module Data.RefSerialize.Parser( STR(..),StatR(..),(<?>),(<|>),char,anyChar, string, upper, space, digit
, sepBy, between, choice, option, notFollowedBy, many, manyTill, oneOf, noneOf
, bool, try, Data.RefSerialize.Parser.empty, readContent
, charLiteral
, stringLiteral
, natural
, integer
, float
, naturalOrFloat
, decimal
, hexadecimal
, octal
, symbol
, lexeme
, whiteSpace
, parens
, braces
, angles
, brackets
, semi
, comma
, colon
, dot
, semiSep
, semiSep1
, commaSep
, commaSep1
) where
import Prelude hiding(head,tail, null)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char(isUpper,isSpace,digitToInt)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.RefSerialize.Serialize
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8
import Control.Applicative hiding ( (<|>),many)
import qualified Control.Applicative as CA((<|>),many)
data StatR= StatR (Context, ByteString, ByteString)
data STR a= STR(StatR -> Either Error (StatR , a) )
instance Functor STR where
fmap f (STR strx)= STR $ \s ->
let mr = strx s
in case mr of
Right (s',x) -> Right(s',f x)
Left err -> Left err
instance Applicative STR where
pure x= STR (\s -> Right (s, x))
STR g <*> STR f= STR $ \ s ->
let mr = g s
in case mr of
Left err -> Left err
Right (s' , x) ->
let mr = f s'
in case mr of
Left err -> Left err
Right(s'', y) -> Right(s'', x y)
instance Alternative STR where
empty= STR (\_ -> Left $ Error "an error occurred")
(<|>) = parsecPlus
instance Monad STR where
return x = STR (\s -> Right (s, x))
STR g >>= f = STR (\s ->
case g s of
Right (s', x)->
STR fun = f x
in case fun s' of
left@(Left msg) -> left
rigth-> rigth
Left msg -> Left msg
instance MonadPlus STR where
mzero= STR (\(StatR (a,b,c)) -> Left $ Error "an error occurred")
mplus p1 p2 = parsecPlus p1 p2
infixr 1 <|>
(<|>) = parsecPlus
infix 0 <?>
p <?> msg = label p msg
parsecPlus :: STR a -> STR a -> STR a
parsecPlus (STR p1) (STR p2)
= STR (\state ->
case (p1 state) of
Left (Error s) -> case (p2 state) of
Left (Error s') -> Left $ Error ( s++ "\n"++ s')
consumed-> consumed
other -> other
label :: STR a -> String -> STR a
label p msg
= labels p [msg]
labels :: STR a -> [String] -> STR a
labels (STR p) msgs
= STR (\state ->
case (p state) of
Left(Error reply) -> Left $ Error ( reply ++Prelude.concatMap ("\n in "++) msgs)
other -> other
char :: Char -> STR Char
unexpectedEndOfInput= "unexpected end of input"
char c= STR(\(StatR(cs,s,v)) ->
if null s then Left (Error $ unexpectedEndOfInput)
else if c== head s then Right(StatR(cs,tail s,v), c)
else Left (Error ( "char "++ c:" not match " ++ '\"':unpack s++"\"" )))
anyChar = STR(\(StatR(cs,s,v)) ->
if null s then Left (Error $ unexpectedEndOfInput)
else Right(StatR(cs,tail s,v), head s))
satisfy bf= STR(\(StatR(cs,s,v)) -> let heads= head s in
if null s then Left (Error $ unexpectedEndOfInput)
else if bf heads then Right(StatR(cs,tail s,v), heads)
else Left (Error ( "satisfy not matching condition in " ++ '\"':unpack s++"\"" )))
upper = STR(\(StatR(cs,s,v)) -> let heads= head s in
if null s then Left (Error $ unexpectedEndOfInput)
else if isUpper (head s) then Right(StatR(cs,tail s,v), head s)
