module DupDefSpec (main, spec) where import Test.Hspec import Language.Haskell.Refact.Refactoring.DupDef import System.Directory import TestUtils -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = do hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "doDuplicateDef" $ do it "checks for a clash of the new name" $ do res <- catchException (ct $ duplicateDef defaultTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "c" (4,1)) -- res <- catchException (ct $ duplicateDef logTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "c" (4,1)) (show res) `shouldBe` "Just \"The new name'c' will cause name clash/capture or ambiguity problem after duplicating, please select another name!\"" -- --------------------------------- it "checks for no definition selected" $ do -- res <- catchException (ct $ doDuplicateDef ["DupDef/Dd1.hs","c","5","1"]) res <- catchException (ct $ duplicateDef defaultTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "c" (5,1)) (show res) `shouldBe` "Just \"Invalid cursor position!\"" -- --------------------------------- it "checks for invalid new name" $ do -- res <- catchException (ct $ doDuplicateDef ["DupDef/Dd1.hs","$c","5","1"]) res <- catchException (ct $ duplicateDef defaultTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "$c" (5,1)) (show res) `shouldBe` "Just \"Invalid new function name:$c!\"" -- --------------------------------- it "notifies if no definition selected" $ do res <- catchException (ct $ duplicateDef defaultTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "ccc" (14,13)) -- res <- catchException (ct $ duplicateDef logTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "ccc" (14,13)) (show res) `shouldBe` "Just \"The selected identifier is not a function/simple pattern name, or is not defined in this module \"" -- --------------------------------- it "duplicates a definition at the top level" $ do res <- ct $ duplicateDef defaultTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "tl2" (4,1) -- res <- ct $ duplicateDef logTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "tl2" (4,1) res' <- ct $ mapM makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory res (show res') `shouldBe` "[\"DupDef/Dd1.hs\"]" diff <- compareFiles "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd1.refactored.hs" "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd1.hs.expected" diff `shouldBe` [] -- --------------------------------- it "duplicates a definition in a match" $ do res <- ct $ duplicateDef defaultTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "nn" (23,5) -- res <- ct $ duplicateDef logTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "nn" (23,5) res' <- ct $ mapM makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory res (show res') `shouldBe` "[\"DupDef/Dd1.hs\"]" diff <- compareFiles "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd1.refactored.hs" "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd1.hs.expected.nn" diff `shouldBe` [] -- --------------------------------- it "duplicates a definition in a pattern match" $ do res <- ct $ duplicateDef defaultTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "gg" (17,5) -- res <- ct $ duplicateDef logTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "gg" (17,5) res' <- ct $ mapM makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory res (show res') `shouldBe` "[\"DupDef/Dd1.hs\"]" diff <- compareFiles "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd1.refactored.hs" "./test/testdata/DupDef/" diff `shouldBe` [] -- --------------------------------- it "duplicates a definition in a let expression" $ do res <- ct $ duplicateDef defaultTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "lll" (27,5) -- res <- ct $ duplicateDef logTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "lll" (27,5) res' <- ct $ mapM makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory res (show res') `shouldBe` "[\"DupDef/Dd1.hs\"]" diff <- compareFiles "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd1.refactored.hs" "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd1.hs.expected.ll" diff `shouldBe` [] -- --------------------------------- it "duplicates a definition in a let statement" $ do res <- ct $ duplicateDef defaultTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "sss" (31,7) -- res <- ct $ duplicateDef logTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "sss" (31,7) res' <- ct $ mapM makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory res (show res') `shouldBe` "[\"DupDef/Dd1.hs\"]" diff <- compareFiles "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd1.refactored.hs" "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd1.hs.expected.dd" diff `shouldBe` [] -- --------------------------------- it "hides the new definition if it will cause problems in client mods" $ do res <- ct $ duplicateDef defaultTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "mm" (21,1) -- res <- ct $ duplicateDef logTestSettings testOptions "DupDef/Dd1.hs" "mm" (21,1) r' <- ct $ mapM makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory res (show r') `shouldBe` "[\"DupDef/Dd1.hs\",\"DupDef/Dd2.hs\",\"DupDef/Dd3.hs\"]" diff <- compareFiles "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd1.refactored.hs" "./test/testdata/DupDef/" diff `shouldBe` [] diff2 <- compareFiles "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd2.refactored.hs" "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd2.hs.expected" diff2 `shouldBe` [] diff3 <- compareFiles "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd3.refactored.hs" "./test/testdata/DupDef/Dd3.hs.expected" diff3 `shouldBe` [] -- --------------------------------- it "duplicates a definition and formats properly" $ do res <- ct $ duplicateDef defaultTestSettings testOptions "Case/B.hs" "joe" (9,1) -- res <- ct $ duplicateDef logTestSettings testOptions "Case/B.hs" "joe" (9,1) res' <- ct $ mapM makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory res (show res') `shouldBe` "[\"Case/B.hs\"]" diff <- compareFiles "./test/testdata/Case/B.refactored.hs" "./test/testdata/Case/B.hs.expected.dd" diff `shouldBe` [] -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------