#!/usr/bin/runhaskell Compile with ghc -O CGI.lhs -o MagicHaskeller.cgi -package cgi -package mueval -package hint --make -DGHC7 Also, timeout has to be implemented! The running version of lighttpd ignores stderr, so logCGI actions does not work. (I checked it using a CGI program written in C.) \begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module MagicHaskeller.CGI(main', simpleMain) where import System.IO import Network import Network.CGI hiding (Language) import Data.Char import Data.Maybe(isJust) import Data.List(nub, dropWhileEnd) import System.Environment(getProgName) import Prelude hiding (catch) import Control.Monad(when) import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception.Extensible(catch, SomeException(SomeException)) import System.Timeout import Text.Html #ifdef UNIX import Mueval.Interpreter import Mueval.ArgsParse import Mueval.Context import Mueval.Parallel #endif import Language.Haskell.Interpreter import MagicHaskeller.ExpToHtml import Language.Haskell.Parser import Language.Haskell.Syntax -- | The name of the config file. Nothing means the default name, which is ".conf" mbConfigFileName = Nothing -- mbConfigFileName = Just "MagicHaskeller.conf" data Config = C {computerLanguage :: Language, portID :: PortID, hostname :: String, maximalDepth :: Int, myPath :: String, -- The user writes a path here, but internally the progName will be added. minimalDepth :: Int, pagesize :: Int, -- These two should be customizable, but anyway, server default should exist. needSignature :: Bool -- 'needSignature' should be True if using GHC<7.6 ON THE SERVER SIDE. (So this cannot be determined by __GLASGOW_HASKELL__.) } deriving Read -- Unfortunately, the Read instance of PortID is not defined in the library! instance Read PortID where readsPrec _ str = case lex str of #ifdef UNIX [("UnixSocket", strrest)] -> [ (UnixSocket str, rest) | (str, rest) <- reads strrest ] #endif [("PortNumber", numrest)] -> [ (PortNumber $ fromInteger num, rest) | (num, rest) <- reads numrest ] _ -> [] defaultConfig :: Config defaultConfig = C { computerLanguage = LHaskell, -- portID = UnixSocket "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/MagicHaskeller/mhserver" portID = PortNumber 55444, hostname = "localhost", -- hostname = "" maximalDepth = depth defaultQO, --myPath = "/cgi-bin/MagicHaskeller-ghc7.4.1.cgi" --myPath = "/cgi-bin/MagicHaskeller.cgi" myPath = "/cgi-bin/", minimalDepth = 3, -- shown at once pagesize = 30, needSignature = False } configToTitle = languageToTitle . computerLanguage languageToTitle LHaskell = "MagicHaskeller on the Web" languageToTitle LExcel = "MagicExceller Server" languageToTitle LJavaScript = "MagicJavaScripter" firstlines verInfo config showAbsents predicate = "" ++ " " ++ " " ++ configToTitle config ++ " " ++ " \n" ++ " \n" ++ dragStart ++ " " ++ " " ++ "

" ++ configToTitle config ++ "

" ++ "
(CGI frontend version " ++ verInfo ++ ")
" ++ " Specify a function f by writing a predicate as a boolean-valued expression. You will get functions generalizing the specification.
" ++ predicateBox (myPath config) "90" showAbsents predicate ++ (case computerLanguage config of LHaskell -> "Help, examples, etc. in English / in Japanese" LExcel -> "Help, examples, etc. in English / in Japanese") dragStart = " \n" -- We want to show the following button only when Javascript is enabled. absentButton True = " " absentButton False = "" -- The title was (and will be) function details, but currently it is not the right phrase. detailsHead config = "" ++ " " ++ " " ++ configToTitle config ++ " --- input-output examples " ++ " " ++ detailsStyle ++ " " ++ " " ++ "

" ++ configToTitle config ++ " --- input-output examples

" detail config predicate = detailsHead config ++ "The candidate expression
" ++ detail' config predicate thanksHead config = "" ++ " " ++ " " ++ configToTitle config ++ " --- Thanks! " ++ " " ++ detailsStyle ++ " " ++ " " ++ "

Thank you for the feedback!

