MiniAgda by Andreas Abel and Karl Mehltretter --- opening "" --- --- scope checking --- --- type checking --- type Prod : ++(A : Set) -> ++(B : Set) -> Set term Prod.pair : .[A : Set] -> .[B : Set] -> ^(fst : A) -> ^(snd : B) -> < Prod.pair fst snd : Prod A B > term fst : .[A : Set] -> .[B : Set] -> (pair : Prod A B) -> A { fst [A] [B] (Prod.pair #fst #snd) = #fst } term snd : .[A : Set] -> .[B : Set] -> (pair : Prod A B) -> B { snd [A] [B] (Prod.pair #fst #snd) = #snd } type Stream : ++(A : Set) -> - Size -> Set term Stream.cons : .[A : Set] -> .[i : Size] -> ^(head : A) -> ^(tail : Stream A i) -> < Stream.cons i head tail : Stream A $i > term head : .[A : Set] -> .[i : Size] -> (cons : Stream A $i) -> A { head [A] [i] (Stream.cons [.i] #head #tail) = #head } term tail : .[A : Set] -> .[i : Size] -> (cons : Stream A $i) -> Stream A i { tail [A] [i] (Stream.cons [.i] #head #tail) = #tail } type Tree : ++(A : Set) -> - Size -> Set term Tree.leaf : .[A : Set] -> .[i : Size] -> < Tree.leaf i : Tree A $i > term Tree.node : .[A : Set] -> .[i : Size] -> ^(y1 : A) -> ^(y2 : Tree A i) -> ^(y3 : Tree A i) -> < Tree.node i y1 y2 y3 : Tree A $i > term lab : .[i : Size] -> .[A : Set] -> .[B : Set] -> Tree A i -> Stream (Stream B #) i -> Prod (Tree B i) (Stream (Stream B #) i) { lab $[i < #] [A] [B] (Tree.leaf [.i]) bss = Prod.pair (Tree.leaf [i]) bss ; lab $[i < #] [A] [B] (Tree.node [.i] x l r) (Stream.cons [.i] (Stream.cons [.#] b bs) bss) = let pl : Prod (Tree B i) (Stream (Stream B #) i) = lab [i] [A] [B] l bss in let pr : Prod (Tree B i) (Stream (Stream B #) i) = lab [i] [A] [B] r (snd pl) in Prod.pair (Tree.node [i] b (fst pl) (fst pr)) (Stream.cons [i] bs (snd pr)) } term label2 : .[i : Size] -> .[A : Set] -> .[B : Set] -> Tree A i -> Stream B # -> Stream (Stream B #) i { label2 $[i < #] [A] [B] t bs = snd (lab [$i] [A] [B] t (Stream.cons [i] bs (label2 [i] [A] [B] t bs))) } term label : .[i : Size] -> .[A : Set] -> .[B : Set] -> Tree A i -> Stream B # -> Tree B i { label [i] [A] [B] t bs = fst (lab [i] [A] [B] t (Stream.cons [i] bs (label2 [i] [A] [B] t bs))) } type Unit : Set term Unit.unit : < Unit.unit : Unit > type Nat : Set term Nat.Z : < Nat.Z : Nat > term Nat.S : ^(y0 : Nat) -> < Nat.S y0 : Nat > term nats : .[i : Size] -> Nat -> Stream Nat i { nats $[i < #] n = Stream.cons [i] n (nats [i] (Nat.S n)) } term finTree : Nat -> Tree Unit # { finTree Nat.Z = Tree.leaf [#] ; finTree (Nat.S n) = Tree.node [#] Unit.unit (finTree n) (finTree n) } term t0 : Tree Nat # term t0 = label [#] [Unit] [Nat] (finTree Nat.Z) (nats [#] Nat.Z) term t1 : Tree Nat # term t1 = label [#] [Unit] [Nat] (finTree (Nat.S Nat.Z)) (nats [#] Nat.Z) term t2 : Tree Nat # term t2 = label [#] [Unit] [Nat] (finTree (Nat.S (Nat.S Nat.Z))) (nats [#] Nat.Z) term t3 : Tree Nat # term t3 = label [#] [Unit] [Nat] (finTree (Nat.S (Nat.S (Nat.S Nat.Z)))) (nats [#] Nat.Z) --- evaluating --- t0 has whnf (lab # Unit Nat (finTree Z) {Stream.cons [i] bs (label2 [i] [A] [B] t bs) {bs = ((nats # Z) Up (Stream {Nat {i = #}} #)), t = (finTree Z), B = Nat, A = Unit, i = #}} .fst) t0 evaluates to lab # Unit Nat (finTree Z) (Stream.cons # (nats # Z) (label2 # Unit Nat (finTree Z) (nats # Z))) .fst t1 has whnf (lab # Unit Nat (finTree (S Z)) {Stream.cons [i] bs (label2 [i] [A] [B] t bs) {bs = ((nats # Z) Up (Stream {Nat {i = #}} #)), t = (finTree (S Z)), B = Nat, A = Unit, i = #}} .fst) t1 evaluates to lab # Unit Nat (finTree (S Z)) (Stream.cons # (nats # Z) (label2 # Unit Nat (finTree (S Z)) (nats # Z))) .fst t2 has whnf (lab # Unit Nat (finTree (S (S Z))) {Stream.cons [i] bs (label2 [i] [A] [B] t bs) {bs = ((nats # Z) Up (Stream {Nat {i = #}} #)), t = (finTree (S (S Z))), B = Nat, A = Unit, i = #}} .fst) t2 evaluates to lab # Unit Nat (finTree (S (S Z))) (Stream.cons # (nats # Z) (label2 # Unit Nat (finTree (S (S Z))) (nats # Z))) .fst t3 has whnf (lab # Unit Nat (finTree (S (S (S Z)))) {Stream.cons [i] bs (label2 [i] [A] [B] t bs) {bs = ((nats # Z) Up (Stream {Nat {i = #}} #)), t = (finTree (S (S (S Z)))), B = Nat, A = Unit, i = #}} .fst) t3 evaluates to lab # Unit Nat (finTree (S (S (S Z)))) (Stream.cons # (nats # Z) (label2 # Unit Nat (finTree (S (S (S Z)))) (nats # Z))) .fst --- closing "" ---