MiniAgda by Andreas Abel and Karl Mehltretter --- opening "" --- --- scope checking --- --- type checking --- type Stream : ++(A : Set) -> - Size -> Set term Stream.cons : .[A : Set] -> .[i : Size] -> ^(head : A) -> ^(tail : Stream A i) -> < Stream.cons i head tail : Stream A $i > term head : .[A : Set] -> .[i : Size] -> (cons : Stream A $i) -> A { head [A] [i] (Stream.cons [.i] #head #tail) = #head } term tail : .[A : Set] -> .[i : Size] -> (cons : Stream A $i) -> Stream A i { tail [A] [i] (Stream.cons [.i] #head #tail) = #tail } term iterate : .[A : Set] -> (step : A -> A) -> (start : A) -> .[i : Size] -> Stream A i { iterate [A] step start $[i < #] = Stream.cons [i] start (iterate [A] step (step start) [i]) } type Tm : Set term Tm.abs : ^(y0 : ^ Tm -> Tm) -> < Tm.abs y0 : Tm > term : ^(y0 : Tm) -> ^(y1 : Tm) -> < y0 y1 : Tm > warning: ignoring error: polarity check ++ <= - failed warning: ignoring error: polarity check ++ <= + failed term sapp : ^ Tm -> Tm { sapp x = x x } term delta : Tm term delta = Tm.abs (\ x -> sapp x) term omega : Tm term omega = delta delta term step : Tm -> Tm error during typechecking: step /// clause 3 /// right hand side /// checkExpr 1 |- abs (\ x -> step (f x)) : Tm /// checkForced fromList [(f,0)] |- abs (\ x -> step (f x)) : Tm /// checkApp (^(y0 : (^Tm::() -> Tm)::()) -> < Tm.abs y0 : Tm >) eliminated by \ x -> step (f x) /// checkExpr 1 |- \ x -> step (f x) : ^ Tm -> Tm /// checkForced fromList [(f,0)] |- \ x -> step (f x) : ^ Tm -> Tm /// new x : Tm /// checkExpr 2 |- step (f x) : Tm /// inferExpr' step (f x) /// checkApp (Tm -> Tm) eliminated by f x /// inferExpr' f x /// checkApp (^Tm::() -> Tm) eliminated by x /// inferExpr' x /// inferExpr: variable x : Tm may not occur /// , because of polarity /// polarity check ^ <= * failed