module Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.Parse
( module Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.Parse
) where
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(mappend))
import Text.Parse
import Text.XML.HaXml.Types (Name,QName(..),Namespace(..),Attribute(..)
import Text.XML.HaXml.Namespaces
import Text.XML.HaXml.Verbatim hiding (qname)
import Text.XML.HaXml.Posn
import Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.XSDTypeModel as XSD
import Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent.Parser (text)
(|||) :: (a->Bool) -> (a->Bool) -> (a->Bool)
p ||| q = \v -> p v || q v
xsd :: Name -> QName
xsd name = QN Namespace{nsPrefix="xsd",nsURI=""}
xsdTag :: String -> Content Posn -> Bool
xsdTag tag (CElem (Elem qn _ _) _) = qn == xsd tag || qn == (N tag)
xsdTag _ _ = False
type XsdParser a = Parser (Content Posn) a
posnElementWith :: (Content Posn->Bool) -> [String]
-> XsdParser (Posn,Element Posn)
posnElementWith match tags = do
{ c <- next `adjustErr` (++" when expecting "++formatted tags)
; case c of
CElem e pos
| match c -> return (pos,e)
CElem (Elem t _ _) pos
| otherwise -> fail ("Found a <"++printableName t
++">, but expected "
++formatted tags++"\nat "++show pos)
CString b s pos
| not b && all isSpace s -> posnElementWith match tags
| otherwise -> fail ("Found text content, but expected "
++formatted tags++"\ntext is: "++s
++"\nat "++show pos)
CRef r pos -> fail ("Found reference, but expected "
++formatted tags++"\nreference is: "++verbatim r
++"\nat "++show pos)
CMisc _ _ -> posnElementWith match tags
formatted [t] = "a <"++t++">"
formatted tgs = "one of"++ concatMap (\t->" <"++t++">") tgs
xsdElement :: Name -> XsdParser (Element Posn)
xsdElement n = fmap snd (posnElementWith (xsdTag n) ["xsd:"++n])
anyElement :: XsdParser (Element Posn)
anyElement = fmap snd (posnElementWith (const True) ["any element"])
allChildren :: XsdParser a -> XsdParser a
allChildren p = do e <- anyElement
interiorWith (const True) p e
interiorWith :: (Content Posn->Bool) -> XsdParser a
-> Element Posn -> XsdParser a
interiorWith keep (P p) (Elem e _ cs) = P $ \inp->
tidy inp $
case p (filter keep cs) of
Committed r -> r
f@(Failure _ _) -> f
s@(Success [] _) -> s
Success ds@(d:_) a
| all onlyMisc ds -> Success [] a
| otherwise -> Committed $
Failure ds ("Too many elements inside <"
++printableName e++"> at\n"
++show (info d)++"\n\n"
++"Found excess: "
++verbatim (take 5 ds))
where onlyMisc (CMisc _ _) = True
onlyMisc (CString False s _) | all isSpace s = True
onlyMisc _ = False
attribute :: QName -> TextParser a -> Element Posn -> XsdParser a
attribute qn (P p) (Elem n as _) = P $ \inp->
case lookup qn as of
Nothing -> Failure inp $ "attribute "++printableName qn
++" not present in <"++printableName n++">"
Just atv -> tidy inp $
case p (show atv) of
Committed r -> r
Failure z msg -> Failure z $
"Attribute parsing failure: "
++printableName qn++"=\""
++show atv++"\": "++msg
Success [] v -> Success [] v
Success xs _ -> Committed $
Failure xs $
"Attribute parsing excess text: "
++printableName qn++"=\""
++show atv++"\":\n Excess is: "
namespaceAttrs :: Element Posn -> XsdParser [Namespace]
namespaceAttrs (Elem _ as _) =
return . map mkNamespace . filter (matchNamespace "xmlns") $ as
deQN (QN _ n) = n
mkNamespace (attname,attval) = Namespace { nsPrefix = deQN attname
, nsURI = verbatim attval
matchNamespace :: String -> Attribute -> Bool
matchNamespace n (N m, _) = False
matchNamespace n (QN ns _, _) = n == nsPrefix ns
tidy :: t -> Result x a -> Result t a
tidy inp (Committed r) = tidy inp r
tidy inp (Failure _ m) = Failure inp m
tidy inp (Success _ v) = Success inp v
targetPrefix :: Maybe TargetNamespace -> [Namespace] -> Maybe String
targetPrefix Nothing _ = Nothing
targetPrefix (Just uri) nss = fmap nsPrefix $ lookupBy ((==uri).nsURI) nss
lookupBy :: (a->Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
lookupBy p [] = Nothing
lookupBy p (y:ys) | p y = Just y
| otherwise = lookupBy p ys
qual :: Maybe TargetNamespace -> [Namespace] -> String-> String -> QName
qual tn nss pre nm = case targetPrefix tn nss of
Nothing -> QN thisNS nm
Just p | p/=pre -> QN thisNS nm
| otherwise -> N nm
where thisNS = Namespace{ nsPrefix = pre
, nsURI = maybe "" nsURI $
lookupBy ((==pre).nsPrefix) nss
schema = do
e <- xsdElement "schema"
commit $ do
tn <- optional (attribute (N "targetNamespace") uri e)
nss <- namespaceAttrs e
return Schema
`apply` (attribute (N "elementFormDefault") qform e
`onFail` return Unqualified)
