module Text.LaTeX.Base.Syntax
Measure (..)
, MathType (..)
, LaTeX (..)
, TeXArg (..)
, (<>)
, protectString
, protectText
, matchCommand
, lookForCommand
, matchEnv
, lookForEnv
, texmap
, texmapM
, getBody
, getPreamble
) where
import Data.Text (Text,pack)
import qualified Data.Text
import Data.Monoid
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
import Data.String
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Typeable
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Hashable
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
data Measure =
Pt Double
| Mm Double
| Cm Double
| In Double
| Ex Double
| Em Double
| CustomMeasure LaTeX
deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)
data MathType = Parentheses | Square | Dollar | DoubleDollar
deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)
data LaTeX =
TeXRaw Text
| TeXComm String [TeXArg]
| TeXCommS String
| TeXEnv String [TeXArg] LaTeX
| TeXMath MathType LaTeX
| TeXLineBreak (Maybe Measure) Bool
| TeXBraces LaTeX
| TeXComment Text
| TeXSeq LaTeX LaTeX
| TeXEmpty
deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)
data TeXArg =
FixArg LaTeX
| OptArg LaTeX
| MOptArg [LaTeX]
| SymArg LaTeX
| MSymArg [LaTeX]
| ParArg LaTeX
| MParArg [LaTeX]
deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)
instance Monoid LaTeX where
mempty = TeXEmpty
mappend TeXEmpty x = x
mappend x TeXEmpty = x
mappend (TeXSeq x y) z = TeXSeq x $ mappend y z
mappend x y = TeXSeq x y
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 704
(<>) :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a
(<>) = mappend
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
instance Semigroup.Semigroup LaTeX where
(<>) = mappend
instance IsString LaTeX where
fromString = TeXRaw . fromString . protectString
protectString :: String -> String
protectString = mconcat . fmap protectChar
protectText :: Text -> Text
protectText = Data.Text.concatMap (fromString . protectChar)
protectChar :: Char -> String
protectChar '#' = "\\#"
protectChar '$' = "\\$"
protectChar '%' = "\\%"
protectChar '^' = "\\^{}"
protectChar '&' = "\\&"
protectChar '{' = "\\{"
protectChar '}' = "\\}"
protectChar '~' = "\\~{}"
protectChar '\\' = "\\textbackslash{}"
protectChar '_' = "\\_{}"
protectChar x = [x]
lookForCommand :: String
-> LaTeX
-> [[TeXArg]]
lookForCommand = (fmap snd .) . matchCommand . (==)
matchCommand :: (String -> Bool) -> LaTeX -> [(String,[TeXArg])]
matchCommand f (TeXComm str as) =
let xs = concatMap (matchCommandArg f) as
in if f str then (str,as) : xs else xs
matchCommand f (TeXCommS str) = if f str then [(str,[])] else []
matchCommand f (TeXEnv _ as l) =
let xs = concatMap (matchCommandArg f) as
in xs ++ matchCommand f l
matchCommand f (TeXMath _ l) = matchCommand f l
matchCommand f (TeXBraces l) = matchCommand f l
matchCommand f (TeXSeq l1 l2) = matchCommand f l1 ++ matchCommand f l2
matchCommand _ _ = []
matchCommandArg :: (String -> Bool) -> TeXArg -> [(String,[TeXArg])]
matchCommandArg f (OptArg l ) = matchCommand f l
matchCommandArg f (FixArg l ) = matchCommand f l
matchCommandArg f (MOptArg ls) = concatMap (matchCommand f) ls
matchCommandArg f (SymArg l ) = matchCommand f l
matchCommandArg f (MSymArg ls) = concatMap (matchCommand f) ls
matchCommandArg f (ParArg l ) = matchCommand f l
matchCommandArg f (MParArg ls) = concatMap (matchCommand f) ls
lookForEnv :: String -> LaTeX -> [([TeXArg],LaTeX)]
lookForEnv = (fmap (\(_,as,l) -> (as,l)) .) . matchEnv . (==)
matchEnv :: (String -> Bool) -> LaTeX -> [(String,[TeXArg],LaTeX)]
matchEnv f (TeXComm _ as) = concatMap (matchEnvArg f) as
matchEnv f (TeXEnv str as l) =
let xs = concatMap (matchEnvArg f) as