" -- | a variant of @detail@ thanking for a suggestion thanks config predicate = "By the way, the submitted expression
" ++ detail' config predicate detailsStyle = " " detail' config predicate = "
" ++ " f = " ++ "
" ++ "
satisfies the following input-output relation:

" -- about `display: inline;', See newnotes on Nov. 1, 2012 and http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/forms/extraspace.html -- input-output examples画面でabsentboxを表示してもゴチャゴチャするだけなので,隠しておく. -- 注*1 #absentboxのところは、下記の*1で書いた問題を解決してからテストしたいので,その時はdisplay: noneではなくfont-size: smallにしてからチェックしておきたい. -- details の画面でbox内をカッコでくくるworkaround. 本当はサーバー側で最初からカッコでくくっておいた方が回りくどくない. parenthesize xs | last xs == ')' = xs -- クエリー毎にカッコが増えていかないように,すでにカッコがあると思われるときは括らない. | otherwise = '(':xs++")" predicateBox myPathName size showAbsents predicate = queryBox myPathName size showAbsents predicate "Synthesize f" queryBox myPathName size showAbsents predicate label = "
" ++ " " ++ "
show functions with unused arguments
" ++ " " ++ "
" escapeQuote '\'' = "'" escapeQuote c = [c] examplePredicate = " f \"abcde\" 2 == \"aabbccddee\" " more myPathName d sa p = "
" ++ " " ++ absentInput sa ++ " " ++ " " ++ "
" next myPathName pg sa p = "
" ++ " " ++ absentInput sa ++ " " ++ " " ++ "
" absentInput True = "" absentInput False = "" lastLines True = "" ++ "" lastLines False = "" unavailable config = detailsHead config ++ "

We are sorry, but this functionality is not provided by the CGI frontend built for non-UNIX servers.

