MIP-glpk: A GLPK backend to the MIP library.

[ algorithms, gpl, library, math, optimisation, optimization ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]


  • Numeric
    • Optimization
      • MIP
        • Solver
          • Numeric.Optimization.MIP.Solver.GLPK


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Change log ChangeLog.md
Dependencies base (>=4.12 && <5), bytestring, bytestring-encoding, containers, extended-reals (>=0.1 && <1.0), glpk-headers (>=0.4.1), intern, MIP (>= && <0.3), scientific, text [details]
License GPL-3.0-only
Copyright 2020 Masahiro Sakai
Author Masahiro Sakai
Maintainer masahiro.sakai@gmail.com
Category Math, Algorithms, Optimisation, Optimization
Home page https://github.com/msakai/haskell-MIP#readme
Bug tracker https://github.com/msakai/haskell-MIP/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/msakai/haskell-MIP
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Hackage Hackage Deps License: GPL v3

This provides GLPK backend for MIP package.

MIP package already have the ability to invoke GLPK's command-line solver glpsol, but this package allows using GLPK as a library with smaller overhead.