MiniAgda by Andreas Abel and Karl Mehltretter --- opening "" --- --- scope checking --- --- type checking --- type StreamUnit : - Size -> Set term StreamUnit.cons : .[i : Size] -> ^(tail : StreamUnit i) -> < StreamUnit.cons i tail : StreamUnit $i > term tail : .[i : Size] -> (cons : StreamUnit $i) -> StreamUnit i { tail [i] (StreamUnit.cons [.i] #tail) = #tail } term f : (StreamUnit # -> StreamUnit #) -> .[i : Size] -> (StreamUnit i -> StreamUnit #) -> StreamUnit i error during typechecking: f /// clause 1 /// pattern $j /// checkPattern $j : matching on size, checking that target .[i : Size] -> (StreamUnit i -> StreamUnit #) -> StreamUnit i ends in correct coinductive sized type /// new i <= # /// endsInSizedCo: (StreamUnit i -> StreamUnit #) -> StreamUnit i /// type StreamUnit i -> StreamUnit # not lower semi continuous in i