" ++ lastLines False main = main' "(Version unknown)" runCGI main' verInfo run = do progName <- getProgName let configFileName = maybe (dropWhileEnd (/='.') progName ++ "conf") id mbConfigFileName config <- do str <- readFile configFileName return $ readUrk str `catch` \(SomeException _) -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Warning: could not read the config file" ++ shows configFileName ". Using the default." return defaultConfig run (handleErrors (cgiMain verInfo $ config{myPath = myPath config ++ progName})) simpleMain = do progName <- getProgName runCGI (handleErrors $ simpleCgiMain $ defaultConfig{myPath = myPath defaultConfig ++ progName}) cgiMain :: String -> Config -> CGI CGIResult cgiMain verInfo config = let myPathName = myPath config in do -- firstlines <- liftIO $ readFile "firstlines" mbXL <- getInput "xl" let useJS = case computerLanguage config of LHaskell -> not $ isJust mbXL -- if MagicHaskeller.cgi is called with xl=1, disable JavaScript in order to pass the XSS filter of Internet Explorer. _ -> True mbAbsent <- getInput "absent" let showAbsents = isJust mbAbsent mbPred <- getInput "predicate" case mbPred of Just command@(':':xs) | not $ all (`elem` "!@#$%&*+./<=>?\\^|-~:") xs -> passCommand verInfo config showAbsents command -- Just pass it if it is a command. (But be careful about any danger.) -- If unknown commands are also passed without any checking, the backend server must check them and print an error message when necessary. Just predicate | all isSpace predicate -> defaultPage verInfo config | otherwise -> do let qBox = queryBox myPathName (show $ length predicate `max` 10) showAbsents predicate predBox = qBox "Synthesize f" mbCandi <- getInput "candidate" case mbCandi of Nothing -> case lex predicate of [(word@(w:_),"")] | isAlpha w || w `elem` "=+!@#$%^&*-\\|:/?<>.~" -> do setHeader "Location" $ snd $ refer word outputNothing _ -> do setHeader "Content-type" "text/html" if faru predicate then organizeSynthesis verInfo config showAbsents predicate useJS else #ifdef UNIX case fixCandidate predicate of Left msg -> output $ detail config predicate ++ stringToHtmlString msg ++ lastLines useJS Right (candi, fxd)-> do -- liftIO $ putStrLn "Exemplifying the user-supplied expression..." mbresult <- liftIO $ runErr $ "showIOPairsHTML \"f\" (generateIOPairs ("++candi++"))" -- liftIO $ putStrLn "exemplified." logCGI $ "MagHLogUser " ++ candi case mbresult of Left msg -> output $ detailsHead config ++ blameQuery (qBox "Exemplify") msg ++ lastLines False Right result -> output $ detail config (parenthesize candi) ++ ""++result ++"
"++ lastLines useJS #else output $ unavailable config #endif Just candi -> #ifdef UNIX do -- liftIO $ putStrLn "Exemplifying the synthesized expression..." -- result <- liftIO $ genIOPs $ ("showIOPairsWithFormsHTML "++show myPathName++" ")++shows predicate (" \"f\" (generateIOPairs ("++candi++"))") -- This is not good unless the type signature is added, because type variables would be instantiated to (). eitherResult <- liftIO $ runErr $ ("showIOPairsWithFormsHTML "++show myPathName++" ")++shows predicate (" \"f\" (generateIOPairs (let {f = const ("++candi++") ("++predicate++")} in f))") mbSug <- getInput "suggest" let suggesting = isJust mbSug errHead | suggesting = blameSuggestion candi predicate | otherwise = apologize logCGI $ (if suggesting then "MagHLogSuggest " else "MagHLogSynth ") ++ candi ++ " ;; " ++ predicate case eitherResult of Left msg -> output $ (if suggesting then thanksHead else detailsHead) config ++ errHead msg ++ lastLines False Right result -> do bs <- liftIO $ runErr ("let {f = " ++ candi ++ "} in " ++ predicate) case bs of Left msg -> do logCGI $ "MagHLogErr " ++ msg output ((if suggesting then thanksHead else detailsHead) config ++ errHead msg ++ lastLines False) Right b -> do let pb = if b then predBox else "not ("++predBox++")" when (not b) $ logCGI $ "MagHLogErr " ++ pb output ((if suggesting then thanks else detail) config candi ++ pb ++ "
"++result ++"
"++ lastLines useJS) --
is necessary for Safari. -- Exemplifyボタンがちゃんとabsentを設定していないので,showAbsentsを送ってもあまり意味がない.注*1 #else output $ unavailable config #endif Nothing -> defaultPage verInfo config -- blameQuery predBox = "I'm afraid that the expression " ++ predBox ++ " you provided is an invalid Haskell expression, or has an unexpected type." ++ ghcComplaint -- blameSuggestion candidate = "I'm afraid that your candidate expression
" ++ candidate ++ "
is either invalid as a Haskell expression or inconsistent with the type of the predicate." -- ++ ghcComplaint -- apologize = "I'm sorry but the candidate expression is inconsistent with the given predicate. Please let me know if this situation is caused just by clicking an autogenerated button." ++ ghcComplaint -- ghcComplaint = "GHC complained with the following error message:" blamePredicate predBox msg = "I'm afraid that the expression
" ++ predBox ++ "
caused some error(s):
" ++ msg ++ "
If you do not understand the error message, please check your expression's validity as a Haskell expression, and make sure that it is a type-consistent unary function returning a boolean value." blameQuery predBox msg = "I'm afraid that the expression
" ++ predBox ++ "
caused some error(s):
" ++ msg ++ "
If you do not understand the error message, please check your expression's validity as a Haskell expression and type consistency with the type of the predicate, and make sure it does not cause an infinite loop." blameSuggestion candidate predicate msg = "However, I'm afraid that your candidate expression
