module Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.FramebufferObjects.FramebufferObjectAttachment (
fboaToBufferMode, fboaFromBufferMode,
FramebufferAttachment(..), getFBAParameteriv
) where
import Data.Maybe
import Foreign.Marshal
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.BufferMode
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.FramebufferObjects.FramebufferTarget
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PeekPoke
import Graphics.GL
data FramebufferObjectAttachment =
ColorAttachment !GLuint
| DepthAttachment
| StencilAttachment
| DepthStencilAttachment
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
marshalFramebufferObjectAttachment :: FramebufferObjectAttachment -> Maybe GLenum
marshalFramebufferObjectAttachment x = case x of
ColorAttachment c -> let ec = fromIntegral c in if ec >= maxColorAttachments
then Nothing
else Just $ GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + ec
DepthAttachment -> Just GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT
StencilAttachment -> Just GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT
DepthStencilAttachment -> Just GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT
unmarshalFramebufferObjectAttachment :: GLenum -> FramebufferObjectAttachment
unmarshalFramebufferObjectAttachment x = maybe
(error $ "unmarshalFramebufferObjectAttachment: unknown enum value " ++ show x) id $
unmarshalFramebufferObjectAttachmentSafe x
unmarshalFramebufferObjectAttachmentSafe :: GLenum -> Maybe FramebufferObjectAttachment
unmarshalFramebufferObjectAttachmentSafe x
| x == GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT = Just DepthAttachment
| x == GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT = Just StencilAttachment
| x == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT = Just DepthStencilAttachment
| x >= GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 && x <= GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + maxColorAttachments
= Just . ColorAttachment . fromIntegral $ x GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0
| otherwise = Nothing
fboaToBufferMode :: FramebufferObjectAttachment -> Maybe BufferMode
fboaToBufferMode (ColorAttachment i) = Just . FBOColorAttachment $ fromIntegral i
fboaToBufferMode _ = Nothing
fboaFromBufferMode :: BufferMode -> Maybe FramebufferObjectAttachment
fboaFromBufferMode (FBOColorAttachment i) = Just . ColorAttachment $ fromIntegral i
fboaFromBufferMode _ = Nothing
class Show a => FramebufferAttachment a where
marshalAttachment :: a -> Maybe GLenum
unmarshalAttachment :: GLenum -> a
unmarshalAttachmentSafe :: GLenum -> Maybe a
instance FramebufferAttachment FramebufferObjectAttachment where
marshalAttachment = marshalFramebufferObjectAttachment
unmarshalAttachment = unmarshalFramebufferObjectAttachment
unmarshalAttachmentSafe = unmarshalFramebufferObjectAttachmentSafe
instance FramebufferAttachment BufferMode where
marshalAttachment = marshalBufferMode
unmarshalAttachment = unmarshalBufferMode
unmarshalAttachmentSafe = unmarshalBufferModeSafe
getFBAParameteriv :: FramebufferAttachment fba => FramebufferTarget -> fba
-> (GLint -> a) -> GLenum -> IO a
getFBAParameteriv fbt fba f p = with 0 $ \buf -> do
glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv (marshalFramebufferTarget fbt)
mfba p buf
peek1 f buf
where mfba = fromMaybe (error $ "invalid value" ++ show fba) (marshalAttachment fba)