# installation prefix PREFIX=/usr/local # Unix-like system, 64 bit words CONF=unix-64 # CCWARNS= -Wall CCOPTS= -O3 CCLIBS= -lm CCEVAL= $(CC) $(CCWARNS) $(CCOPTS) -Isrc/runtime src/runtime/eval-$(CONF).c $(CCLIBS) # GHC= ghc GHCINCS= -ighc -isrc -ipaths GHCWARNS= -Wall -Wno-unrecognised-warning-flags -Wno-x-partial -Wno-deprecations GHCOPTS= -O GHCEXTS= -DNOTCABAL -XScopedTypeVariables -XTypeSynonymInstances -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XFlexibleInstances -XBangPatterns GHCPKGS= -package mtl -package pretty -package haskeline -package process -package time -package ghc-prim -package containers -package deepseq -package directory -package text GHCTOOL= # -F -pgmF Tools/convertX.sh GHCOUTDIR= ghc-out GHCOUT= -outputdir $(GHCOUTDIR) GHCPROF= # -prof -fprof-late #-prof -fprof-auto GHCFLAGS= $(GHCEXTS) $(GHCINCS) $(GHCWARNS) $(GHCOPTS) $(GHCTOOL) $(GHCPKGS) $(GHCOUT) $(GHCPROF) # MHSINCNP= -i -imhs -isrc -ilib MHSINC=$(MHSINCNP) -ipaths # .PHONY: clean bootstrap install ghcgen newmhs cachelib timecompile exampletest cachetest runtest runtestmhs everytest everytestmhs nfibtest info all: bin/mhs bin/cpphs targets.conf: echo [default] > targets.conf echo cc = \"$(CC)\" >> targets.conf echo conf = \"$(CONF)\" >> targets.conf newmhs: ghcgen targets.conf $(CCEVAL) generated/mhs.c -o bin/mhs $(CC) $(CCWARNS) -g -Isrc/runtime src/runtime/eval-$(CONF).c $(CCLIBS) generated/mhs.c -o bin/mhsgdb sanitizemhs: ghcgen targets.conf $(CCEVAL) -fsanitize=undefined -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=pointer-compare -fsanitize=pointer-subtract generated/mhs.c -o bin/mhssane # Compile mhs from distribution, with C compiler bin/mhs: src/runtime/*.c src/runtime/*.h targets.conf #generated/mhs.c @mkdir -p bin $(CCEVAL) generated/mhs.c -o bin/mhs # Compile cpphs from distribution, with C compiler bin/cpphs: src/runtime/*.c src/runtime/config*.h generated/cpphs.c @mkdir -p bin $(CCEVAL) generated/cpphs.c -o bin/cpphs # Compile combinator evaluator bin/mhseval: src/runtime/*.c src/runtime/config*.h @mkdir -p bin $(CCEVAL) src/runtime/comb.c -o bin/mhseval size bin/mhseval bin/mhsevalgdb: src/runtime/*.c src/runtime/config*.h @mkdir -p bin $(CC) $(CCWARNS) -g src/runtime/eval-$(CONF).c $(CCLIBS) src/runtime/comb.c -o bin/mhsevalgdb # Compile mhs with ghc bin/gmhs: src/*/*.hs ghc/*.hs ghc/*/*.hs ghc/*/*/*.hs @mkdir -p bin $(GHC) $(GHCFLAGS) src/MicroHs/Main.hs -main-is MicroHs.Main -o bin/gmhs # Compile mhs with ghc, with code coverage bin/cmhs: src/*/*.hs ghc/*.hs ghc/*/*.hs @mkdir -p bin $(GHC) $(GHCFLAGS) -fhpc src/MicroHs/Main.hs -main-is MicroHs.Main -o bin/cmhs # Generate distribution C file generated/mhs.c: bin/mhs src/*/*.hs @mkdir -p generated bin/mhs -z $(MHSINC) MicroHs.Main -ogenerated/mhs.c ghcgen: bin/gmhs src/*/*.hs lib/*.hs lib/*/*.hs lib/*/*/*.hs bin/gmhs $(MHSINC) MicroHs.Main -ogenerated/mhs.c # Make sure boottrapping works bootstrap: bin/mhs-stage2 @echo "*** copy stage2 to bin/mhs" cp bin/mhs-stage2 bin/mhs cp generated/mhs-stage2.c generated/mhs.c # Build stage1 compiler with existing compiler