----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.Fixed -- Copyright : (c) Ashley Yakeley 2005, 2006, 2009 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Ashley Yakeley -- Stability : stable -- Portability : portable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.Fixed ( -- * The Fixed Type Fixed(..), HasResolution(..), showFixed, -- ** 1\/1 E0,Uni, -- ** 1\/10 E1,Deci, -- ** 1\/100 E2,Centi, -- ** 1\/1 000 E3,Milli, -- ** 1\/1 000 000 E6,Micro, -- ** 1\/1 000 000 000 E9,Nano, -- ** 1\/1 000 000 000 000 E12,Pico, -- * Generalized Functions on Real's div', mod', divMod' ) where import Prelude() import MiniPrelude import Data.TypeLits (KnownNat, natVal) import Text.Read.Internal import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec import Text.Read.Lex import Data.Double import Data.Floating import Data.Fractional import Data.Integer import Data.Real import Data.RealFrac import Data.Typeable default () -- avoid any defaulting shenanigans div' :: (Real a,Integral b) => a -> a -> b div' n d = floor ((toRational n) / (toRational d)) divMod' :: (Real a,Integral b) => a -> a -> (b,a) divMod' n d = (f,n - (fromIntegral f) * d) where f = div' n d mod' :: (Real a) => a -> a -> a mod' n d = n - (fromInteger f) * d where f = div' n d type Fixed :: forall k . k -> Type newtype Fixed a = MkFixed Integer deriving ( Eq -- ^ @since 2.01 , Ord -- ^ @since 2.01 ) {- tyFixed :: DataType tyFixed = mkDataType "Data.Fixed.Fixed" [conMkFixed] conMkFixed :: Constr conMkFixed = mkConstr tyFixed "MkFixed" [] Prefix -- | @since instance (Typeable k,Typeable a) => Data (Fixed (a :: k)) where gfoldl k z (MkFixed a) = k (z MkFixed) a gunfold k z _ = k (z MkFixed) dataTypeOf _ = tyFixed toConstr _ = conMkFixed -} type HasResolution :: forall k . k -> Constraint class HasResolution a where resolution :: p a -> Integer instance forall n . KnownNat n => HasResolution n where resolution _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) withType :: (Proxy a -> f a) -> f a withType foo = foo Proxy withResolution :: (HasResolution a) => (Integer -> f a) -> f a withResolution foo = withType (foo . resolution) instance Enum (Fixed a) where succ (MkFixed a) = MkFixed (succ a) pred (MkFixed a) = MkFixed (pred a) toEnum = MkFixed . toEnum fromEnum (MkFixed a) = fromEnum a enumFrom (MkFixed a) = fmap MkFixed (enumFrom a) enumFromThen (MkFixed a) (MkFixed b) = fmap MkFixed (enumFromThen a b) enumFromTo (MkFixed a) (MkFixed b) = fmap MkFixed (enumFromTo a b) enumFromThenTo (MkFixed a) (MkFixed b) (MkFixed c) = fmap MkFixed (enumFromThenTo a b c) instance (HasResolution a) => Num (Fixed a) where (MkFixed a) + (MkFixed b) = MkFixed (a + b) (MkFixed a) - (MkFixed b) = MkFixed (a - b) fa@(MkFixed a) * (MkFixed b) = MkFixed (div (a * b) (resolution fa)) negate (MkFixed a) = MkFixed (negate a) abs (MkFixed a) = MkFixed (abs a) signum (MkFixed a) = fromInteger (signum a) fromInteger i = withResolution (\res -> MkFixed (i * res)) instance (HasResolution a) => Real (Fixed a) where toRational fa@(MkFixed a) = (toRational a) / (toRational (resolution fa)) instance (HasResolution a) => Fractional (Fixed a) where fa@(MkFixed a) / (MkFixed b) = MkFixed (div (a * (resolution fa)) b) recip fa@(MkFixed a) = MkFixed (div (res * res) a) where res = resolution fa fromRational r = withResolution (\res -> MkFixed (floor (r * (toRational res)))) instance (HasResolution a) => RealFrac (Fixed a) where properFraction a = (i,a - (fromIntegral i)) where i = truncate a truncate f = truncate (toRational f) round f = round (toRational f) ceiling f = ceiling (toRational f) floor f = floor (toRational f) chopZeros :: Integer -> String chopZeros 0 = "" chopZeros a | mod a 10 == 0 = chopZeros (div a 10) chopZeros a = show a showIntegerZeros :: Bool -> Int -> Integer -> String showIntegerZeros True _ 0 = "" showIntegerZeros chopTrailingZeros digits a = replicate (digits - length s) '0' ++ s' where s = show a s' = if chopTrailingZeros then chopZeros a else s withDot :: String -> String withDot "" = "" withDot s = '.':s showFixed :: (HasResolution a) => Bool -> Fixed a -> String showFixed chopTrailingZeros fa@(MkFixed a) | a < 0 = "-" ++ (showFixed chopTrailingZeros (asTypeOf (MkFixed (negate a)) fa)) showFixed chopTrailingZeros fa@(MkFixed a) = (show i) ++ (withDot (showIntegerZeros chopTrailingZeros digits fracNum)) where res = resolution fa (i,d) = divMod a res -- enough digits to be unambiguous digits = ceiling (logBase 10 (fromInteger res) :: Double) maxnum = 10 ^ digits -- read floors, so show must ceil for `read . show = id` to hold. See #9240 fracNum = divCeil (d * maxnum) res divCeil x y = (x + y - 1) `div` y instance (HasResolution a) => Show (Fixed a) where showsPrec p n = showParen (p > 6 && n < 0) $ showString $ showFixed False n instance (HasResolution a) => Read (Fixed a) where readPrec = readNumber convertFixed readListPrec = readListPrecDefault readList = readListDefault convertFixed :: forall a . HasResolution a => Lexeme -> ReadPrec (Fixed a) convertFixed (Number n) | Just (i, f) <- numberToFixed e n = return (fromInteger i + (fromInteger f / (10 ^ e))) where r = resolution (Proxy :: Proxy a) -- round 'e' up to help make the 'read . show == id' property -- possible also for cases where 'resolution' is not a -- power-of-10, such as e.g. when 'resolution = 128' e = ceiling (logBase 10 (fromInteger r) :: Double) convertFixed _ = pfail data E0 instance HasResolution E0 where resolution _ = 1 type Uni = Fixed E0 data E1 instance HasResolution E1 where resolution _ = 10 type Deci = Fixed E1 data E2 instance HasResolution E2 where resolution _ = 100 type Centi = Fixed E2 data E3 instance HasResolution E3 where resolution _ = 1000 type Milli = Fixed E3 data E6 instance HasResolution E6 where resolution _ = 1000000 type Micro = Fixed E6 data E9 instance HasResolution E9 where resolution _ = 1000000000 type Nano = Fixed E9 data E12 instance HasResolution E12 where resolution _ = 1000000000000 type Pico = Fixed E12