`apply` (attribute (N "attributeFormDefault") qform e
`onFail` return Unqualified)
`apply` optional (attribute (xsd "finalDefault") final e)
`apply` optional (attribute (xsd "blockDefault") block e)
`apply` return tn
`apply` optional (attribute (N "version") string e)
`apply` return nss
`apply` interiorWith (const True) (many (schemaItem (qual tn nss))) e
annotation :: XsdParser Annotation
annotation = do
definiteAnnotation `onFail` return (NoAnnotation "missing")
definiteAnnotation :: XsdParser Annotation
definiteAnnotation = do
e <- xsdElement "annotation"
( fmap Documentation $ interiorWith (xsdTag "documentation")
(allChildren text) e
) `onFail` (
fmap AppInfo $ interiorWith (xsdTag "documentation")
(allChildren text) e
) `onFail` (
return (NoAnnotation "failed to parse")
qform :: TextParser QForm
qform = do
w <- word
case w of
"qualified" -> return Qualified
"unqualified" -> return Unqualified
_ -> failBad "Expected \"qualified\" or \"unqualified\""
final :: TextParser Final
final = do
w <- word
case w of
"restriction" -> return NoRestriction
"extension" -> return NoExtension
"#all" -> return AllFinal
_ -> failBad $ "Expected \"restriction\" or \"extension\""
++" or \"#all\""
block :: TextParser Block
block = final
schemaItem :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser SchemaItem
schemaItem qual = oneOf'
[ ("xsd:include", include)
, ("xsd:import", import_)
, ("xsd:redefine", (redefine qual))
, ("xsd:annotation", fmap Annotation definiteAnnotation)
, ("xsd:simpleType", fmap Simple (simpleType qual))
, ("xsd:complexType", fmap Complex (complexType qual))
, ("xsd:element", fmap SchemaElement (elementDecl qual))
, ("xsd:attribute", fmap SchemaAttribute (attributeDecl qual))
, ("xsd:attributeGroup", fmap AttributeGroup (attributeGroup qual))
, ("xsd:group", fmap SchemaGroup (group_ qual))
, ("xs:include", include)
, ("xs:import", import_)
, ("xs:redefine", (redefine qual))
, ("xs:annotation", fmap Annotation definiteAnnotation)
, ("xs:simpleType", fmap Simple (simpleType qual))
, ("xs:complexType", fmap Complex (complexType qual))
, ("xs:element", fmap SchemaElement (elementDecl qual))
, ("xs:attribute", fmap SchemaAttribute (attributeDecl qual))
, ("xs:attributeGroup", fmap AttributeGroup (attributeGroup qual))
, ("xs:group", fmap SchemaGroup (group_ qual))
include :: XsdParser SchemaItem
include = do e <- xsdElement "include"
commit $ return Include
`apply` attribute (N "schemaLocation") uri e
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
import_ :: XsdParser SchemaItem
import_ = do e <- xsdElement "import"
commit $ return Import
`apply` attribute (N "namespace") uri e
`apply` attribute (N "schemaLocation") uri e
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
redefine :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser SchemaItem
redefine q = do e <- xsdElement "redefine"
commit $ return Redefine
`apply` attribute (N "schemaLocation") uri e
`apply` interiorWith (const True) (many (schemaItem q)) e
simpleType :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser SimpleType
simpleType q = do
e <- xsdElement "simpleType"
n <- optional (attribute (N "name") name e)
f <- optional (attribute (N "final") final e)
a <- interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
commit $ interiorWith (not . xsdTag "annotation") (simpleItem n f a) e
simpleItem n f a =
do e <- xsdElement "restriction"
commit $ do
a1 <- interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
b <- optional (attribute (N "base") (qname q) e)
r <- interiorWith (not . xsdTag "annotation")
(restrictType a1 b `onFail` restriction1 a1 b) e
return (Restricted a n f r)
do e <- xsdElement "list"
commit $ do
a1 <- interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
t <- attribute (N "itemType") (fmap Right (qname q)) e
interiorWith (xsdTag "simpleType")
(fmap Left (simpleType q)) e
(("Expected attribute 'itemType' or element <simpleType>\n"
++" inside <list> decl.\n")++)
return (ListOf (a`mappend`a1) n f t)
do e <- xsdElement "union"
commit $ do
a1 <- interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
ts <- interiorWith (xsdTag "simpleType") (many (simpleType q)) e
ms <- attribute (N "memberTypes") (many (qname q)) e
`onFail` return []
return (UnionOf (a`mappend`a1) n f ts ms)
("xsd:simpleType does not contain a restriction, list, or union\n"++)
restriction1 a b = return (RestrictSim1 a b)
`apply` (return Restriction1 `apply` particle q)
restrictType a b = return (RestrictType a b)
`apply` (optional (simpleType q))
`apply` many1 aFacet
aFacet :: XsdParser Facet