ys = matchEnv f l
zs = xs ++ ys
in if f str then (str,as,l) : zs else zs
matchEnv f (TeXMath _ l) = matchEnv f l
matchEnv f (TeXBraces l) = matchEnv f l
matchEnv f (TeXSeq l1 l2) = matchEnv f l1 ++ matchEnv f l2
matchEnv _ _ = []
matchEnvArg :: (String -> Bool) -> TeXArg -> [(String,[TeXArg],LaTeX)]
matchEnvArg f (OptArg l ) = matchEnv f l
matchEnvArg f (FixArg l ) = matchEnv f l
matchEnvArg f (MOptArg ls) = concatMap (matchEnv f) ls
matchEnvArg f (SymArg l ) = matchEnv f l
matchEnvArg f (MSymArg ls) = concatMap (matchEnv f) ls
matchEnvArg f (ParArg l ) = matchEnv f l
matchEnvArg f (MParArg ls) = concatMap (matchEnv f) ls
texmap :: (LaTeX -> Bool)
-> (LaTeX -> LaTeX)
-> LaTeX -> LaTeX
texmap c f = runIdentity . texmapM c (pure . f)
texmapM :: (Applicative m, Monad m)
=> (LaTeX -> Bool)
-> (LaTeX -> m LaTeX)
-> LaTeX -> m LaTeX
texmapM c f = go
go l@(TeXComm str as) = if c l then f l else TeXComm str <$> mapM go' as
go l@(TeXEnv str as b) = if c l then f l else TeXEnv str <$> mapM go' as <*> go b
go l@(TeXMath t b) = if c l then f l else TeXMath t <$> go b
go l@(TeXBraces b) = if c l then f l else TeXBraces <$> go b
go l@(TeXSeq l1 l2) = if c l then f l else liftA2 TeXSeq (go l1) (go l2)
go l = if c l then f l else pure l
go' (FixArg l ) = FixArg <$> go l
go' (OptArg l ) = OptArg <$> go l
go' (MOptArg ls) = MOptArg <$> mapM go ls
go' (SymArg l ) = SymArg <$> go l
go' (MSymArg ls) = MSymArg <$> mapM go ls
go' (ParArg l ) = ParArg <$> go l
go' (MParArg ls) = MParArg <$> mapM go ls
getBody :: LaTeX -> Maybe LaTeX
getBody l =
case lookForEnv "document" l of
((_,b):_) -> Just b
_ -> Nothing
getPreamble :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
getPreamble (TeXEnv "document" _ _) = mempty
getPreamble (TeXSeq l1 l2) = getPreamble l1 <> getPreamble l2
getPreamble l = l
arbitraryChar :: Gen Char
arbitraryChar = elements $
++ ['a'..'z']
++ "\n-+*/!\"().,:;'@<>? "
arbitraryRaw :: Gen Text
arbitraryRaw = do
n <- choose (1,20)
protectText . pack <$> replicateM n arbitraryChar
arbitraryName :: Gen String
arbitraryName = do
n <- choose (1,10)
replicateM n $ elements $ ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z']
instance Arbitrary Measure where
arbitrary = do
n <- choose (0,5)
let f = [Pt,Mm,Cm,In,Ex,Em] !! n
f <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary LaTeX where
arbitrary = arbitraryLaTeX False
arbitraryLaTeX :: Bool -> Gen LaTeX
arbitraryLaTeX inDollar = do
n <- choose (0,16 :: Int)
case n of
0 -> if inDollar then arbitraryLaTeX True else pure TeXEmpty
1 -> do m <- choose (0,5)
TeXComm <$> arbitraryName <*> vectorOf m arbitrary
2 -> TeXCommS <$> arbitraryName
3 -> do m <- choose (0,5)
TeXEnv <$> arbitraryName <*> vectorOf m arbitrary <*> arbitrary
4 -> if inDollar
then arbitraryLaTeX True
else do do m <- choose (0,3)
let t = [Parentheses,Square,Dollar,DoubleDollar] !! m
TeXMath <$> pure t <*> arbitraryLaTeX (t == Dollar || t == DoubleDollar)
5 -> TeXLineBreak <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
6 -> TeXBraces <$> arbitrary
7 -> TeXComment <$> arbitraryRaw
8 -> TeXSeq <$> (if inDollar then arbitraryLaTeX True else arbitrary) <*> arbitrary
_ -> TeXRaw <$> arbitraryRaw
instance Arbitrary TeXArg where
arbitrary = do
n <- choose (0,6 :: Int)
case n of
0 -> OptArg <$> arbitrary
1 -> do m <- choose (1,5)
MOptArg <$> vectorOf m arbitrary
2 -> SymArg <$> arbitrary
3 -> do m <- choose (1,5)
MSymArg <$> vectorOf m arbitrary
4 -> ParArg <$> arbitrary
5 -> do m <- choose (1,5)
MParArg <$> vectorOf m arbitrary
_ -> FixArg <$> arbitrary
instance Hashable Measure
instance Hashable MathType
instance Hashable TeXArg
instance Hashable LaTeX