module Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PixelRectangles.PixelMap (
PixelMapTarget(..), PixelMapComponent, PixelMap(..), GLpixelmap,
maxPixelMapTable, pixelMap, pixelMapIToRGBA, pixelMapRGBAToRGBA,
) where
import Data.List
import Data.StateVar
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.QueryUtils
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexSpec
import Graphics.GL
data PixelMapTarget =
| SToS
| IToR
| IToG
| IToB
| IToA
| RToR
| GToG
| BToB
| AToA
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
marshalPixelMapTarget :: PixelMapTarget -> GLenum
marshalPixelMapTarget x = case x of
pixelMapTargetToGetPName :: PixelMapTarget -> PName1I
pixelMapTargetToGetPName x = case x of
IToI -> GetPixelMapIToISize
SToS -> GetPixelMapSToSSize
IToR -> GetPixelMapIToRSize
IToG -> GetPixelMapIToGSize
IToB -> GetPixelMapIToBSize
IToA -> GetPixelMapIToASize
RToR -> GetPixelMapRToRSize
GToG -> GetPixelMapGToGSize
BToB -> GetPixelMapBToBSize
AToA -> GetPixelMapAToASize
maxPixelMapTable :: GettableStateVar GLsizei
maxPixelMapTable = makeGettableStateVar $ getSizei1 id GetMaxPixelMapTable
class Storable c => PixelMapComponent c where
getPixelMapv :: GLenum -> Ptr c -> IO ()
pixelMapv :: GLenum -> GLsizei -> Ptr c -> IO ()
instance PixelMapComponent GLushort where
getPixelMapv = glGetPixelMapusv
pixelMapv = glPixelMapusv
instance PixelMapComponent GLuint where
getPixelMapv = glGetPixelMapuiv
pixelMapv = glPixelMapuiv
instance PixelMapComponent GLfloat where
getPixelMapv = glGetPixelMapfv
pixelMapv = glPixelMapfv
class PixelMap m where
withNewPixelMap ::
PixelMapComponent c => Int -> (Ptr c -> IO ()) -> IO (m c)
withPixelMap ::
PixelMapComponent c => m c -> (Int -> Ptr c -> IO a) -> IO a
newPixelMap :: PixelMapComponent c => [c] -> IO (m c)
getPixelMapComponents :: PixelMapComponent c => m c -> IO [c]
withNewPixelMap size act =
allocaArray size $ \p -> do
act p
components <- peekArray size p
newPixelMap components
withPixelMap m act = do
components <- getPixelMapComponents m
withArrayLen components act
newPixelMap elements =
withNewPixelMap (length elements) $ flip pokeArray elements
getPixelMapComponents m =
withPixelMap m peekArray
data GLpixelmap a = GLpixelmap Int (ForeignPtr a)
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
instance PixelMap GLpixelmap where
withNewPixelMap size f = do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrArray size
withForeignPtr fp f
return $ GLpixelmap size fp
withPixelMap (GLpixelmap size fp) f = withForeignPtr fp (f size)
pixelMap :: (PixelMap m, PixelMapComponent c) => PixelMapTarget -> StateVar (m c)
pixelMap pm =
(do size <- pixelMapSize pm
withNewPixelMap size $ getPixelMapv (marshalPixelMapTarget pm))
(\theMap -> withPixelMap theMap $ pixelMapv (marshalPixelMapTarget pm) . fromIntegral)
pixelMapSize :: PixelMapTarget -> IO Int
pixelMapSize = getInteger1 fromIntegral . pixelMapTargetToGetPName
pixelMapIToRGBA :: PixelMapComponent c => StateVar [Color4 c]
pixelMapIToRGBA = pixelMapXToY (IToR, IToG, IToB, IToA)
pixelMapRGBAToRGBA :: PixelMapComponent c => StateVar [Color4 c]
pixelMapRGBAToRGBA = pixelMapXToY (RToR, GToG, BToB, AToA)
pixelMapXToY :: PixelMapComponent c =>
(PixelMapTarget, PixelMapTarget, PixelMapTarget, PixelMapTarget)
-> StateVar [Color4 c]
pixelMapXToY targets =
makeStateVar (getPixelMapXToY targets) (setPixelMapXToY targets)
getPixelMapXToY :: PixelMapComponent c
=> (PixelMapTarget, PixelMapTarget, PixelMapTarget, PixelMapTarget)
-> IO [Color4 c]
getPixelMapXToY (toR, toG, toB, toA) = do
withPixelMapFor toR $ \sizeR bufR ->
withPixelMapFor toG $ \sizeG bufG ->
withPixelMapFor toB $ \sizeB bufB ->
withPixelMapFor toA $ \sizeA bufA -> do
let maxSize = sizeR `max` sizeG `max` sizeB `max` sizeA
r <- sample sizeR bufR maxSize
g <- sample sizeR bufG maxSize
b <- sample sizeR bufB maxSize
a <- sample sizeR bufA maxSize
return $ zipWith4 Color4 r g b a
withPixelMapFor ::
PixelMapComponent c => PixelMapTarget -> (Int -> Ptr c -> IO a) -> IO a
withPixelMapFor target f = do
theMap <- get (pixelMap target)
withGLpixelmap theMap f
withGLpixelmap :: PixelMapComponent c
=> GLpixelmap c -> (Int -> Ptr c -> IO a) -> IO a
withGLpixelmap = withPixelMap
sample :: Storable a => Int -> Ptr a -> Int -> IO [a]
sample len ptr newLen = f (fromIntegral (newLen 1)) []
where scale :: Float
scale = fromIntegral len / fromIntegral newLen
f l acc | l < 0 = return acc
| otherwise = do e <- peekElemOff ptr (truncate (l * scale))
f (l 1) (e : acc)
setPixelMapXToY :: PixelMapComponent c
=> (PixelMapTarget, PixelMapTarget, PixelMapTarget, PixelMapTarget)
-> [Color4 c] -> IO ()
setPixelMapXToY (toR, toG, toB, toA) colors = do
(pixelMap toR $=) =<< newGLpixelmap [ r | Color4 r _ _ _ <- colors ]
(pixelMap toG $=) =<< newGLpixelmap [ g | Color4 _ g _ _ <- colors ]
(pixelMap toB $=) =<< newGLpixelmap [ b | Color4 _ _ b _ <- colors ]
(pixelMap toA $=) =<< newGLpixelmap [ a | Color4 _ _ _ a <- colors ]
newGLpixelmap :: PixelMapComponent c => [c] -> IO (GLpixelmap c)
newGLpixelmap = newPixelMap