bin/mhs-stage1: bin/mhs src/*/*.hs @mkdir -p generated @echo "*** Build stage1 compiler, using bin/mhs" bin/mhs -z $(MHSINC) MicroHs.Main -ogenerated/mhs-stage1.c $(CCEVAL) generated/mhs-stage1.c -o bin/mhs-stage1 # Build stage2 compiler with stage1 compiler, and compare bin/mhs-stage2: bin/mhs-stage1 src/*/*.hs @mkdir -p generated @echo "*** Build stage2 compiler, with stage1 compiler" bin/mhs-stage1 -z $(MHSINC) MicroHs.Main -ogenerated/mhs-stage2.c cmp generated/mhs-stage1.c generated/mhs-stage2.c @echo "*** stage2 equal to stage1" $(CCEVAL) generated/mhs-stage2.c -o bin/mhs-stage2 cpphssrc/malcolm-wallace-universe: mkdir -p cpphssrc cd cpphssrc; git clone git@github.com:hackage-trustees/malcolm-wallace-universe.git # Use this cpphs for bootstrapping USECPPHS=bin/cpphs bootstrapcpphs: bin/mhs cpphssrc/malcolm-wallace-universe $(USECPPHS) MHSCPPHS=$(USECPPHS) bin/mhs -z -XCPP -icpphssrc/malcolm-wallace-universe/polyparse-1.12/src -icpphssrc/malcolm-wallace-universe/cpphs-1.20.9 cpphssrc/malcolm-wallace-universe/cpphs-1.20.9/cpphs.hs -ogenerated/cpphs.c # Run test examples with ghc-compiled compiler runtest: bin/mhseval bin/gmhs tests/*.hs cd tests; make alltest # Run test examples with mhs-compiled compiler runtestmhs: cd tests; make MHS=../bin/mhs cache; make MHS="../bin/mhs +RTS -H4M -RTS -CR" info test errtest # Compress the binary (broken on MacOS) bin/umhs: bin/mhs rm -f bin/umhs upx -q -q -obin/umhs bin/mhs # timecompile: bin/mhs time bin/mhs +RTS -v -RTS $(MHSINC) MicroHs.Main # timecachecompile: bin/mhs @-rm -f .mhscache time bin/mhs +RTS -v -RTS -CW AllOfLib time bin/mhs +RTS -v -RTS -CR $(MHSINC) MicroHs.Main # cachelib: @-rm -f .mhscache bin/mhs -CW AllOfLib # clean: rm -rf src/*/*.hi src/*/*.o *.comb *.tmp *~ bin/* a.out $(GHCOUTDIR) Tools/*.o Tools/*.hi dist-newstyle generated/*-stage* .mhscache targets.conf .mhscache dist-mcabal cpphssrc Interactive.hs .mhsi make clean -f Makefile.emscripten cd tests; make clean -cabal clean oldinstall: mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/bin cp bin/mhs $(PREFIX)/bin -cp bin/cpphs $(PREFIX)/bin mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/lib/mhs/src/runtime cp -r lib $(PREFIX)/lib/mhs cp src/runtime/* $(PREFIX)/lib/mhs/src/runtime cp targets.conf $(PREFIX)/lib/mhs/targets.conf @echo "***" @echo "*** Installation complete" @echo "*** Set environment variable MHSDIR to $(PREFIX)/lib/mhs" @echo "***" everytest: newmhs runtest exampletest cachetest bootcombtest nfibtest info everytestmhs: bin/mhs bin/mhseval exampletest cachetest bootstrap runtestmhs nfibtest info bootcombtest: bin/gmhs bin/mhseval bin/gmhs $(MHSINC) -ogmhs.comb MicroHs.Main bin/mhseval +RTS -v -rgmhs.comb -RTS $(MHSINC) -omhs.comb MicroHs.Main cmp gmhs.comb mhs.comb exampletest: bin/mhs bin/mhseval Example.hs bin/mhs -r Example bin/mhs Example && bin/mhseval bin/mhs Example -oEx && ./Ex && rm Ex info: bin/mhs bin/mhs -r -itests Info cachetest: bin/mhs bin/mhseval Example.hs rm -f .mhscache bin/mhs -CW AllOfLib bin/mhs -CR Example && bin/mhseval bin/mhs +RTS -v -RTS $(MHSINC) -CR