else Left (Error ( "upper not matching condition in " ++ '\"':unpack s++"\"" )))
space =STR(\(StatR(cs,s,v)) -> let heads= head s in
if null s then Left (Error $ unexpectedEndOfInput)
else if isSpace heads then Right(StatR(cs,tail s,v), heads)
else Left (Error ( "expected space at the head of " ++ unpack s )))
digit1 l1 l2= STR(\(StatR(cs,s,v)) ->
if null s then Left (Error $ unexpectedEndOfInput)
else let c= head s in if c >= l1 && c <= l2
then Right(StatR(cs,tail s,v), c)
else Left (Error ( "expected digit at the head of " ++ unpack s )))
empty = STR(\(StatR(cs,s,v)) -> if null s then Right(StatR(cs, s,v), ())
else Left (Error ( "expected empty list" )))
octDigit= digit1 '0' '7'
digit= digit1 '0' '9'
hexDigit= STR(\(StatR(cs,s,v)) ->
if null s then Left (Error $ unexpectedEndOfInput)
else let c= head s in if c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c >= 'a' && c<='f' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' then Right(StatR(cs,tail s,v), c)
else Left (Error ( "expected space at the head of " ++ unpack s )))
oneOf xs= STR(\(StatR(cs,s,v)) ->
if null s then Left (Error $ unexpectedEndOfInput)
else let c= head s in if c `Prelude.elem` xs then Right(StatR(cs,tail s,v), c)
else Left (Error ( "expected digit at the head of " ++ unpack s )))
noneOf xs= STR(\(StatR(cs,s,v)) ->
if null s then Left (Error $ unexpectedEndOfInput)
else let c= head s in if not $ c `Prelude.elem` xs then Right(StatR(cs,tail s,v), c)
else Left (Error ( "expected digit at the head of " ++ unpack s )))
try p= do
(cs,s,v)<- STR $ \(StatR(cs,s,v)) -> Right(StatR(cs, s,v), (cs,s,v))
r <- p
STR(\(StatR _) -> Right(StatR(cs, s,v), r))
readContent= STR $ \(StatR(cs,s,v)) -> Right(StatR(cs,Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.empty,v), s)
unexpected msg
= STR (\state -> Left (Error $ msg++ "unexpected"))
sepBy1,sepBy :: STR a -> STR sep -> STR [a]
sepBy p sep = sepBy1 p sep <|> return []
sepBy1 p sep = do{ x <- p
; xs <- many (sep >> p)
; return (x:xs)
<?> "sepBy "
between open close p
= do{ open; x <- p; close; return x }
choice ps = Prelude.foldr (<|>) mzero ps <?> "choice "
option x p = p <|> return x
notFollowedBy p = try (do{ c <- p; unexpected (show [c]) }
<|> return ()
<?> "notFollowedBy "
skipMany1 p = do{ p; skipMany p }
skipMany p = scan
scan = do{ p; scan } <|> return ()
manyTill p end = scan
scan = do{ end; return [] }
do{ x <- p; xs <- scan; return (x:xs) }
string ""= return ""
string ys@(x:xs)= do
char x
string xs
return ys
<?> "string "++ys
bool = lexeme ( do{ symbol "True" ; return True} <|> do{ symbol "False" ; return False}) <?> "Bool"
many :: STR a -> STR [a]
many p = many1 p <|> return []
many1 :: STR a -> STR [a]
many1 p = do {a <- p; as <- many p; return (a:as)}
parens p = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")") p <?> "parens "
braces p = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}") p <?> "braces "
angles p = between (symbol "<") (symbol ">") p <?> "angles "
brackets p = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]") p <?> "brackets "
semi = symbol ";"
comma = symbol ","
dot = symbol "."