" ++ candidate ++ "
with your predicate
" ++ predicate ++ "
caused some error(s):
" ++ msg ++ "
If you do not understand the error message, please check your expressions' validity and type consistency as Haskell expressions, and make sure they do not cause an infinite loop." apologize msg = "I'm sorry but the candidate expression with the predicate causes some error(s):
" ++ msg ++ "
Please let me know if this situation is caused just by clicking an autogenerated button." \end{code} "Do you mean?" functionality for I/O example query expressions. This balances parens by adding some, and lambda-binds free alphabetic 1-letter variables. Even then, the problem of type variable ambiguity may occur. \begin{code} parseExpr e = case parseModule $ "x= "++e of -- This is a pattern binding, not a function binding. -- The space after x= is necessary. Without it "x=\a->..." causes parse error. ParseOk (HsModule _ _ _ _ [HsPatBind _ _ (HsUnGuardedRhs hsexp) _]) -> Right hsexp ParseFailed _loc msg -> Left msg countParens (HsParen e) = succ $ countParens e countParens e = 0 fixCandidate :: String -> Either String (String, Bool) fixCandidate xs = case balance xs of Left msg -> Left msg Right tri -> Right $ bind tri balance :: String -> Either String (String, HsExp, Bool) -- Left msg if no parse is possible even after fix; -- Right (str, hse, True) if parens are added. balance xs = let numKokka = count ')' xs numKakko = count '(' xs balanced = replicate numKokka '(' ++ xs ++ replicate numKakko ')' in case parseExpr xs of -- We need this step because parentheses can be in Char and String literals. Left msg -> case parseExpr balanced of Left _m -> Left msg Right parened -> let redundancy = countParens parened in Right (dropNChars redundancy '(' $ reverse $ dropNChars redundancy ')' $ reverse balanced, parened, True) Right hse -> Right (xs, hse, False) dropNChars 0 _ xs = xs dropNChars n c (x:xs) | c==x = dropNChars (pred n) c xs | isSpace x = dropNChars n c xs dropNChars _ _ _ = error "while balancing: cannot happen." bind :: (String, HsExp, Bool) -> (String, Bool) bind (xs, hse, chg) = case freeVars hse of [] -> (xs, chg) names -> ("(\\"++unwords names++" -> "++xs++")", True) -- freeVars obtains the list of unbound 1-letter alphabetic variable names. freeVars hse = nub $ fv [] hse [] fv bounds (HsInfixApp e0 qop e1) = fv bounds e0 . freeVarsQOp bounds qop . fv bounds e1 fv bounds (HsApp e0 e1) = fvList bounds [e0,e1] fv bounds (HsNegApp e) = fv bounds e fv bounds (HsLambda _ pats e) = fv (boundVars pats bounds) e -- fv bounds (HsLet decls e) = -- bothered. fv bounds (HsIf b t f) = fvList bounds [b,t,f] fv bounds (HsCase e alts) = fv bounds e -- I ignore alts. I am just tired. -- fv bounds (HsDo stmts) = fv bounds (HsTuple es) = fvList bounds es fv bounds (HsList es) = fvList bounds es fv bounds (HsParen e) = fv bounds e fv bounds (HsLeftSection e qop) = fv bounds e . freeVarsQOp bounds qop fv bounds (HsRightSection qop e) = freeVarsQOp bounds qop . fv bounds e fv bounds (HsRecConstr _con updates) = fvRecord bounds updates fv bounds (HsRecUpdate e updates) = fv bounds e . fvRecord bounds updates fv bounds (HsEnumFrom e) = fv bounds e fv bounds (HsEnumFromTo e0 e1) = fvList bounds [e0,e1] fv bounds (HsEnumFromThen e0 e1) = fvList bounds [e0,e1] fv bounds (HsEnumFromThenTo e0 e1 e2) = fvList bounds [e0,e1,e2] -- fv bounds (HsListComp e stmts) = fv bounds (HsExpTypeSig _loc e _qty) = fv bounds e fv bounds (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent name@[_]))) | not $ name `elem` bounds = (name:) fv bounds _ = id fvList bounds = foldr (.) id . map (fv bounds) fvRecord bounds updates = fvList bounds [ e | HsFieldUpdate _ e <- updates ] freeVarsQOp bounds (HsQVarOp (UnQual (HsIdent name@[_]))) | not $ name `elem` bounds = (name:) freeVarsQOp _ _ = id boundVars [] = id boundVars (HsPNeg p : pats) = boundVars (p:pats) boundVars (HsPInfixApp p0 op p1 : pats) = qNameToStrs op . boundVars (p0:p1:pats) boundVars (HsPApp _con ps : pats) = boundVars ps . boundVars pats boundVars (HsPTuple ps : pats) = boundVars ps . boundVars pats boundVars (HsPList ps : pats) = boundVars ps . boundVars pats boundVars (HsPParen p : pats) = boundVars (p:pats) boundVars (HsPRec _con patfields : pats) = boundVars [ p | HsPFieldPat _name p <- patfields ] . boundVars pats boundVars (HsPAsPat name p : pats) = nameToStrs name . boundVars (p:pats) boundVars (HsPIrrPat p : pats) = boundVars (p:pats) boundVars (HsPVar (HsIdent name@[_]) : pats) = (name:) . boundVars pats boundVars (_ : pats) = boundVars pats qNameToStrs :: HsQName -> [String] -> [String] qNameToStrs (UnQual (HsIdent name@[_])) = (name:) qNameToStrs _ = id nameToStrs :: HsName -> [String] -> [String] nameToStrs (HsIdent name@[_]) = (name:) nameToStrs _ = id count :: Char -> String -> Int count = (\a b -> length (filter (== a) b)) -- synthesized by MagicHaskeller on the Web:) \end{code} \begin{code} showError verInfo config predicate message = output $ firstlines verInfo config False predicate ++ message ++ lastLines False organizeSynthesis verInfo config showAbsents predicate useJS = do mbIns <- getInput "inputs" mbOut <- getInput "output" let augPred = case (mbIns, mbOut) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> predicate (Just ins, Just out) -> let str = ") && f "++ins++" ~= "++out in '(':predicate++str _ -> error "Only one of 'inputs' and 'output' is set." case review augPred of Left msg -> showError verInfo config augPred msg Right (predi, corrected) -> if needSignature config then case addSignature predi of [] -> showError verInfo config augPred "

