Hoed: Lightweight algorithmic debugging.

[ bsd3, debug, library, trace ] [ Propose Tags ]

Hoed is a tracer and debugger for the programming language Haskell.

To locate a defect with Hoed you annotate suspected functions and compile as usual. Then you run your program, information about the annotated functions is collected. Finally you connect to a debugging session using a webbrowser.

Hoed comes in two flavours: Hoed.Pure and Hoed.Stk. Hoed.Stk uses the cost-centre stacks of the GHC profiling environment to construct the information needed for debugging. Hoed.Pure is recommended over Hoed.Stk: to debug your program with Hoed.Pure you can optimize your program and do not need to enable profiling.

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[Last Documentation]

  • Debug
    • Hoed
      • Debug.Hoed.NoTrace
      • Debug.Hoed.Pure
      • Debug.Hoed.Stk


Automatic Flags

Build example executables.


Build example executables.


Build test cases to validate Hoed-pure.


Build test cases to validate Hoed-stk.


Build test cases to validate deriving Observable for Generic types.


Build test cases to validate deriving judgements with properties.


Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info


Maintainer's Corner

Package maintainers

For package maintainers and hackage trustees


Versions [RSS],, 0.2.0, 0.2.1, 0.2.2, 0.3.0, 0.3.1, 0.3.2, 0.3.3, 0.3.4, 0.3.5, 0.3.6, 0.4.0, 0.4.1, 0.5.0, 0.5.1
Change log changelog
Dependencies adjunctions, array, base (>=4 && <5), bytestring, cereal, containers, deepseq, directory, extensible-exceptions, filepath, FPretty, GLUT, Hoed, indents, lazysmallcheck, libgraph (==1.11), monad-loops, mtl, network, OpenGL, parsec, process, QuickCheck, random, RBTree (==0.0.5), regex-posix, SDL, SDL-image, SDL-mixer, template-haskell, threepenny-gui (==, time, transformers, unix, utf8-string, X11 (>=1.5 && <1.7) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright (c) 2000 Andy Gill, (c) 2010 University of Kansas, (c) 2013-2016 Maarten Faddegon
Author Maarten Faddegon
Maintainer hoed@maartenfaddegon.nl
Category Debug, Trace
Home page https://wiki.haskell.org/Hoed
Source repo head: git clone git://github.com/MaartenFaddegon/Hoed.git
Uploaded by faddegon at 2016-05-22T11:45:43Z
Reverse Dependencies 4 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables hoed-tests-Stk-IndirectRecursion, hoed-tests-Stk-Example4, hoed-tests-Stk-Example3, hoed-tests-Stk-Example1, hoed-tests-Stk-Insort2, hoed-tests-Stk-DoublingServer, hoed-tests-Pure-t7, hoed-tests-Pure-t6, hoed-tests-Pure-t5, hoed-tests-Pure-t4, hoed-tests-Pure-t3, hoed-tests-Pure-t2, hoed-tests-Pure-t1, hoed-tests-Generic-t3, hoed-tests-Generic-r3, hoed-tests-Generic-t2, hoed-tests-Generic-r2, hoed-tests-Generic-t1, hoed-tests-Generic-r1, hoed-tests-Generic-t0, hoed-tests-Generic-r0, hoed-tests-ParEq, hoed-tests-Prop-t5, hoed-tests-Prop-t4, hoed-tests-Prop-t3, hoed-tests-Prop-t2, hoed-tests-Prop-t1, hoed-tests-Prop-t0, hoed-examples-Expression_simplifier__with_properties, hoed-examples-Expression_simplifier, hoed-examples-Parity_test, hoed-examples-Simple_higher-order_function, hoed-examples-Digraph_not_data_invariant__with_properties, hoed-examples-CNF_unsound_de_Morgan__with_properties, hoed-examples-SummerSchool_compiler_does_not_terminate__with_properties, hoed-examples-SummerSchool_compiler_does_not_terminate, hoed-examples-XMonad_changing_focus_duplicates_windows__with_properties, hoed-examples-XMonad_changing_focus_duplicates_windows__CC, hoed-examples-XMonad_changing_focus_duplicates_windows__test_only, hoed-examples-XMonad_changing_focus_duplicates_windows, hoed-examples-Insertion_Sort_elements_disappear, hoed-examples-Nub-defective-sort__with_properties, hoed-examples-ZLang_Defect-3, hoed-examples-ZLang_Defect-2, hoed-examples-ZLang_Defect-1, hoed-examples-Salary, hoed-examples-Rot13, hoed-examples-filter__with_properties, hoed-examples-Queens_v4_defect_in_filter__with_properties, hoed-examples-Queens_v3__with_properties, hoed-examples-Queens_v2__with_properties, hoed-examples-Queens_v1__with_properties, hoed-examples-Stern-Brocot, hoed-examples-FPretty_indents_too_much__CC, hoed-examples-FPretty_indents_too_much, hoed-examples-Raincat
Downloads 12433 total (33 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs not available [build log]
All reported builds failed as of 2016-10-25 [all 3 reports]

Readme for Hoed-0.3.6

[back to package description]

Hoed - A Lightweight Haskell Tracer and Debugger

Hoed is a tracer and debugger for the programming language Haskell. To locate a defect with Hoed you annotate suspected functions and compile as usual. Then you run your program, information about the annotated functions is collected. Finally you connect to a debugging session using a webbrowser. See the

Project homepage

for more information on what it does and how you can use it to find bugs in your code.

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