colon = symbol ":"
commaSep p = sepBy p comma
semiSep p = sepBy p semi
commaSep1 p = sepBy1 p comma
semiSep1 p = sepBy1 p semi
charLiteral = lexeme (between (char '\'')
(char '\'' <?> "end of character")
characterChar )
<?> "character"
characterChar = charLetter <|> charEscape
<?> "literal character"
charEscape = do{ char '\\'; escapeCode }
charLetter = satisfy (\c -> (c /= '\'') && (c /= '\\') && (c > '\026'))
stringLiteral = lexeme (
do{ str <- between (char '"')
(char '"' <?> "end of string")
(many stringChar)
; return (Prelude.foldr (maybe id (:)) "" str)
<?> "literal string")
stringChar = do{ c <- stringLetter; return (Just c) }
<|> stringEscape
<?> "string character"
stringLetter = satisfy (\c -> (c /= '"') && (c /= '\\') && (c > '\026'))
stringEscape = do{ char '\\'
; do{ escapeGap ; return Nothing }
<|> do{ escapeEmpty; return Nothing }
<|> do{ esc <- escapeCode; return (Just esc) }
escapeEmpty = char '&'
escapeGap = do{ many1 space
; char '\\' <?> "end of string gap"
escapeCode = charEsc <|> charNum <|> charAscii <|> charControl
<?> "escape code"
charControl = do{ char '^'
; code <- upper
; return (toEnum (fromEnum code fromEnum 'A'))
charNum = do{ code <- decimal
<|> do{ char 'o'; number 8 octDigit }
<|> do{ char 'x'; number 16 hexDigit }
; return (toEnum (fromInteger code))
charEsc = choice ( parseEsc escMap)
parseEsc (c,code) = do{ char c; return code }
charAscii = choice ( parseAscii asciiMap)
parseAscii (asc,code) = try (do{ string asc; return code })
escMap = ("abfnrtv\\\"\'") ("\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\"\'")
asciiMap = (ascii3codes ++ ascii2codes) (ascii3 ++ ascii2)
ascii2codes = ["BS","HT","LF","VT","FF","CR","SO","SI","EM",
ascii3codes = ["NUL","SOH","STX","ETX","EOT","ENQ","ACK","BEL",
ascii2 = ['\BS','\HT','\LF','\VT','\FF','\CR','\SO','\SI',
ascii3 = ['\NUL','\SOH','\STX','\ETX','\EOT','\ENQ','\ACK',
naturalOrFloat = lexeme (natFloat) <?> "number"
float = lexeme floating <?> "float"
integer = lexeme int <?> "integer"
natural = lexeme nat <?> "natural"
floating = do{ n <- decimal
; fractExponent n
natFloat = do{ char '0'
; zeroNumFloat
<|> decimalFloat
zeroNumFloat = do{ n <- hexadecimal <|> octal
; return (Left n)
<|> decimalFloat
<|> fractFloat 0
<|> return (Left 0)
decimalFloat = do{ n <- decimal
; option (Left n)
(fractFloat n)
fractFloat n = do{ f <- fractExponent n
; return (Right f)
fractExponent n = do{ fract <- fraction
; expo <- option 1.0 exponent'
; return ((fromInteger n + fract)*expo)
do{ expo <- exponent'
; return ((fromInteger n)*expo)
fraction = do{ char '.'
; digits <- many1 digit <?> "fraction"
; return (Prelude.foldr op 0.0 digits)
<?> "fraction"
op d f = (f + fromIntegral (digitToInt d))/10.0
exponent' = do{ oneOf "eE"
; f <- sign
; e <- decimal <?> "exponent"
; return (power (f e))
<?> "exponent"
power e | e < 0 = 1.0/power(e)
| otherwise = fromInteger (10^e)
int = do{ f <- lexeme sign
; n <- nat
; return (f n)
sign = (char '-' >> return negate)
<|> (char '+' >> return id)
<|> return id
nat = zeroNumber <|> decimal
zeroNumber = do{ char '0'
; hexadecimal <|> octal <|> decimal <|> return 0
<?> ""
decimal = number 10 digit
hexadecimal = do{ oneOf "xX"; number 16 hexDigit }
octal = do{ oneOf "oO"; number 8 octDigit }
number base baseDigit
= do{ digits <- many1 baseDigit
; let n = Prelude.foldl (\x d -> base*x + toInteger (digitToInt d)) 0 digits
; seq n (return n)
symbol name
= lexeme (string name) <?> "symbol"
lexeme p
= do{ x <- p; whiteSpace ; return x }
whiteSpace = skipMany (simpleSpace <?> " ")
simpleSpace = skipMany1 (satisfy isSpace)