-- Copyright 2023 Lennart Augustsson -- See LICENSE file for full license. -- -- Simple readline with line editing and history. -- Only assumes the terminal is capable of (sane) backspace. module System.Console.SimpleReadline( getInputLine, getInputLineHist, getInputLineHistComp, ) where import Prelude(); import MiniPrelude import Control.Monad import Data.Char import System.IO foreign import ccall "GETRAW" c_getRaw :: IO Int -- Get an input line with editing. -- Return Nothing if the input is ^D, otherwise the typed string. getInputLine :: String -> IO (Maybe String) getInputLine prompt = do (_, r) <- loop (\ _ -> return []) ([],[]) "" "" return r getInputLineHist :: FilePath -> String -> IO (Maybe String) getInputLineHist = getInputLineHistComp (\ _ -> return []) type CompleteFn = (String, String) -> IO [String] -- Get an input line with editing. -- Return Nothing if the input is ^D, otherwise the typed string. -- The FilePath gives the name of a file that stores the history. getInputLineHistComp :: CompleteFn -> FilePath -> String -> IO (Maybe String) getInputLineHistComp comp hfn prompt = do mhdl <- openFileM hfn ReadMode hist <- case mhdl of Nothing -> return [] Just hdl -> do file <- hGetContents hdl let h = lines file seq (length h) (return h) -- force file to be read putStr prompt (hist', r) <- loop comp (reverse hist, []) "" "" -- putStrLn $ "done: " ++ hfn ++ "\n" ++ unlines hist' writeFile hfn $ unlines hist' return r -- XXX no type error getRaw :: IO Char getRaw = do i <- c_getRaw when (i < 0) $ error "getRaw failed" return (chr i) type Hist = ([String], [String]) loop :: CompleteFn -> Hist -> String -> String -> IO ([String], Maybe String) loop comp hist before after = do hFlush stdout i <- getRaw loop' comp hist before after i loop' :: CompleteFn -> Hist -> String -> String -> Char -> IO ([String], Maybe String) loop' comp hist before after cmd = do let cur = reverse before ++ after back n = putStr (replicate n '\b') bsSpBs n = concat $ replicate n "\b \b" ins c = do putChar c putStr after back (length after) add c = do ins c loop comp hist (c:before) after backward = case before of [] -> noop c:cs -> do back 1 loop comp hist cs (c:after) forward = case after of [] -> noop c:cs -> do putChar c loop comp hist (c:before) cs bol = do back (length before) loop comp hist [] cur eol = do putStr after loop comp hist (reverse after ++ before) [] bs = do case before of [] -> noop _:cs -> do back 1 putStr after putChar ' ' back (length after + 1) loop comp hist cs after del = do case after of [] -> noop _:cs -> do putStr cs putChar ' ' back (length cs + 1) loop comp hist before cs send = ret (Just cur) ret ms = do putChar '\n' hFlush stdout let o = reverse (fst hist) ++ snd hist l = case ms of Nothing -> [] Just [] -> [] Just s | not (null o) && s == last o -> [] | otherwise -> [s] h = o ++ l return (h, ms) erase = do eraseLine loop comp hist [] [] noop = loop comp hist before after kill = do putStr after putStr $ bsSpBs $ length after loop comp hist before [] next = case hist of (_, []) -> noop (p, l:n) -> setLine (l:p, n) l previous = case hist of ([], _) -> noop (l:p, n) -> setLine (p, l:n) l setLine h s = do eraseLine putStr s loop comp h (reverse s) "" eraseLine = do putStr after putStr $ bsSpBs $ length before + length after complete = do alts <- comp (before, after) case alts of [] -> loop comp hist before after [s] -> do mapM_ ins s; loop comp hist (reverse s ++ before) after ss -> tabLoop ss tabLoop (s:ss) = do mapM_ ins s -- show first alternative hFlush stdout c <- getRaw if c /= '\t' then loop' comp hist (reverse s ++ before) after c else do let n = length s back n -- back up this alternative putStr after -- put back old text putStr $ replicate n ' ' -- erase extra back (n + length after) -- put cursor back tabLoop (ss ++ [s]) -- try next alternative exec i = case i of '\^D' -> -- CTL-D, EOF if null before && null after then ret Nothing else del '\^B' -> backward -- CTL-B, backwards '\^F' -> forward -- CTL-F, forwards '\^A' -> bol -- CTL-A, beginning of line '\^E' -> eol -- CTL-E, end of line '\b' -> bs -- BS, backspace '\DEL' -> bs -- DEL, backspace '\r' -> send -- CR, return '\n' -> send -- LF, return '\^N' -> next -- CTL-N, next line '\^P' -> previous -- CTL-P, previous line '\^U' -> erase -- CTL-U, erase line '\^K' -> kill -- CTL-K, kill to eol '\t' -> complete -- TAB, complete word '\ESC' -> do -- ESC b <- getRaw if b /= '[' then noop else do c <- getRaw case c of 'A' -> previous 'B' -> next 'C' -> forward 'D' -> backward _ -> noop _ -> if i >= ' ' && i < '\DEL' then add i else noop exec cmd