Name: MagicHaskeller Version: Cabal-Version: >= 1.8 License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Susumu Katayama Maintainer: Susumu Katayama Stability: experimental Homepage: bug-reports: Synopsis: Automatic inductive functional programmer by systematic search Description: MagicHaskeller is an inductive functional programming system for Haskell. This package contains the MagicHaskeller library, which can be used within GHCi or as an API for inductive program synthesis. It also contains the MagicHaskeller executable that is a standalone synthesis program which can be used interactively or as a backend server, and the MagicHaskeller.cgi executable that is a CGI frontend for providing the Web interface. Build-Type: Simple Category: Language data-files: ExperimIOP.hs MagicHaskeller/predicates MagicHaskeller/predicatesAug2014 MagicHaskeller.conf MagicHaskeller/predicatesServed Extra-source-files: xlmap changelog.txt -- Tested-with: GHC == 6.12.1 Tested-with: GHC == 7.4.1, GHC == 7.6.3, GHC == 7.8.4 Flag TFRANDOM Description: Use the tf-random package instead of the random package Default: True Flag GHCAPI Description: Enable execution using the GHC API rather than the combinatory interpreter Default: True Flag READFILE Description: Enable to read a component library file Default: True Flag DEBUG Description: Force typechecking at each dynamic application Default: False Flag NETWORKURI Description: Find Network.URI in network-uri rather than in network < 2.6 (This is a workaround for the changes made in those packages.) Default: True -- Flag ForcibleTO -- Flag Debug -- Flag Benchmark Library Build-depends: time, template-haskell, base >= 4 && < 5, syb, containers, array, random, directory, bytestring, mtl, html, pretty, hashable Exposed-modules: MagicHaskeller, Control.Monad.Search.Combinatorial, Control.Monad.Search.Best, MagicHaskeller.ProgGen, MagicHaskeller.ProgGenSF, MagicHaskeller.ProgGenSFIORef, MagicHaskeller.Expression, MagicHaskeller.LibTH, MagicHaskeller.Analytical, MagicHaskeller.Options, MagicHaskeller.Classification, MagicHaskeller.GetTime, MagicHaskeller.Minimal, MagicHaskeller.IOGenerator, MagicHaskeller.FastRatio, MagicHaskeller.LibExcel Other-modules: MagicHaskeller.MemoToFiles, MagicHaskeller.ShortString, MagicHaskeller.Types, MagicHaskeller.PriorSubsts, Data.Memo, MagicHaskeller.ClassifyTr, MagicHaskeller.CoreLang, MagicHaskeller.DebMT, MagicHaskeller.TyConLib, MagicHaskeller.FakeDynamic, MagicHaskeller.PolyDynamic, MagicHaskeller.ReadTypeRep, MagicHaskeller.ReadTHType, MagicHaskeller.TimeOut, MagicHaskeller.Execute, MagicHaskeller.T10, MagicHaskeller.Instantiate, MagicHaskeller.Classify, MagicHaskeller.MHTH, MagicHaskeller.MyCheck, MagicHaskeller.ExprStaged, MagicHaskeller.Combinators, MagicHaskeller.ReadDynamic, MagicHaskeller.MyDynamic, MagicHaskeller.ClassifyDM, MagicHaskeller.ProgramGenerator, MagicHaskeller.Analytical.FMExpr, MagicHaskeller.Analytical.Parser, MagicHaskeller.Analytical.Syntax, MagicHaskeller.Analytical.UniT, MagicHaskeller.Analytical.Synthesize, MagicHaskeller.ExpToHtml, MagicHaskeller.FMType, MagicHaskeller.NearEq, MagicHaskeller.ClassLib, MagicHaskeller.LibExcelStaged, Paths_MagicHaskeller, MagicHaskeller.VersionInfo Extensions: CPP, TemplateHaskell cpp-options: -DCHTO -DCABAL if flag(TFRANDOM) Build-depends: tf-random <= 0.3 || >= 0.5 cpp-options: -DTFRANDOM if flag(GHCAPI) && !os(windows) Build-depends: ghc >= 6.10, ghc-paths Exposed-modules: MagicHaskeller.RunAnalytical, MagicHaskeller.ExecuteAPI610 if flag(READFILE) Build-depends: haskell-src cpp-options: -DHASKELLSRC Other-modules: MagicHaskeller.ReadHsType if flag(DEBUG) cpp-options: -DREALDYNAMIC if flag(NETWORKURI) Build-depends: network >= 2.6, network-uri >= 2.6 else Build-depends: network < 2.6, network-uri < 2.6 Executable MagicHaskeller Main-is: Backend.hs Build-depends: MagicHaskeller, time, template-haskell, base >= 4 && < 5, syb, containers, array, random, directory, bytestring, mtl, html, pretty, hashable, process, monad-par, transformers, abstract-par, ghc-paths, ghc Other-modules: MagicHaskeller.SimpleServer GHC-options: -threaded -feager-blackholing -rtsopts -- In my experience we should never use -O2 here --- it causes memory leak when compiled with GHC 7.6.3. Extensions: CPP, TemplateHaskell cpp-options: -DCHTO -DCABAL if !os(windows) Build-depends: unix cpp-options: -DUNIX if flag(TFRANDOM) Build-depends: tf-random <= 0.3 || >= 0.5 cpp-options: -DTFRANDOM -- just for avoiding rebuilding everything if flag(READFILE) Build-depends: haskell-src cpp-options: -DHASKELLSRC if impl(ghc >= 7) GHC-options: -with-rtsopts=-N if flag(DEBUG) cpp-options: -DREALDYNAMIC if flag(NETWORKURI) Build-depends: network >= 2.6, network-uri >= 2.6 else Build-depends: network < 2.6, network-uri < 2.6 -- It is strongly recommended to use a UNIX server for the CGI frontend. -- Non-UNIX servers cannot use mueval, which means the functionality of generating input/output examples is not available. Executable MagicHaskeller.cgi Main-is: CGI.lhs Build-depends: time, template-haskell, base >= 4 && < 5, syb, containers, array, random, directory, bytestring, mtl, html, pretty, hashable, MagicHaskeller, cgi, hint, extensible-exceptions, haskell-src Other-modules: MagicHaskeller.CGI cpp-options: -DCHTO -DCABAL if !os(windows) Build-depends: mueval cpp-options: -DUNIX if flag(TFRANDOM) Build-depends: tf-random <= 0.3 || >= 0.5 cpp-options: -DTFRANDOM if flag(DEBUG) cpp-options: -DREALDYNAMIC if flag(NETWORKURI) Build-depends: network >= 2.6, network-uri >= 2.6 else Build-depends: network < 2.6, network-uri < 2.6