aFacet = foldr onFail (fail "Could not recognise simpleType Facet")
(zipWith facet ["minInclusive","minExclusive","maxInclusive"
facet :: String -> FacetType -> XsdParser Facet
facet s t = do e <- xsdElement s
v <- attribute (N "value") string e
f <- attribute (N "fixed") bool e
`onFail` return False
a <- interiorWith (const True) annotation e
return (Facet t a v f)
complexType :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser ComplexType
complexType q =
do e <- xsdElement "complexType"
commit $ return ComplexType
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` optional (attribute (N "name") string e)
`apply` (attribute (N "abstract") bool e `onFail` return False)
`apply` optional (attribute (N "final") final e)
`apply` optional (attribute (N "block") block e)
`apply` (attribute (N "mixed") bool e `onFail` return False)
`apply` interiorWith (not . xsdTag "annotation") (complexItem q) e
complexItem :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser ComplexItem
complexItem q =
( do e <- xsdElement "simpleContent"
commit $ return SimpleContent
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` interiorWith (not.xsdTag "annotation") stuff e
) `onFail` (
do e <- xsdElement "complexContent"
commit $ return ComplexContent
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` (attribute (N "mixed") bool e `onFail` return False)
`apply` interiorWith (not.xsdTag "annotation") stuff e
) `onFail` (
do fmap ThisType $ particleAttrs q
stuff :: XsdParser (Either Restriction1 Extension)
stuff =
( do e <- xsdElement "restriction"
commit $ fmap Left $ return Restriction1 `apply` particle q
) `onFail` (
do e <- xsdElement "extension"
commit $ fmap Right $ return Extension
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` attribute (N "base") (qname q) e
`apply` interiorWith (not.xsdTag "annotation")
(particleAttrs q) e
particle :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser Particle
particle q = optional (fmap Left (choiceOrSeq q) `onFail` fmap Right (group_ q))
particleAttrs :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser ParticleAttrs
particleAttrs q = return PA `apply` particle q
`apply` many (fmap Left (attributeDecl q)
fmap Right (attributeGroup q))
`apply` optional anyAttr
choiceOrSeq :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser ChoiceOrSeq
choiceOrSeq q =
do e <- xsdElement "all"
commit $ return All
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` interiorWith (not.xsdTag "annotation")
(many (elementDecl q)) e
do e <- xsdElement "choice"
commit $ return Choice
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` occurs e
`apply` interiorWith (not.xsdTag "annotation")
(many (elementEtc q)) e
do e <- xsdElement "sequence"
commit $ return Sequence
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` occurs e
`apply` interiorWith (not.xsdTag "annotation")
(many (elementEtc q)) e
group_ :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser Group
group_ q = do e <- xsdElement "group"
commit $ return Group
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` (fmap Left (attribute (N "name") string e)
fmap Right (attribute (N "ref") (qname q) e))
`apply` occurs e
`apply` interiorWith (not.xsdTag "annotation")
(optional (choiceOrSeq q)) e
elementEtc :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser ElementEtc
elementEtc q = fmap HasElement (elementDecl q)
fmap HasGroup (group_ q)
fmap HasCS (choiceOrSeq q)
fmap HasAny any_
any_ :: XsdParser Any
any_ = do e <- xsdElement "any"
commit $ return Any
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` (attribute (N "namespace") uri e
`onFail` return "##any")
`apply` (attribute (N "processContents") processContents e
`onFail` return Strict)
`apply` occurs e
anyAttr :: XsdParser AnyAttr
anyAttr = do e <- xsdElement "anyAttribute"
commit $ return AnyAttr
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` (attribute (N "namespace") uri e
`onFail` return "##any")
`apply` (attribute (N "processContents") processContents e
`onFail` return Strict)
attributeGroup :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser AttrGroup
attributeGroup q =
do e <- xsdElement "attributeGroup"
commit $ return AttrGroup
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` (fmap Left (attribute (N "name") string e)
fmap Right (attribute (N "ref") (qname q) e))
`apply` interiorWith (not.xsdTag "annotation") (many stuff) e
stuff = fmap Left (attributeDecl q) `onFail` fmap Right (attributeGroup q)
elementDecl :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser ElementDecl
