module Sound.PortMidi (
, PMStream
, DeviceInfo(..)
, DeviceID
, PMMsg(..)
, PMEvent(..)
, filterActive
, filterSysex
, filterClock
, filterPlay
, filterTick
, filterFD
, filterUndefined
, filterReset
, filterRealtime
, filterNote
, filterChannelAftertouch
, filterPolyAftertouch
, filterAftertouch
, filterProgram
, filterControl
, filterPitchBend
, filterMTC
, filterSongPosition
, filterSongSelect
, filterTune
, filterSystemCommon
, initialize
, terminate
, hasHostError
, getErrorText
, countDevices
, getDefaultInputDeviceID
, getDefaultOutputDeviceID
, getDeviceInfo
, openInput
, openOutput
, setFilter
, channel
, setChannelMask
, abort
, close
, readEvents
, writeEvents
, writeShort
, writeSysEx
, time
, encodeMsg
, decodeMsg
) where
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.Marshal
import Foreign.Storable
import Data.IORef
import Data.Bits
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Sound.PortMidi.DeviceInfo
data PMError
= NoError
| GotData
| HostError
| InvalidDeviceId
| InsufficientMemory
| BufferTooSmall
| BufferOverflow
| BadPtr
| BadData
| InternalError
| BufferMaxSize
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Enum PMError where
fromEnum NoError = 0
fromEnum GotData = 1
fromEnum HostError = 10000
fromEnum InvalidDeviceId = 9999
fromEnum InsufficientMemory = 9998
fromEnum BufferTooSmall = 9997
fromEnum BufferOverflow = 9996
fromEnum BadPtr = 9995
fromEnum BadData = 9994
fromEnum InternalError = 9993
fromEnum BufferMaxSize = 9992
toEnum 0 = NoError
toEnum 1 = GotData
toEnum (10000) = HostError
toEnum (9999) = InvalidDeviceId
toEnum (9998) = InsufficientMemory
toEnum (9997) = BufferTooSmall
toEnum (9996) = BufferOverflow
toEnum (9995) = BadPtr
toEnum (9994) = BadData
toEnum (9993) = InternalError
toEnum (9992) = BufferMaxSize
toEnum x = error $ "PortMidi: toEnum out of bound " ++ show x
toPMError :: CInt -> PMError
toPMError = toEnum . fromIntegral
data PortMidiStream
type PMStreamPtr = Ptr PortMidiStream
type PMStream = ForeignPtr PortMidiStream
type DeviceID = Int
(.<.) = shiftL
(.>.) = shiftR
filterActive, filterSysex, filterClock, filterPlay, filterTick, filterFD, filterUndefined, filterReset, filterRealtime, filterNote, filterChannelAftertouch, filterPolyAftertouch, filterAftertouch, filterProgram, filterControl, filterPitchBend, filterMTC, filterSongPosition, filterSongSelect, filterTune, filterSystemCommon :: CLong
filterActive = 1 .<. 0x0e
filterSysex = 1 .<. 0x00
filterClock = 1 .<. 0x08
filterPlay = (1 .<. 0x0A) .|. (1 .<. 0x0C) .|. (1 .<. 0x0B)
filterTick = 1 .<. 0x09
filterFD = 1 .<. 0x0D
filterUndefined = filterFD
filterReset = 1 .<. 0x0F
filterRealtime = filterActive .|. filterSysex .|. filterClock .|. filterPlay .|. filterUndefined .|. filterReset .|. filterTick
filterNote = (1 .<. 0x19) .|. (1 .<. 0x18)
filterChannelAftertouch = 1 .<. 0x1D
filterPolyAftertouch = 1 .<. 0x1A
filterAftertouch = filterChannelAftertouch .|. filterPolyAftertouch
filterProgram = 1 .<. 0x1C
filterControl = 1 .<. 0x1B
filterPitchBend = 1 .<. 0x1E
filterMTC = 1 .<. 0x01
filterSongPosition = 1 .<. 0x02
filterSongSelect = 1 .<. 0x03
filterTune = 1 .<. 0x06
filterSystemCommon = filterMTC .|. filterSongPosition .|. filterSongSelect .|. filterTune
data PMMsg
= PMMsg
{ status :: !CLong
, data1 :: !CLong
, data2 :: !CLong
} deriving (Eq, Show)
encodeMsg :: PMMsg -> CLong
encodeMsg (PMMsg s d1 d2) = ((d2 .&. 0xFF) .<. 16) .|. ((d1 .&. 0xFF) .<. 8) .|. (s .&. 0xFF)
decodeMsg :: CLong -> PMMsg
decodeMsg i = PMMsg (i .&. 0xFF) ((i .>. 8) .&. 0xFF) ((i .>. 16) .&. 0xFF)
type Timestamp = CULong
data PMEvent
= PMEvent
{ message :: !CLong
, timestamp :: !Timestamp
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Storable PMEvent where
sizeOf _ = sizeOf (0::CLong) * 2
alignment _ = alignment (0::CLong)
peek ptr = do
m <- peekByteOff ptr 0
t <- peekByteOff ptr (sizeOf m)
return $ PMEvent m t
poke ptr (PMEvent m t) = do
pokeByteOff ptr 0 m
pokeByteOff ptr (sizeOf m) t
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_Initialize" pm_Initialize :: IO CInt
initialize :: IO PMError
initialize = pm_Initialize >>= return . toPMError
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_Terminate" pm_Terminate :: IO CInt
terminate :: IO PMError
terminate = pm_Terminate >>= return . toPMError
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_HasHostError" pm_HasHostError :: PMStreamPtr -> IO CInt
hasHostError :: PMStream -> IO Bool
hasHostError = flip withForeignPtr (\stream -> pm_HasHostError stream >>= return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_GetErrorText" pm_GetErrorText :: CInt -> IO CString
