{-# LINE 1 "OpenSSL/Cipher.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module OpenSSL.Cipher
( Mode(..)
, AESCtx
, newAESCtx
, aesCBC
{-# LINE 20 "OpenSSL/Cipher.hsc" #-}
, aesCTR
{-# LINE 22 "OpenSSL/Cipher.hsc" #-}
import Control.Monad (when, unless)
import Data.IORef
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BSI
import OpenSSL.Utils
data Mode = Encrypt | Decrypt deriving (Eq, Show)
modeToInt :: Num a => Mode -> a
modeToInt Encrypt = 1
modeToInt Decrypt = 0
data AES_KEY
data AESCtx = AESCtx
(ForeignPtr AES_KEY)
(ForeignPtr CUChar)
(ForeignPtr CUChar)
(IORef CUInt)
foreign import ccall unsafe "memcpy"
_memcpy :: Ptr CUChar -> Ptr CChar -> CSize -> IO (Ptr ())
foreign import ccall unsafe "memset"
_memset :: Ptr CUChar -> CChar -> CSize -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "AES_set_encrypt_key"
_AES_set_encrypt_key :: Ptr CChar -> CInt -> Ptr AES_KEY -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "AES_set_decrypt_key"
_AES_set_decrypt_key :: Ptr CChar -> CInt -> Ptr AES_KEY -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "AES_cbc_encrypt"
_AES_cbc_encrypt :: Ptr CChar -> Ptr Word8 -> CULong -> Ptr AES_KEY -> Ptr CUChar -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "&free"
_free :: FunPtr (Ptr a -> IO ())
newAESCtx :: Mode
-> BS.ByteString
-> BS.ByteString
-> IO AESCtx
newAESCtx mode key iv = do
let keyLen = BS.length key * 8
unless (any (keyLen ==) [128, 192, 256]) $ fail "Bad AES key length"
when (BS.length iv /= 16) $ fail "Bad AES128 iv length"
ctx <- mallocForeignPtrBytes ((244))
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withForeignPtr ctx $ \ctxPtr ->
BS.useAsCStringLen key (\(ptr, _) ->
case mode of
Encrypt -> _AES_set_encrypt_key ptr (fromIntegral keyLen) ctxPtr >>= failIf_ (/= 0)
Decrypt -> _AES_set_decrypt_key ptr (fromIntegral keyLen) ctxPtr >>= failIf_ (/= 0))
ivbytes <- mallocForeignPtrBytes 16
ecounter <- mallocForeignPtrBytes 16
nref <- newIORef 0
withForeignPtr ecounter (\ecptr -> _memset ecptr 0 16)
withForeignPtr ivbytes $ \ivPtr ->
BS.useAsCStringLen iv $ \(ptr, _) ->
do _ <- _memcpy ivPtr ptr 16
return $ AESCtx ctx ivbytes ecounter nref mode
aesCBC :: AESCtx
-> BS.ByteString
-> IO BS.ByteString
aesCBC (AESCtx ctx iv _ _ mode) input = do
when (BS.length input `mod` 16 /= 0) $ fail "Bad input length to aesCBC"
withForeignPtr ctx $ \ctxPtr ->
withForeignPtr iv $ \ivPtr ->
BS.useAsCStringLen input $ \(ptr, len) ->
BSI.create (BS.length input) $ \out ->
_AES_cbc_encrypt ptr out (fromIntegral len) ctxPtr ivPtr $ modeToInt mode
{-# LINE 103 "OpenSSL/Cipher.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall unsafe "AES_ctr128_encrypt"
_AES_ctr_encrypt :: Ptr CChar -> Ptr Word8 -> CULong -> Ptr AES_KEY -> Ptr CUChar -> Ptr CUChar -> Ptr CUInt -> IO ()
aesCTR :: AESCtx
-> BS.ByteString
-> IO BS.ByteString
aesCTR (AESCtx _ _ _ _ Decrypt) _ = fail "the context mode must be Encrypt"
aesCTR (AESCtx ctx iv ecounter nref Encrypt) input =
withForeignPtr ctx $ \ctxPtr ->
withForeignPtr iv $ \ivPtr ->
withForeignPtr ecounter $ \ecptr ->
BS.useAsCStringLen input $ \(ptr, len) ->
BSI.create (BS.length input) $ \out ->
alloca $ \nptr -> do
n <- readIORef nref
poke nptr n
_AES_ctr_encrypt ptr out (fromIntegral len) ctxPtr ivPtr ecptr nptr
n' <- peek nptr
writeIORef nref n'
{-# LINE 126 "OpenSSL/Cipher.hsc" #-}