MicroHs.Main rm -f .mhscache nfibtest: bin/mhs bin/mhseval bin/mhs -itests Nfib && bin/mhseval emscripten: bin/mhs targets.conf make test -f Makefile.emscripten ###### VERSION= HVERSION=0,10,3,0 MCABAL=$(HOME)/.mcabal MCABALMHS=$(MCABAL)/mhs-$(VERSION) MDATA=$(MCABALMHS)/data/mhs-$(VERSION)/data MRUNTIME=$(MDATA)/src/runtime MCABALBIN=$(MCABAL)/bin MDIST=dist-mcabal BASE=base-$(VERSION) BASEMODULES=Control.Applicative Control.Arrow Control.Category Control.DeepSeq Control.Error Control.Exception Control.Monad Control.Monad.Fail Control.Monad.Fix Control.Monad.IO.Class Control.Monad.ST Control.Monad.Zip Data.Array Data.Bifoldable Data.Bifunctor Data.Bitraversable Data.Bits Data.Bool Data.Bounded Data.ByteString Data.Char Data.Complex Data.Constraint Data.Data Data.Double Data.Dynamic Data.Either Data.Enum Data.Eq Data.Fixed Data.Float Data.FloatW Data.Floating Data.Foldable Data.Foldable1 Data.Fractional Data.Function Data.Functor Data.Functor.Classes Data.Functor.Compose Data.Functor.Const Data.Functor.Contravariant Data.Functor.Identity Data.Functor.Product Data.Functor.Sum Data.Hashable Data.IOArray Data.IORef Data.Int Data.Integer Data.Integral Data.Ix Data.Kind Data.List Data.List.NonEmpty Data.Maybe Data.Monoid Data.Num Data.Ord Data.Proxy Data.Ratio Data.Real Data.RealFloat Data.RealFrac Data.Records Data.STRef Data.Semigroup Data.String Data.Text Data.Traversable Data.Tuple Data.Tuple.Instances Data.Type.Equality Data.TypeLits Data.Typeable Data.Version Data.Void Data.Word Data.ZipList Debug.Trace Foreign Foreign.C Foreign.C.Error Foreign.C.String Foreign.C.Types Foreign.ForeignPtr Foreign.Marshal Foreign.Marshal.Alloc Foreign.Marshal.Array Foreign.Marshal.Error Foreign.Marshal.Utils Foreign.Ptr Foreign.Storable GHC.Stack GHC.Types Numeric Numeric.FormatFloat Numeric.Natural Prelude System.Cmd System.Console.GetOpt System.Compress System.Directory System.Environment System.Exit System.IO System.IO.Error System.IO.MD5 System.IO.PrintOrRun System.IO.Serialize System.IO.TimeMilli System.IO.Unsafe System.Info System.Process Text.Printf Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec Text.Read Text.Read.Lex Text.Show Unsafe.Coerce $(MCABALBIN)/mhs: bin/mhs @mkdir -p $(MCABALBIN) @mkdir -p $(MDIST) @echo 'module Paths_MicroHs where { import Prelude(); import MHSPrelude; import Data.Version; version :: Version; version = makeVersion [$(HVERSION)]; getDataDir :: IO FilePath; getDataDir = return "$(MDATA)" }' > $(MDIST)/Paths_MicroHs.hs bin/mhs -z $(MHSINCNP) -i$(MDIST) MicroHs.Main -o$(MCABALBIN)/mhs $(MCABALBIN)/cpphs: bin/cpphs @mkdir -p $(MCABALBIN) cp bin/cpphs $(MCABALBIN) $(MCABALMHS)/packages/$(BASE).pkg: bin/mhs lib/*.hs lib/*/*.hs lib/*/*/*.hs @mkdir -p $(MRUNTIME) cp src/runtime/*.[ch] $(MRUNTIME) bin/mhs -P$(BASE) -o$(BASE).pkg -ilib $(BASEMODULES) bin/mhs -Q $(BASE).pkg $(MCABALMHS) @rm $(BASE).pkg install: $(MCABALBIN)/mhs $(MCABALBIN)/cpphs $(MCABALMHS)/packages/$(BASE).pkg @echo $$PATH | tr ':' '\012' | grep -q $(MCABALBIN) || echo '***' Add $(MCABALBIN) to the PATH # mkdir ~/.mcabal/packages/array-