Lex error!
" [sigPred] -> organizeSynthesis' verInfo config True showAbsents augPred predi sigPred useJS else organizeSynthesis' verInfo config corrected showAbsents augPred predi predi useJS organizeSynthesis' verInfo config corrected showAbsents origPred predicate sigPred useJS = do mbPage <- readInput "page" mbDepth <- readInput "depth" mbDepthBound <- readInput "depthbound" -- This is used by MagicExceller, for controling the vertical synthesis. -- let neocon = config{maximalDepth = maybe (maximalDepth config) id mbDepthBound} -- let reqDepth = min maximalDepth $ 1 + maybe (maybe minimalDepth (const maximalDepth) mbPage) id mbDepth let reqDepth = maximalDepth config -- See notes on Apr. 25, 2013 theReqDepth = maybe reqDepth id mbDepthBound -- `min` reqDepth result <- liftIO $ synthesize config $ shows Q{depth = theReqDepth, absents = showAbsents} sigPred let body = case result of '!':res -> "

"++blamePredicate origPred res _ -> notice++clipped results = lines result notice | corrected = "

(Corrected from "++stringToHtmlString origPred++")

" | otherwise = "


" clipped = case mbPage of Nothing -> case mbDepthBound of Nothing -> let shownDepth = maybe (minimalDepth config) id mbDepth in byDepth config shownDepth showAbsents results origPred useJS Just shownDepth -> byDepthBound config shownDepth (showAbsents && useJS) results origPred Just pg -> absentButton (showAbsents && useJS) ++ case takeNFORMs (pagesize config) (dropNFORMs (pred pg * pagesize config) result) of (True, sc) -> sc ++ next (myPath config) (succ pg) showAbsents origPred (False,sc) -> sc output $ firstlines verInfo config showAbsents predicate ++ body ++ lastLines useJS passCommand verInfo config showAbsents command = do result <- liftIO $ synthesize config command output $ firstlines verInfo config showAbsents command ++ "

" ++ result ++ lastLines False defaultPage :: String -> Config -> CGI CGIResult defaultPage verInfo config = do setHeader "Content-type" "text/html" showError verInfo config "" "" stringToHtmlStringBr = concatMap (\c -> case c of {'\n' -> "
";_->[c]}) . stringToHtmlString #ifdef UNIX -- hack for extracting Mueval.ArgsParse.defaultOptions which is not exported. This is useful for supporting both mueval<0.9 and mueval>=0.9. Right defaultOptions = interpreterOpts [] -- Functions causing infinite loop should be excluded, and I guess use of Safe Haskell is against this (future) policy. options = defaultOptions{ modules = Just ["MagicHaskeller.IOGenerator","Prelude","Data.List","Data.Char","Data.Maybe","Data.Either","MagicHaskeller.FastRatio","MagicHaskeller.LibExcel"] , timeLimit = 5 , user = "" , loadFile = "" , printType = False , extensions = False , namedExtensions = ["FlexibleInstances", "UndecidableInstances", "OverlappingInstances", "IncoherentInstances", "ExtendedDefaultRules"] , noImports = False , rLimits = False , help = False } -- unused genIOPs :: String -> IO String genIOPs expr = do result <- runErr expr return $ case result of Left msg -> msg Right xs -> xs runErr :: Read a => String -> IO (Either String a) runErr expr = do result <- block run options{expression=expr} return $ case result of Left (WontCompile es) -> Left $ stringToHtmlStringBr $ unlines $ map errMsg es Left e -> Left $ stringToHtmlStringBr $ show e Right (_,_,result) -> Right $ readUrk result `catch` (\e -> return $ Left $ stringToHtmlStringBr $ show (e::SomeException)) {- This is not always forcible. genIOPs expr = do mb <- timeout 2000000 $ -- two seconds. too short? do result <- runInterpreter $ interpreter $ options{expression="showIOPairs \"
\" \"f\" ("++expr++")"} case result of Left e -> return $ show e Right (_,_,result) -> return result return $ maybe "Timeout occurred.
" id mb `catch` (return . show) -} run opts mvar = do mainId <- myThreadId watchDog (timeLimit opts) mainId hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering -- Our modules and expression are set up. Let's do stuff. forkIO $ ((runInterpreter . interpreter) opts >>= putMVar mvar) `catch` \e -> throwTo mainId (e::SomeException) #endif byDepth config depth showAbsents results predicate useJS = let myPathName = myPath config thatsitblah = thatsit myPathName predicate in case splitAt depth results of (tk,[]) | all null tk -> thatsitblah | otherwise -> absentButton (showAbsents && useJS) ++ unlines tk ++ thatsitblah (tk,_) | all null tk || null (last tk) -> byDepth config (succ depth) showAbsents results predicate useJS | otherwise -> absentButton (showAbsents && useJS) ++ let cl = unlines tk in case takeNFORMs (pagesize config) cl of (False,_) -> cl ++ if depth >= maximalDepth config then thatsitblah else more myPathName (succ depth) showAbsents predicate (True,sc) -> sc ++ next myPathName 2 showAbsents predicate byDepthBound config depth showAbsents results predicate = let myPathName = myPath config thatsitblah = thatsit myPathName predicate in case splitAt depth results of (tk, _) | all null tk -> thatsitblah | otherwise -> absentButton showAbsents ++ unlines tk ++ thatsitblah {- -- -- The downloadable version is not updated for a while.... -- thatsit = "
That's it! More (or less) results may be obtained with the downloadable version.
" thatsit = "
That's it! Please let me know if you think some expression should be synthesized, but isn't.
" -} thatsit myPathName predicate = "
That's it! Please submit the right expression in your mind (or your partial solution as a subexpression) if you like." ++ " It will be regarded as your suggestion, and may be able to be synthesized by future versions.
" ++ "

