name: MonadCatchIO-mtl version: description: Provides a monad-transformer version of the @Control.Exception.catch@ function. For this, it defines the @MonadCatchIO@ class, a subset of @MonadIO@. It defines proper instances for most monad transformers in the 'mtl' library. synopsis: Monad-transformer version of the Control.Exception module category: Control license: PublicDomain maintainer: homepage: cabal-version: >= 1.2 build-type: Simple tested-with: GHC==6.10 Flag base3 description: Don't expect the new Control.Exception module (prior to base-4) default: False Library build-depends: mtl ghc-options: -Wall extensions: CPP ExistentialQuantification if flag(base3) { build-depends: base < 4 } else { build-depends: base >= 4 } exposed-modules: Control.Monad.CatchIO.Old if flag(base3) { cpp-options: -D__BASE_VERSION__=3 } else { cpp-options: -D__BASE_VERSION__=4 exposed-modules: Control.Monad.CatchIO }