name: Rasenschach version: 0.1.2 cabal-version: >=1.2 build-type: Simple license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE maintainer: homepage: synopsis: Soccer simulation description: Soccer simulation with simple graphics and highly configurable AI category: Game author: Martin Wöhrle data-files: 20redball.png 23redball.png 26redball.png 20THCENT.TTF 30redball.png 35redball.png 40redball.png SqueakyChalkSound.ttf ballM.wav chalkboard.png tockH.wav whistle.wav data-dir: "" extra-source-files: AI.hs AL.hs Animate.hs BallFSM.hs BasicTypes.hs Command.hs Data/FSM.hs GameFSM.hs GameLoop.hs Global.hs Grid.hs Helper.hs Lineup.hs Message.hs Object.hs ObjectBehaviour.hs ParseTeam.hs Parser.hs Physics.hs PlayerFSM.hs README Render.hs RenderBall.hs RenderGame.hs RenderPlayer.hs RenderUtil.hs Rules.hs States.hs executable Rasenschach build-depends: SDL -any, SDL-gfx -any, SDL-image -any, SDL-mixer -any, SDL-ttf -any, Yampa -any, array -any, base >=3 && <5, containers -any, convertible -any, directory -any, filepath -any, ghc -any, monad-loops -any, template-haskell -any, time -any main-is: Main.hs buildable: True cpp-options: -D NO_DEBUG_MODE extensions: CPP hs-source-dirs: . other-modules: GameLoop Physics ParseTeam PlayerFSM Render Main AL ObjectBehaviour GameFSM Message Rules Object BasicTypes Animate Helper RenderGame Global Command RenderUtil BallFSM RenderPlayer Main States AI Grid RenderBall Parser Lineup Main Data.FSM ghc-prof-options: --enable-executable-profiling -- ghc-options: -O2 -prof -Wall ghc-options: -O2 -Wall