-------- - introduction of @Data.PrimitiveArray.Sparse@ which uses different sparsification options. The default is @D.P.S.Search@ based on binary search. - All array operations, pure or mutable are now based on a single, unified class. Mostly because mutable operations go via a data family anyway. -------- - Rewrote Data.PrimitiveArray.Dense to accept all vector types using one interface. This is a breaking change, since @Unboxed@ becomes @Dense Data.Vector.Unboxed.Vector@, but now @Dense v@ accepts any @v@ as underlying storage vector. Breaking occurs only at user sites where the actual vector type needs to be specified. This tends to be very localized. ------- - OrderedBits version bump ------- - Arbitrary instance(s), field lenses that are probably not a good idea (don't use them!) ------- - large-scale changes - associated data families for bounds ------- - inclusion of Upperlimit data family to simplify declaration of upper limits ------- - PointL delays inlining to phase 0 for table filling. This is part of the close-to-C optimization effort for linear languages. - disabling smallcheck until I fix how things are generated ------- - renamed Interface (Iter) to Boundary (Boundary) - Typeable instances for Dense primitive arrays - EdgeBoundary index structure - changes and fixes to quickcheck/smallcheck - added ScoreMatrix module with simple score and distance matrix structure (requires log-domain) ------- - JSONKey (To/From) for index types. ------- - minor updates to dependencies - tasty framework - Subword/upper triangular indexing provided by DPutils ------- - Data.PrimitiveArray.Checked to capture index out-of-bounds problems ------- - vector <= 0.11 support; including compatibility layer - redesigned Index structures (for dealing with Inside/Outside/Complement) ------- - Hashable instances for all index structures - Hashable instances for Unboxed and Boxed arrays. *These require Hashable instances for vectors, which are not available by default* ------- - OrderedBits < 0.0.1 - travis.yml update ------- - moved primitive array classes to Data.PrimitiveArray.Class - added from / to lenses - Field1 .. Field6 lenses for indices (Z:.a:.b...) (with Z being Field0) - lens stuff currently commented out; aiming to have an extra package [lens is fairly heavy] - FillTables should work now (with PointL, Subword) - freezing of whole stacks of (Z:.mutarr:.mutarr:. ...) tables - explicit 'Shape Subword'; this allows for simpler code in a number of places and is especially useful for CYK-style algorithms that have a single-dimensional upper-triangular matrix. - rangeStream of Extshape is new and used by the FillTables module - Binary, Cereal, Aeson instances for indices and immutable tables - orphan instances of Binary, Cereal, Aeson for Z, and (:.) - topmostIndex returns the final index position for CYK-style (bottom to top) parsing - removed Data.Array.Repa.Index.Point (we have PointL, PointR in Points.hs) - added Data.Array.Repa.Index.Set (for sets with an interface, used by Hamiltonian path problems) - Data.Array.Repa.Index.Outside is now just a newtype wrapped around other Index types. We want to be able to say "a Subword, but for Outside algorithms" - travis-ci integration ------- - actually implemented PointR - added the rather important strictness annotation for mutable arrays in .Zero ------- - fixed vector-th-unbox problem