" ++ " f = " ++ " " ++ "
" faru xs = case lex xs of [] -> False [("",_)] -> False [("f",_)] -> True [(_,ys)] -> faru ys addSignature xs = do (cs,rest) <- lex xs case cs of "" -> return "" c:cs' | isDigit c && all (/='.') cs' -> do (token,rest2) <- lex rest case token of "::" -> fmap ((cs++).("::"++)) $ addSignature rest2 _ -> fmap (('(':).(cs++).("::Int)"++)) $ addSignature rest | otherwise -> fmap ((cs++).(' ':)) $ addSignature rest -- splitAtNBRsにすればよかった. takeNBRs 0 _ = (True, "") takeNBRs n "" = (False,"") takeNBRs n ('<':'b':'r':'>':xs) = case takeNBRs (pred n) xs of (b,r) -> (b, "
" ++ r) takeNBRs n (x:xs) = case takeNBRs n xs of (b,r) -> (b, x : r) dropNBRs 0 xs = xs dropNBRs n "" = "" dropNBRs n ('<':'b':'r':'>':xs) = dropNBRs (pred n) xs dropNBRs n (x:xs) = dropNBRs n xs takeNFORMs 0 _ = (True, "") takeNFORMs n "" = (False,"") takeNFORMs n ('<':'/':'F':'O':'R':'M':'>':xs) = case takeNFORMs (pred n) xs of (b,r) -> (b, "" ++ r) takeNFORMs n (x:xs) = case takeNFORMs n xs of (b,r) -> (b, x : r) dropNFORMs 0 xs = xs dropNFORMs n "" = "" dropNFORMs n ('<':'/':'F':'O':'R':'M':'>':xs) = dropNFORMs (pred n) xs dropNFORMs n (x:xs) = dropNFORMs n xs synthesize :: Config -> String -> IO String synthesize config predicate = do handle <- connectTo (hostname config) (portID config) hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering hPutStrLn handle predicate hGetContents handle -- just for testing and debugging simpleCgiMain :: Config -> CGI CGIResult simpleCgiMain config = do -- firstlines <- liftIO $ readFile "firstlines" setHeader "Content-type" "text/html; charset=EUC-JP" mbPred <- getInput "predicate" case mbPred of Just predicate -> do result <- liftIO $ synthesize config predicate output $ firstlines "" config False predicate ++ unlines (take 3 $ lines result) ++ lastLines False Nothing -> output $ firstlines "" config False examplePredicate ++ lastLines False readUrk :: Read a => String -> a readUrk xs = case reads xs of [(v,ys)] | all isSpace ys -> v _ -> error $ "urk" ++ xs \end{code}