# Revision history for PyF ## -- 2025-01-03 - Fix indentation in `fmtTrim` when line break was escaped (bug https://github.com/guibou/PyF/issues/141). - Support for GHC 9.12. - Fix for tests in GHC 9.10. - No more "python" reference check in the test phase. I'm removing complexity, and if it does not match the python implementation, we can just introduce a new test case. Note that python checking can be reimplemented easilly by parsing the AST. ## -- 2024-05-15 - Support for GHC 9.10. ## -- 2023-10-25 - Final version for GHC 9.8 ## - Fix for the neovim treesitter syntax highlighter for `fmt` and `fmtTrim` quasiquotes - Initial support for GHC 9.8 - Version bump for new MTL ## -- 2023-03-15 - Support for GHC 9.6. Thank you @Kleidukos for initiating the port. ## -- 2022-09-24 - Support for OverloadedRecordsDot syntax in Meta. Thank you @Profpatsch for the report. - In some context, the error reporting for variable not found in the quasi quote expression was incorrectly reporting existing variables as not found. See https://github.com/guibou/PyF/issues/115 for details. This is now fixed by not abusing GHC api. Thank you @michaelpj for reporting this really weird problem. ## -- 2022-08-10 - Support for GHC 9.4. (Written with a pre-release of GHC 9.4, hopefully it won't change too much before the release). - Error reporting now uses the native GHC API. In summary, it means that haskell-language-server will point to the correct location of the error, not the beginning of the quasi quotes. - PyF will now correctly locate the error for variable not found in expression, even if the expression is complicated. The support for complex expression is limited, and PyF may return a false positive if you try to format a complex lambda / case expression. Please open a ticket if you need that. - Add support for literal `[]` and `()` in haskell expression. - Add support for overloaded labels, thank you Shimuuar. - Support for `::` in haskell expression. Such as `[fmt| 10 :: Int:d}|]`, as a suggestion from julm (close #87). - `Integral` padding width and precision also for formatter without type specifier. - Extra care was used to catch all `type-defaults` warning message. PyF should not generate code with this kind of warning, unless the embedded Haskell expression are ambiguous (e.g. `[fmt|{10}|]`). You can use `::` to disambiguate, e.g. `[fmt|{10 :: Int}|]`. ## -- 2021-12-05 - Padding width can now be any arbitrary Haskell expression, such as `[fmt|hello pi = {pi:<{5 * 10}}|]`. - Precision (and now padding width) arbitrary expression can now be any `Integral` and it is not limited to `Int` anymore. - (Meta): type expression are now parsed and hence allowed inside arbitrary Haskell expression for padding width and precision. For example, `[fmt|Hello {pi:.{3 :: Int}}|]`. ## -- 2021-10-30 - Due to the dependencies refactor, `PyF` no have no dependencies other than the one packaged with GHC. The direct result is that `PyF` build time is reduced to 6s versus 4 minutes and 20s before. - Remove the dependency to `megaparsec` and replaces it by `parsec`. This should have minor impact on the error messages. - *Huge Change*. The parsing of embeded expression does not depend anymore on `haskell-src-ext` and `haskell-src-meta` and instead depends on the built-in `ghc` lib. - Added instances for `(Lazy)ByteString` to `PyFClassify` and `PyFToString`. `ByteString` can now be integrated into format string, and will be decoded as ascii. - Relax the constraint for floating point formatting from `RealFrac` to `Real`. As a result, a few new type can be formatted as floating point number. One drawback is that some `Integral` are `Real` too and hence it is not an error anymore to format an integral as floating point, but you still need to explicitly select a floating point formatter. - Added instance for `(Nominal)DiffTime` to `PyFClassify`, so you can now format them without conversion. - Introducing of the new typeclass `PyfFormatIntegral` and `PyfFormatFractional` in order to customize the formatting for numbers. An instance is derived for respectively any `Integral` and `Real` types. - Support for `Char` formatting, as string (showing the `Char` value) or as integral, showing the `ord`. - `Data.Ratio`. - Introducing `fmtTrim` module. It offers the same behavior as `fmt`, but trims common indentation. Se `PyF.trimIndent` for