MiniAgda by Andreas Abel and Karl Mehltretter --- opening "" --- --- scope checking --- --- type checking --- type Bool : Set term Bool.false : < Bool.false : Bool > term Bool.true : < Bool.true : Bool > type D : ^(x : Bool) -> ^(y : Bool) -> Set term D.c : .[x : Bool] -> .[x : Bool] -> < D.c : D x x > type g : D Bool.true Bool.true -> Set { g D.c = Bool } type f : D Bool.true Bool.false -> Set block fails as expected, error message: f /// clause 1 /// pattern c /// instConLType' /// instConType: cannot match parameters [Bool.true, Bool.false] against patterns [x, x] when instantiating type .[x : Bool] -> .[x : Bool] -> < D.c : D x x > of constructor D.c error during typechecking: v /// checkExpr 0 |- c : D Bool.true Bool.false /// checkForced fromList [] |- c : D Bool.true Bool.false /// instConLType' /// instConType: cannot match parameters [Bool.true, Bool.false] against patterns [x, x] when instantiating type .[x : Bool] -> .[x : Bool] -> < D.c : D x x > of constructor D.c