MicroHs: A compiler for a subset of Haskell

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A compiler for a subset of Haskell. The compiler translates to combinators and can compile itself.

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Versions 0.8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Change log None available
Dependencies base (>=4.10 && <4.20), containers (>=0.5 && <0.8), deepseq (>=1.1 && <1.6), directory (>=1.2 && <1.5), ghc-prim (>=0.5 && <0.12), haskeline (>=0.8 && <0.9), mtl (>=2.0 && <2.4), pretty (>=1.0 && <1.2), process (>=1.6 && <1.8), time (>=1.1 && <1.15) [details]
License Apache-2.0
Copyright 2023 Lennart Augustsson
Author lennart@augustsson.net
Maintainer lennart@augustsson.net
Category language
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/augustss/MicroHs
Uploaded by LennartAugustsson at 2023-12-18T17:33:56Z


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Micro Haskell

This directory contains an implementation of a small subset of Haskell. It uses combinators for the runtime execution.

The compiler can compile itself.

Compiling MicroHs

There are two different ways to compile MicroHs

These different ways of compiling need slightly different imports etc. This happens by GHC looking in the ghc/ subdirectory first for any extras/overrides.

Compiling MicroHs is really best done using make, but there is also a MicroHs.cabal file for use with cabal. This only builds what corresponds to the first target.

Also note that there is no need to have a Haskell compiler to run MicroHs. All you need is a C compiler, and MicroHs can bootstrap, given the included combinator file.

To install mhs use make install. You also need to set the environment variable MHSDIR.

To compile on Windows make sure cl is in the path, and then use nmake with Makefile.windows.


The language is an extended subset of Haskell-98.



The file Example.hs contains the following:

module Example(main) where
import Prelude

fac :: Int -> Int
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac(n-1)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    rs = map fac [1,2,3,10]
  putStrLn "Some factorials"
  print rs

First, make sure the compiler is built by doing make. Then compile the file by bin/mhs Example -oEx which produces Ex. Finally, run the binary file by ./Ex. This should produce

Some factorials


There are a number of libraries that have some of the standard Haskell functions. But in general, the Prelude contains less.


There are some primitive data types, e.g Int, IO, Ptr, and Double. These are known by the runtime system and various primitive operations work on them. The function type, ->, is (of course) also built in.

All other types are defined with the language. They are converted to lambda terms using an encoding. For types with few constructors (< 5) it uses Scott encoding, otherwise it is a pair with an integer tag and a tuple (Scott encoded) with all arguments. The runtime system knows how lists and booleans are encoded.


The compiler is written in Micro Haskell. It takes a name of a module and compiles to a target (see below). This module should contain the function main of type IO () and it will be the entry point to the program.

Compiler flags

With the -v flag the processing time for each module is reported. E.g.

importing done MicroHs.Exp, 284ms (91 + 193)

which means that processing the module MicroHs.Exp took 284ms, with parsing taking 91ms and typecheck&desugar taking 193ms.

With the -C flag the compiler writes out its internal cache of compiled modules to the file .mhscache at the end of compilation. And a startup it reads this file if it exists, and then validates the contents by an MD5 checksum for all the files in the cache. This can make compilation much faster since the compiler will not parse and typecheck a module if it is in the cache. Do NOT use -C when you are changing the compiler itself; if the cached data types change the compiler will probably just crash.

Environment variables

Compiler modules

Interactive mode

If no module name is given the compiler enters interactive mode. You can enter expressions to be evaluated, or top level definitions (including import). Simple line editing is available.

All definitions are saved in the file Interactive.hs and all input lines as saved in .mhsi. The latter file is read on startup so the command history is persisted.

Available commands:


There is a number of subdirectories:


The runtime system is written in C and is in src/runtime/eval.c. It uses combinators for handling variables, and has primitive operations for built in types and for executing IO operations. There is a also a simple mark-scan garbage collector. The runtime system is written in a reasonably portable C code.

Runtime flags

Runtime flags are given between the flags +RTS and -RTS. Between those the runtime decodes the flags, everything else is available to the running program.

For example, bin/mhseval +RTS -H1M -v -RTS hello runs out.comb and the program gets the argument hello, whereas the runtime system sets the heap to 1M cells and is verbose.


MicroHs supports calling C functions, but all such functions must be in a table in the runtime system.


The runtime system can serialize and deserialize any expression and keep its graph structure (sharing and cycles). The only exceptions to this are C pointers file handles, which cannot be serialized (except for stdin, stdout, and stderr).

Memory layout

Memory allocation is based on cells. Each cell has room for two pointers (i.e., two words, typically 16 bytes), so it can represent an application node. One bit is used to indicate if the cell is an application or something else. If it is something else one word is a tag indicating what it is, e.g., a combinator or an integer. The second word is then used to store any payload, e.g., the number itself for an integer node.

Memory allocation has a bitmap with one bit per cell. Allocating a cell consists of finding the next free cell using the bitmap, and then marking it as used. The garbage collector first clears the bitmap and then (recursively) marks every used cell in the bitmap. There is no explicit scan phase since that is baked into the allocation. Allocation is fast assuming the CPU has some kind of FindFirstSet instruction.

It is possible to use smaller cells by using 32 bit "pointers" instead of 64 bit pointers. This has a performance penalty, though.


The C code for the evaluator does not use any special features, and should be portable to many platforms. It has mostly been test with MacOS and Linux, and somewhat with Windows.

The code has only been tested on 64 bit platforms, so again, there are lurking problems with other word sizes, but they should be easy to fix.

The src/runtime/ directory contains configuration files for different platform. Edit src/runtime/eval.c to #include the right one.


The compiler can compile itself. To replace bin/mhs with a new version, do make bootstrap. This will recompile the compiler twice and compare the outputs to make sure the new compiler still works.