{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TemplateHaskell #-} module MagicHaskeller.ExpToHtml(QueryOptions(..), defaultQO, review, expToPlainString, expSigToString, refer, pprnn, annotateFree, annotateString, Language(..)) where import Language.Haskell.TH as TH import Language.Haskell.TH.PprLib(to_HPJ_Doc) import Text.PrettyPrint import Network.URI(escapeURIString, isUnreserved) import Text.Html(stringToHtmlString) import MagicHaskeller.LibTH(fromPrelude, fromDataList, fromDataChar, fromDataMaybe, Primitive, ords, prelOrdRelated, prelEqRelated, dataListOrdRelated, dataListEqRelated, fromPrelDouble, fromPrelRatio, fromDataRatio) import Data.Char(isAlpha, ord, isDigit, isSpace, toUpper) import qualified Data.Map import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import Data.Generics import MagicHaskeller.CoreLang(stripByd_) import Data.Hashable import Data.List((\\)) import Control.Monad(mplus) -- Maybe QueryOptions should be put in a new module. data QueryOptions = Q {depth :: Int, absents :: Bool} deriving (Read, Show) defaultQO = Q {depth = 7, absents = False} data Language = LHaskell | LExcel | LJavaScript deriving (Read, Show, Eq) -- | 'review' makes sure the predicate string does not use either let or where, and may correct grammatical mistakes. -- This check should be done on both the CGI frontend side and the backend server side. -- (But actually is done only on the CGI side.) review :: String -> Either String (String,Bool) review "" = return ("",False) review xs = case lex xs of [] | '"':_ <- dropWhile isSpace xs -> Left "

Lex error: maybe double-quotes are not balanced.
" -- Unbalanced double-quotes may be automatically closed at the end, but that can be confusing. | otherwise -> Left "

Lex error!
" [("let", _)] -> Left loopErrMsg [("where", _)] -> Left loopErrMsg [("=", rest)] -> do (zs,_) <- review rest return ("~= "++zs, True) [("&", rest)] -> do (zs,_) <- review rest return ("&& "++zs, True) [("NaN",rest)] -> do (zs,_) <- review rest return ("(0/0) "++zs, True) [("Infinity",rest)] -> do (zs,_) <- review rest return ("(1/0) "++zs, True) [(tkn, rest)] -> do (zs,repl) <- review rest return (tkn++' ':zs, repl) loopErrMsg = "

Error: let expressions and where clauses are prohibited here. You can still use " ++ refLink "case" "case" ++ " expressions without where clauses for non-recursive bindings.
" expToPlainString, expToString :: Exp -> String expToPlainString = ('\n':) . pprint -- expToString = (\xs -> '(':xs++")
") . {- replaceRightArrow . -} pprint . annotateEverywhere -- simple and stupid expToString = (\xs -> '(':xs++")
") . filter (/='\n') . {- replaceRightArrow . -} annotateString LHaskell. pprnn -- no buttons expSigToString = mkButton -- with buttons pprnn = renderStyle style{mode=OneLineMode} . to_HPJ_Doc . pprExp 4 isAbsent :: TH.Exp -> Bool isAbsent (LamE pats e) = any (==WildP) pats || isAbsent e isAbsent (VarE name) = nameBase name == "const" isAbsent _ = False -- どうも ->をescapeする必要はないみたい.ま,<->みたいな演算子はescapeされているはずだし,みたいなコメントはないはずなので,→で置き換えても害はなさそう. -- と思ったけど,コピペするのに不便. replaceRightArrow "" = "" replaceRightArrow ('-':'>':xs) = "→"++replaceRightArrow xs replaceRightArrow (x:xs) = x : replaceRightArrow xs -- Unfortunately, w3m does not understand "++body ++ "
" mkButton :: Language -> [Char] -> [Char] -> Exp -> [Char] mkButton lang predStr sig expr | usesBlackListed expr = body ++ "
" | otherwise = "" -- ++body++"  " ++"  f   =   "++body ++"" where pprExp = pprnn expr body = annotateString lang pprExp --
をつけると改行しすぎ。 usesBlackListed :: TH.Exp -> Bool usesBlackListed = everything (||) (False `mkQ` (\name -> hash (nameBase name) `IS.member` partial)) partial :: IS.IntSet partial = IS.fromList $ map hash ["div", "mod", {- my version of -} "enumFromThenTo", "^", "head", -- "!!", -- "chr", -- used as chr . abs when auto-generated. "init", "maximum", "minimum", "maximumBy", "minimumBy"] escapeHTML '<' = "<" escapeHTML '>' = ">" escapeHTML '&' = "&" escapeHTML '"' = """ escapeHTML '\'' = "'" escapeHTML c = [c] -- This is the version that can annotate bound variables (if there exists a one-letter library function), but is free from the cheating of moving out the first letter. -- Also, the unary minus cannot be distinguished from the binary (-) -- x #define RESPECTQUALIFICATIONS -- 将来的には、名前が同じでもmoduleごとに違うものをちゃんと扱う。 #ifdef RESPECTQUALIFICATIONS annotateString lang xs = case lex xs of [] -> error $ "parse error during annotateString: " ++ xs ++ "\nThis should not happen, when connected to the right server." [("","")] -> "" [(cs@(c:_),'.':rs@(r:_))] | isUpper c && not (isSpace r) -> annStr lang (cs++".") rs -- Without this pattern, '.' in "Data.Maybe.maybe" would be annotated. [(cs,rs)] -> (if isSpace $ head xs then (' ':) else id) (annotateWord lang cs ++ annotateString lang rs) annStr lang mod xs = case lex xs of [] -> error $ "parse error during annStr: " ++ xs ++"\nThis should not happen, when connected to the right server." [("","")] -> error $ "parse error during annStr: " ++ xs ++"\nThis should not happen, when connected to the right server." [(cs@(c:_),".":rs@(r:_))] | isUpper c && not (isSpace r) -> annStr lang (mod++cs++".") rs -- Without this pattern, '.' in "Data.Maybe.maybe" would be annotated. [(cs,rs)] -> (if isSpace $ head xs then (' ':) else id) (annotateWord lang cs ++ annotateString lang rs) #else annotateString lang xs = case lex xs of [] -> error $ "parse error during annotateString: " ++ xs ++ "\nThis should not happen, when connected to the right server." [("","")] -> "" [(".",rs@(r:_))] | not $ isSpace (head xs) && isSpace r -> '.' : annotateString lang rs -- Without this pattern, '.' in "Data.Maybe.maybe" would be annotated. [(cs,rs)] -> (if isSpace $ head xs then (' ':) else id) (annotateWord lang cs ++ annotateString lang rs) #endif -- 「1単語入れればDocumentationに飛ぶ」ってやつも,「lexして残りの部分がall isSpaceならannoatateWordを実行」に拡張できる.となると,let, in, where, case of, doもいるか.さすがにclassとかtypeとかはいいでしょう.whereもいらないか.::や=>は要らないか.ま,この辺は後回しでもよい. -- file:///usr/share/doc/haskell98-report/html/haskell98-report-html/lexemes.html#sect2.6 -- Character and String Literals annotateWord LHaskell cs@('\'':_) = mkLink cs "http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch2.html#x7-200002.6" "literal" annotateWord LHaskell cs@('"' :_) = mkLink cs "http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch2.html#x7-200002.6" "literal" -- http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch3.html#x8-580003.17 -- Pattern Matching -- http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch3.html#x8-590003.17.1 -- Patterns annotateWord LHaskell cs@('_' :_) = mkLink cs "http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch3.html#x8-580003.17" "keyword" -- _1文字の場合はkeywordと考えてもよい.てか,MagHでは現状は1文字の場合しかない.keywordだと太字.まあ,_が変数名の真ん中で使えることを考えるとkeywordか. -- file:///usr/share/doc/haskell98-report/html/haskell98-report-html/lexemes.html#sect2.5 -- Numeric Literals annotateWord LHaskell cs@(c :_) | isDigit c = mkLink cs "http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch2.html#x7-190002.5" "literal" | otherwise = case referMb cs of Just (cls, str) -> mkLink cs str cls Nothing | isAlpha c -> ""++cs++"" | otherwise -> cs annotateWord LExcel cs = case Data.Map.lookup capcs xlmap of Nothing -> cs -- bound variablesは小文字のまま。 Just filename -> "" -- 古いやつ -- Just filename -> "" -- ?CTT=5&origin=HP005204211 ってのが付いてたけど、なくてもちゃんと飛んでくれる。 ++ capcs ++ "" where capcs = map toUpper cs annotateWord _ [] = [] xlmap :: Data.Map.Map String String -- x #ifdef CABAL -- x xlmap = Data.Map.fromList $ read $(fmap (LitE . StringL) $ runIO $ getDataFileName "xlmap" >>= readFile) -- x #else xlmap = Data.Map.fromList $ read $(fmap (LitE . StringL) $ runIO $ readFile "xlmap") -- x #endif -- version that never mistakenly annotate bound variables, but is with cheating of moving out the first letter, seen in annotateName. annotateEverywhere = everywhere (mkT annotateName) annotateFree :: [String] -> TH.Exp -> TH.Exp annotateFree names v@(VarE name) | show name `elem` names = v | otherwise = VarE $ annotateName name annotateFree _ (ConE name) = ConE $ annotateName name annotateFree _ l@(LitE _) = l annotateFree names (AppE f e) = annotateFree names f `AppE` annotateFree names e annotateFree names (InfixE mbf op mbe) = InfixE (fmap (annotateFree names) mbf) (annotateFree names op) (fmap (annotateFree names) mbe) annotateFree names (LamE pats e) = LamE pats $ annotateFree (patsToNames pats names) e annotateFree names (TupE es) = TupE $ map (annotateFree names) es annotateFree