getErrorText :: PMError -> IO String
getErrorText err = pm_GetErrorText (fromIntegral $ fromEnum err) >>= peekCString
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_CountDevices" pm_countDevices :: IO CInt
countDevices :: IO DeviceID
countDevices = pm_countDevices >>= return . fromIntegral
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_GetDefaultInputDeviceID" pm_GetDefaultInputDeviceID :: IO CInt
getDefaultInputDeviceID :: IO (Maybe DeviceID)
getDefaultInputDeviceID = do
i <- pm_GetDefaultInputDeviceID
return $ if i == 1 then Nothing else Just (fromIntegral i)
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID" pm_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID :: IO CInt
getDefaultOutputDeviceID :: IO (Maybe DeviceID)
getDefaultOutputDeviceID = do
i <- pm_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID
return $ if i == 1 then Nothing else Just (fromIntegral i)
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_GetDeviceInfo" pm_GetDeviceInfo :: CInt -> IO (Ptr ())
getDeviceInfo :: DeviceID -> IO DeviceInfo
getDeviceInfo deviceID = pm_GetDeviceInfo (fromIntegral deviceID) >>= peekDeviceInfo
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_OpenInput" pm_OpenInput :: Ptr PMStreamPtr -> CInt -> Ptr () -> CLong -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO CInt
openInput :: DeviceID -> IO (Either PMStream PMError)
openInput inputDevice =
with nullPtr (\ptr -> do
e <- pm_OpenInput ptr (fromIntegral inputDevice) nullPtr 0 nullPtr nullPtr
if e == 0
then do
stream <- peek ptr
ptr' <- newForeignPtr_ stream
return $ Left ptr'
else return (Right (toPMError e)))
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_OpenOutput" pm_OpenOutput :: Ptr PMStreamPtr -> CInt -> Ptr () -> CLong -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> CLong -> IO CInt
openOutput :: DeviceID -> Int -> IO (Either PMStream PMError)
openOutput outputDevice latency =
with nullPtr (\ptr -> do
e <- pm_OpenOutput ptr (fromIntegral outputDevice) nullPtr 0 nullPtr nullPtr (fromIntegral latency)
if e == 0
then do
stream <- peek ptr
ptr' <- newForeignPtr_ stream
return $ Left ptr'
else return (Right (toPMError e)))
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_SetFilter" pm_SetFilter :: PMStreamPtr -> CLong -> IO CInt
setFilter :: PMStream -> CLong -> IO PMError
setFilter stream filter = withForeignPtr stream (\s -> pm_SetFilter s filter >>= return . toPMError)
channel :: Int -> CLong
channel i = 1 .<. i
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_SetChannelMask" pm_SetChannelMask :: PMStreamPtr -> CLong -> IO CInt
setChannelMask :: PMStream -> CLong -> IO PMError
setChannelMask stream mask = withForeignPtr stream (\s -> pm_SetChannelMask s mask >>= return . toPMError)
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_Abort" pm_Abort :: PMStreamPtr -> IO CInt
abort :: PMStream -> IO PMError
abort = flip withForeignPtr (\s -> pm_Abort s >>= return . toPMError)
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_Close" pm_Close :: PMStreamPtr -> IO CInt
close :: PMStream -> IO PMError
close = flip withForeignPtr (\s -> pm_Close s >>= return . toPMError)
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_Read" pm_Read :: PMStreamPtr -> Ptr PMEvent -> CLong -> IO CInt
readEvents :: PMStream -> IO (Either [PMEvent] PMError)
readEvents = flip withForeignPtr (\s -> allocaArray (fromIntegral defaultBufferSize) (\arr -> do
r <- pm_Read s arr defaultBufferSize
if r > 0
then peekArray (fromIntegral r) arr >>= return . Left
else return $ Right (toPMError r)))
defaultBufferSize = 256
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_Write" pm_Write :: PMStreamPtr -> Ptr PMEvent -> CLong -> IO CInt
writeEvents :: PMStream -> [PMEvent] -> IO PMError
writeEvents stream events = withForeignPtr stream (\s ->
withArrayLen events (\len arr -> pm_Write s arr (fromIntegral len) >>= return . toPMError))
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_WriteShort" pm_WriteShort :: PMStreamPtr -> CULong -> CLong -> IO CInt
writeShort :: PMStream -> PMEvent -> IO PMError
writeShort stream (PMEvent msg time) = withForeignPtr stream (\s ->
pm_WriteShort s time msg >>= return . toPMError)
foreign import ccall "portmidi.h Pm_WriteSysEx" pm_WriteSysEx :: PMStreamPtr -> CULong -> CString -> IO CInt
writeSysEx :: PMStream -> Timestamp -> String -> IO PMError
writeSysEx stream time str = withForeignPtr stream (\st ->
withCAString str (\s -> pm_WriteSysEx st time s >>= return . toPMError))
foreign import ccall "porttime.h Pt_Time" time :: IO Timestamp