elementDecl q =
do e <- xsdElement "element"
commit $ return ElementDecl
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` (fmap Left (nameAndType q e)
fmap Right (attribute (N "ref") (qname q) e))
`apply` occurs e
`apply` (attribute (N "nillable") bool e `onFail` return False)
`apply` optional (attribute (N "substitutionGroup") (qname q) e)
`apply` (attribute (N "abstract") bool e `onFail` return False)
`apply` optional (attribute (xsd "final") final e)
`apply` optional (attribute (xsd "block") block e)
`apply` (attribute (xsd "form") qform e `onFail` return Unqualified)
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "simpleType" ||| xsdTag "complexType")
(optional (fmap Left (simpleType q)
fmap Right (complexType q))) e
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "unique" ||| xsdTag "key"
||| xsdTag "keyRef")
(many (uniqueKeyOrKeyRef q)) e
nameAndType :: (String->String->QName) -> Element Posn -> XsdParser NameAndType
nameAndType q e = return NT `apply` attribute (N "name") string e
`apply` optional (attribute (N "type") (qname q) e)
attributeDecl :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser AttributeDecl
attributeDecl q =
do e <- xsdElement "attribute"
commit $ return AttributeDecl
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` (fmap Left (nameAndType q e)
fmap Right (attribute (N "ref") (qname q) e))
`apply` (attribute (N "use") use e `onFail` return Optional)
`apply` (optional (attribute (N "default") (fmap Left string) e
attribute (N "fixed") (fmap Right string) e))
`apply` (attribute (xsd "form") qform e `onFail` return Unqualified)
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "simpleType")
(optional (simpleType q)) e
occurs :: Element Posn -> XsdParser Occurs
occurs e = return Occurs
`apply` (optional $ attribute (N "minOccurs") parseDec e)
`apply` (optional $ attribute (N "maxOccurs") maxDec e)
maxDec = parseDec
do isWord "unbounded"; return maxBound
uniqueKeyOrKeyRef :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser UniqueKeyOrKeyRef
uniqueKeyOrKeyRef q = fmap U unique `onFail`
fmap K key `onFail`
fmap KR (keyRef q)
unique :: XsdParser Unique
unique =
do e <- xsdElement "unique"
commit $ return Unique
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` attribute (N "name") string e
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "selector") selector e
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "field") (many1 field_) e
key :: XsdParser Key
key =
do e <- xsdElement "key"
commit $ return Key
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` attribute (N "name") string e
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "selector") selector e
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "field") (many1 field_) e
keyRef :: (String->String->QName) -> XsdParser KeyRef
keyRef q =
do e <- xsdElement "keyref"
commit $ return KeyRef
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` attribute (N "name") string e
`apply` attribute (N "refer") (qname q) e
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "selector") selector e
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "field") (many1 field_) e
selector :: XsdParser Selector
selector =
do e <- xsdElement "selector"
commit $ return Selector
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` attribute (N "xpath") string e
field_ :: XsdParser Field
field_ =
do e <- xsdElement "field"
commit $ return Field
`apply` interiorWith (xsdTag "annotation") annotation e
`apply` attribute (N "xpath") string e
uri :: TextParser String
uri = string
string :: TextParser String
string = fmap concat $ many (space `onFail` word)
space :: TextParser String
space = many1 $ satisfy isSpace
bool :: TextParser Bool
bool = do w <- word
case w of
"true" -> return True
"false" -> return False
"0" -> return True
"1" -> return False
_ -> fail "could not parse boolean value"
use :: TextParser Use
use = do w <- word
case w of
"required" -> return Required
"optional" -> return Optional
"prohibited" -> return Prohibited
_ -> fail "could not parse \"use\" attribute value"
processContents :: TextParser ProcessContents
processContents =
do w <- word
case w of
"skip" -> return Skip
"lax" -> return Lax
"strict" -> return Strict
_ -> fail "could not parse \"processContents\" attribute value"
qname :: (String->String->QName) -> TextParser QName
qname q = do a <- word
( do ":" <- word
b <- many (satisfy (/=':'))
return (q a b)
do cs <- many next
return (N (a++cs)) )
name :: TextParser Name
name = word