names (CondE b t f) = CondE (annotateFree names b) (annotateFree names t) (annotateFree names f) annotateFree names (ListE es) = ListE $ map (annotateFree names) es annotateFree names (SigE e t) = SigE (annotateFree names e) t annotateFree names e = annotateEverywhere e -- bothered.... patsToNames [] = id patsToNames (p:ps) = patToNames p . patsToNames ps patToNames (VarP name) = (show name :) patToNames (TupP ps) = patsToNames ps patToNames (ConP _ ps) = patsToNames ps patToNames (InfixP p _ q) = patsToNames [p,q] patToNames (TildeP p) = patToNames p patToNames (AsP name p) = (show name :) . patToNames p patToNames (ListP ps) = patsToNames ps patToNames (SigP p _) = patToNames p patToNames _ = id -- 名前の1文字目が記号だとbinary operator扱いになってカッコがついてしまうので. annotateName :: TH.Name -> TH.Name annotateName name = case nameBase name of nameStr@(c:cs) | isAlpha c -> mkName $ c : refLink nameStr cs | c `elem` "=+!@#$%^&*-\\|:/?<>.~" -> mkName $ refLink nameStr $ stringToHtmlString nameStr _ -> name -- special names like [] and () refLink nameStr body = case refer nameStr of (cls, url) -> mkLink body url cls refer nameStr = case referMb nameStr of Just tup -> tup Nothing -> ("variable", referHoogle nameStr) mkLink body url cls = ""++body++"" referMb str = do (cls, f) <- Data.Map.lookup str mapNameModule `mplus` Data.Map.lookup (str++"By") mapNameModule return (cls, f str) mapNameModule :: Data.Map.Map String (String, String->String) mapNameModule = Data.Map.fromList $ mkAssoc "base" "Prelude" preludeNameBases ++ mkAssoc "base" "Data-List" (["\\\\"] ++ primssToStrs fromDataList ++ [ stripByd_ nm | nm <- primssToStrs $ dataListOrdRelated ++ dataListEqRelated ]) ++ mkAssoc "base" "Data-Char" dataCharNameBases ++ mkAssoc "base" "Data-Maybe" (primssToStrs fromDataMaybe) ++ mkAssoc "base" "Data-Ratio" (primssToStrs fromDataRatio) ++ [ (kw, ("keyword", const $ repch3 ++ str)) | (kw, str) <- [ ("@", "#x8-580003.17"), -- Pattern Matching ("~", "#x8-580003.17"), -- Pattern Matching ("..", "#x8-400003.10"), -- Arithmetic Sequences ("\\", "#x8-260003.3"), -- Curried Applications and Lambda Abstractions ("->", "#x8-260003.3"), -- Curried Applications and Lambda Abstractions ("if", "#x8-320003.6"), -- Conditionals ("then","#x8-320003.6"), -- Conditionals ("else","#x8-320003.6"), -- Conditionals (":", "#x8-340003.7"), -- Lists ("let", ""), -- Let can appear at different places. ("in", "#x8-440003.12"), -- Let ("case","#x8-460003.13"), -- Case ("of", "#x8-460003.13"), -- Case ("do", "#x8-470003.14"), -- Do ("::", "#x8-560003.16") -- Expression type-signatures ] ] ++ [ (kw, ("other", const $ repch3 ++ str)) | (kw, str) <- [ ("[", ""), -- There are some possibilities, so the syntax is pointed. ("]", ""), ("|", ""), ("`", "#x8-240003.2"), -- Variables, Constructors, Operators, and Literals ("-", "#x8-280003.4") -- Operator Applications ] ] repch3 = "http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch3.html" mkAssoc package mod namebases = [ (str, ("variable", referHackage package mod)) | str <- namebases ] preludeNameBases = ["iterate", "!!", "id", "$", "const", ".", "flip", "subtract", "maybe", "foldr", "foldl", "zipWith", "either", "last"] ++ -- These are not included in the component library, but introduced by MagicHaskeller.LibTH.postprocess. (primssToStrs fromPrelude \\ [":","-"]) ++ primssToStrs fromPrelDouble ++ primssToStrs fromPrelRatio ++ [ stripByd_ nm | nm <- primssToStrs $ prelOrdRelated ++ prelEqRelated ] dataCharNameBases = ["chr"] ++ primssToStrs fromDataChar primssToStrs = primsToStrs . concat primsToStrs = map TH.nameBase . primsToNames primsToNames :: [Primitive] -> [TH.Name] primsToNames ps = [ name | (_, VarE name, _) <- ps ] ++ [ name | (_, ConE name, _) <- ps ] ++ [ name | (_, _ `AppE` VarE name, _) <- ps ] -- ad hoc approach to the (flip foo) cases:) -- So far this should work: referHackage package modulename str = "http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/"++package++"/latest/doc/html/"++modulename++".html#v:"++hackageEncode str hackageEncode cs@(a:_) | isAlpha a = cs | otherwise = concatMap (\c -> '-' : shows (ord c) "-") cs -- But this is more generic:) referHoogle str = "http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/?hoogle=" ++ escapeURIString isUnreserved str