documentation. - Introducing `raw` for convenience. It is a multiline string without any escaping, formatting neither leading whitespace handling. - Introducing `str` and `strTrim`. They are similar to `fmt` and `fmtTrim` but without formatting. You can see them as multiline haskell string, with special character escaping, but without formatting. For convenience, the `strTrim` version also removes indentation. - `fmtWithDelimiters` is gone and replaced by `mkFormatter` in `PyF` which is "more" generic. ## -- 2021-02-06 - Test phase do not depend anymore on python (unless cabal flag `python_test` is set). This ease the deployment / packaging process. ## -- 2020-09-11 - Version bump for megaparsec 9.0 ## -- 2020-03-25 - Fixs for GHC 8.10 ## -- 2019-12-29 - Any type with `Show` instance can be formatted using `:s` formatter. For example, `[fmt|hello {(True, 10):s}|]`. This breaks compatibility because previous version of PyF was generating an error when try to format to string anything which was not a string, now it accepts roughly anything (with a `Show` instance). ## -- 2019-11-08 - Bump megaparsec bounds ## -- 2019-10-13 - Compatibility with GHC 8.8 ## -- 2019-09-03 - Precision can now be any arbitrary haskell expression, such as `[fmt|hello pi = {pi:.{1 + 3}}|]`. ## -- 2019-08-27 - (minor bugfix in tests): Use python3 instead of "python" to help build on environment with both python2 and python3 ## -- 2019-08-27 - Stack support ## -- 2019-08-06 - `f` (and `fWithDelimiters`) were renamed `fmt` (`fmtWithDelimiters`). `f` was causing too much shadowing in any codebase. - PyF now exposes the typeclass `PyFToString` and `PyFClassify` which can be extended to support any type as input for the formatters. - PyF now uses `Data.String.IsString t` as its output type if `OverloadedString` is enabled. It means that it behaves as a real haskell string literal. - A caveat of the previous change is that PyF does not have instances for `IO` anymore. ### bugfixes and general improvements - An important amount of bugfixs - Error reporting for generic formatting (i.e. formatting without a specified type) is now more robust - Template haskell splices are simpler. This leads to more efficient / small generated code and in the event of this code appears in a GHC error message, it is more readable. - PyF now longer emit unnecessary default typing. ## -- 2019-02-28 - Tests: fix non reproducible tests ## -- 2019-02-27 - Fixed: PyF now uses the same haskell extensions as the one used by the current haskell file to parse sub expressions. ## -- 2019-02-11 - Fixed: PyF was wrongly ignoring everything located after a non-doubled closing delimiter. - New Feature: line break can be escaped with , thus allowing string to start on a new line ignoring the initial backspace ## -- 2019-02-04 - Bump dependencies to megaparsec 7 - Error message are now tested - Name in template haskell splices are stable. This increases readability of error messages - Better error message for badly formated expression ### Formatting removal - All monomorphic quasiquoters (`f`, `fString`, `fText`, `fIO`, `fLazyText`) are removed - Polymophic quasiquoter `f'` is renamed `f` and is the only entry point. Monomorphic users are encouraged to use the polymorphic quasiquoter with type annotation. - `Formatting` dependency is removed. - Previously named `f` quasiquoters which was exporting to `Formatting.Format` is removed. User of this behavior should use `Formatting.now` instead. ## -- 2018-08-03 - Custom delimiters, you can use whatever delimiters you want in place of `{` and `}`. ## -- 2018-08-02 - Fix the espace parsing of `{{` and `}}` as `{` and `}` ## -- 2018-04-16 - Support for negative zero - Support for 0 modifier - Exponential formatter now behaves as python - Support for alternate floatting point represenation - Lot of documentation - Test are auto verified with the python reference implementation ## -- 2018-04-13 - Support for grouping option - Support for inner allignment - Correct display of NaN and Infinity - Fix a few cosmetic with python implementation - Introduce `PyF.Formatters`, type safe generic number formatter solution - Remove dependency to `scientific` ## -- 2018-04-01 - Support for haskell subexpression ## -- 2018-01-07 - Add support for the `sign` field. ## -- 2018-01-03 - First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.