MiniAgda by Andreas Abel and Karl Mehltretter --- opening "" --- --- scope checking --- --- type checking --- type Unit : Set term Unit.unit : < Unit.unit : Unit > type Bool : Set term Bool.false : < Bool.false : Bool > term Bool.true : < Bool.true : Bool > type Nat : Set term : < : Nat > term Nat.suc : ^(n : Nat) -> < Nat.suc n : Nat > term plus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat { plus m = m ; plus (Nat.suc n) m = Nat.suc (plus n m) } type List : ++(A : Set) -> Set term List.nil : .[A : Set] -> < List.nil : List A > term List.cons : .[A : Set] -> ^(x : A) -> ^(xs : List A) -> < List.cons x xs : List A > type OldVec : ++(A : Set) -> ^(n : Nat) -> Set term OldVec.oldvnil : .[A : Set] -> < OldVec.oldvnil : OldVec A > term OldVec.oldvcons : .[A : Set] -> .[n : Nat] -> ^(oldvhead : A) -> ^(oldvtail : OldVec A n) -> < OldVec.oldvcons n oldvhead oldvtail : OldVec A (Nat.suc n) > term oldvhead : .[A : Set] -> ^(n : Nat) -> (oldvcons : OldVec A (Nat.suc n)) -> A { oldvhead [A] n (OldVec.oldvcons [.n] #oldvhead #oldvtail) = #oldvhead } term oldvtail : .[A : Set] -> ^(n : Nat) -> (oldvcons : OldVec A (Nat.suc n)) -> OldVec A n { oldvtail [A] n (OldVec.oldvcons [.n] #oldvhead #oldvtail) = #oldvtail } type Vec : ++(A : Set) -> ^(n : Nat) -> Set term Vec.vnil : .[A : Set] -> < Vec.vnil : Vec A > term Vec.vcons : .[A : Set] -> .[n : Nat] -> ^(vhead : A) -> ^(vtail : Vec A n) -> < Vec.vcons vhead vtail : Vec A (Nat.suc n) > term vhead : .[A : Set] -> .[n : Nat] -> (vcons : Vec A (Nat.suc n)) -> A { vhead [A] [n] (Vec.vcons #vhead #vtail) = #vhead } term vtail : .[A : Set] -> .[n : Nat] -> (vcons : Vec A (Nat.suc n)) -> Vec A n { vtail [A] [n] (Vec.vcons #vhead #vtail) = #vtail } term append : .[A : Set] -> (n : Nat) -> .[m : Nat] -> Vec A n -> Vec A m -> Vec A (plus n m) { append [A] [m] Vec.vnil ys = ys ; append [A] (Nat.suc n) [m] (Vec.vcons x xs) ys = Vec.vcons x (append [A] n [m] xs ys) } type Fin : ^(n : Nat) -> Set term Fin.fzero : .[n : Nat] -> < Fin.fzero : Fin (Nat.suc n) > term Fin.fsuc : .[n : Nat] -> ^(i : Fin n) -> < Fin.fsuc i : Fin (Nat.suc n) > term lookup : .[A : Set] -> (n : Nat) -> (i : Fin n) -> (xs : Vec A n) -> A { lookup [A] () Vec.vnil ; lookup [A] (Nat.suc n) Fin.fzero (Vec.vcons x xs) = x ; lookup [A] (Nat.suc n) (Fin.fsuc i) (Vec.vcons x xs) = lookup [A] n i xs } type Ty : Set term Ty.nat : < Ty.nat : Ty > term Ty.arr : ^(a : Ty) -> ^(b : Ty) -> < Ty.arr a b : Ty > type Cxt : Set type Cxt = List Ty type Var : ^(cxt : Cxt) -> ^(a : Ty) -> Set term Var.vzero : .[a : Ty] -> .[cxt : List Ty] -> .[a : Ty] -> < Var.vzero : Var (List.cons a cxt) a > term Var.vsuc : .[a : Ty] -> .[cxt : List Ty] -> .[b : Ty] -> ^(x : Var cxt b) -> < Var.vsuc x : Var (List.cons a cxt) b > type Tm : ^(cxt : Cxt) -> ^(a : Ty) -> Set term Tm.var : .[cxt : Cxt] -> .[a : Ty] -> ^(x : Var cxt a) -> < Tm.var x : Tm cxt a > term : .[cxt : List Ty] -> .[b : Ty] -> ^(a : Ty) -> ^(r : Tm cxt (Ty.arr a b)) -> ^(s : Tm cxt a) -> < a r s : Tm cxt b > term Tm.abs : .[cxt : List Ty] -> .[a : Ty] -> .[b : Ty] -> ^(t : Tm (List.cons a cxt) b) -> < Tm.abs t : Tm cxt (Ty.arr a b) > type Sem : Ty -> Set { Sem Ty.nat = Nat ; Sem (Ty.arr a b) = Sem a -> Sem b } type Env : Cxt -> Set { Env List.nil = Unit ; Env (List.cons a as) = Sem a & Env as } term val : (cxt : Cxt) -> .[a : Ty] -> Var cxt a -> Env cxt -> Sem a { val (List.cons a cxt) [.a] Var.vzero (v, vs) = v ; val (List.cons a cxt) [b] (Var.vsuc x) (v, vs) = val cxt [b] x vs } term sem : (cxt : Cxt) -> (a : Ty) -> Tm cxt a -> Env cxt -> Sem a { sem cxt a (Tm.var x) rho = val cxt [a] x rho ; sem cxt b ( a r s) rho = sem cxt (Ty.arr a b) r rho (sem cxt a s rho) ; sem cxt (Ty.arr a b) (Tm.abs t) rho v = sem (List.cons a cxt) b t (v , rho) } type Id : ^(A : Set) -> ^(x : A) -> ^(y : A) -> Set term Id.refl : .[A : Set] -> .[x : A] -> .[x : A] -> < Id.refl : Id A x x > term subst : .[A : Set] -> .[P : A -> Set] -> .[x : A] -> .[y : A] -> Id A x y -> P x -> P y { subst [A] [P] [x] [.x] Id.refl h = h } block fails as expected, error message: trueIsFalse /// checkExpr 0 |- refl : Id Bool Bool.true Bool.false /// checkForced fromList [] |- refl : Id Bool Bool.true Bool.false /// instConLType' /// instConType: cannot match parameters [Bool, Bool.true, Bool.false] against patterns [A, x, x] when instantiating type .[A : Set] -> .[x : A] -> .[x : A] -> < Id.refl : Id A x x > of constructor Id.refl --- evaluating --- --- closing "" ---