{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} -- | -- -- Module : Text.Read -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : non-portable (uses Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP) -- -- Converting strings to values. -- -- The "Text.Read" module is the canonical place to import for -- 'Read'-class facilities. For GHC only, it offers an extended and much -- improved 'Read' class, which constitutes a proposed alternative to the -- Haskell 2010 'Read'. In particular, writing parsers is easier, and -- the parsers are much more efficient. -- module Text.Read (-- * The 'Read' class Read(..), ReadS, -- * Haskell 2010 functions reads, read, readParen, lex, -- * New parsing functions module Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec, Lexeme(..), lexP, parens, readListDefault, readListPrecDefault, readEither, readMaybe ) where import Prelude() import Control.Error import Control.Monad import Data.Bool import Data.Char import Data.Either import Data.Eq import Data.Function import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.String import Text.Read.Internal import Text.Read.Lex(Lexeme(..)) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as P ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- utility functions -- | equivalent to 'readsPrec' with a precedence of 0. reads :: Read a => ReadS a reads = readsPrec minPrec -- | Parse a string using the 'Read' instance. -- Succeeds if there is exactly one valid result. -- A 'Left' value indicates a parse error. -- -- >>> readEither "123" :: Either String Int -- Right 123 -- -- >>> readEither "hello" :: Either String Int -- Left "Prelude.read: no parse" -- -- @since base- readEither :: Read a => String -> Either String a readEither s = case [ x | (x,"") <- readPrec_to_S read' minPrec s ] of [x] -> Right x [] -> Left "Prelude.read: no parse" _ -> Left "Prelude.read: ambiguous parse" where read' = do x <- readPrec lift P.skipSpaces return x -- | Parse a string using the 'Read' instance. -- Succeeds if there is exactly one valid result. -- -- >>> readMaybe "123" :: Maybe Int -- Just 123 -- -- >>> readMaybe "hello" :: Maybe Int -- Nothing -- -- @since base- readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a readMaybe s = case readEither s of Left _ -> Nothing Right a -> Just a -- | The 'read' function reads input from a string, which must be -- completely consumed by the input process. 'read' fails with an 'error' if the -- parse is unsuccessful, and it is therefore discouraged from being used in -- real applications. Use 'readMaybe' or 'readEither' for safe alternatives. -- -- >>> read "123" :: Int -- 123 -- -- >>> read "hello" :: Int -- *** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse read :: Read a => String -> a read s = either errorWithoutStackTrace id (readEither s)