlags = RefFlags True }
clearRefactDone :: RefactGhc ()
clearRefactDone = do
logm $ "clearRefactDone"
st <- get
put $ st { rsFlags = RefFlags False }
setStateStorage :: StateStorage -> RefactGhc ()
setStateStorage storage = do
st <- get
put $ st { rsStorage = storage }
getStateStorage :: RefactGhc StateStorage
getStateStorage = do
storage <- gets rsStorage
return storage
logm :: String -> RefactGhc ()
logm string = do
settings <- getRefacSettings
let loggingOn = (rsetVerboseLevel settings == Debug)
when loggingOn $ do
liftIO $ warningM "HaRe" (string)
return ()
timeStamp :: IO String
timeStamp = do
k <- getCurrentTime
return (show k)
:: GHC.TypecheckedModule -> [PosToken] -> Maybe RefactModule
initRefactModule tm toks
= Just (RefMod { rsTypecheckedMod = tm
, rsOrigTokenStream = toks
, rsTokenCache = initTokenCache toks
, rsStreamModified = False
updateToks :: (SYB.Data t)
=> GHC.Located t
-> GHC.Located t
-> (GHC.Located t -> [Char])
-> Bool
-> RefactGhc ()
updateToks (GHC.L sspan _) newAST printFun addTrailingNl
= do
logm $ "updateToks " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF sspan))
newToks <- liftIO $ basicTokenise (printFun newAST)
let newToks' = if addTrailingNl
then newToks ++ [newLnToken (last newToks)]
else newToks
putToksForSpan sspan newToks'
return ()
updateToksWithPos :: (SYB.Data t)
=> (SimpPos, SimpPos)
-> t
-> (t -> [Char])
-> Bool
-> RefactGhc ()
updateToksWithPos (startPos,endPos) newAST printFun addTrailingNl
= do
newToks <- liftIO $ basicTokenise (printFun newAST)
let newToks' = if addTrailingNl
then newToks ++ [newLnToken (last newToks)]
else newToks
putToksForPos (startPos,endPos) newToks'
return ()