This library expose a SFML monad which deliver a higher level of abstraction
over the low level bindings.
What do you mean by higher level?
It exposes a SFML
monad you must use and eventually run to go back into IO
In doing that, the SFML
monad runs all the destructors for you. This means you
don't have to worry about explicit deallocation of the underlying C resources.
How the bindings are achieved?
To scrap as much boilerplate as possible, TH has been used. In fact, thanks to
the TH machinery, the whole SFML functions has been lifted appropriately here:
This is a 1:1 translation of this example:
module Main where
import Control.Monad.SFML
import qualified SFML.Graphics as G
import qualified SFML.Window as W
import SFML.Graphics.Color
import Paths_SFMLExamples
main :: IO ()
main = runSFML $ do
let ctxSettings = Just $ W.ContextSettings 24 8 0 1 2
wnd <- createRenderWindow (W.VideoMode 640 480 32)
"SFML-Control Demo" [W.SFDefaultStyle] ctxSettings
logoPath <- liftIO $ getDataFileName "Haskell-Logo.png"
fontPath <- liftIO $ getDataFileName "Vera.ttf"
musicPath <- liftIO $ getDataFileName "DST-BreakOut.ogg"
tex <- textureFromFile logoPath Nothing
spr <- createSprite
fnt <- fontFromFile fontPath
txt <- createText
setTextString txt "Haskell-Control\nhandles memory\nfor you"
setTextFont txt fnt
setTextCharacterSize txt 20
setTextColor txt blue
msc <- musicFromFile musicPath
play msc
setTexture spr tex True
loop wnd spr txt
loop :: G.RenderWindow -> G.Sprite -> G.Text -> SFML ()
loop wnd spr txt = do
drawSprite wnd spr Nothing
drawText wnd txt $ Just (G.renderStates { G.transform = G.translation 460 40 })
display wnd
evt <- waitEvent wnd
case evt of
Nothing -> return ()
Just W.SFEvtClosed -> return ()
_ -> loop wnd spr txt
As you can see it's almost a 1:1 translation, you just need to run the monad
and get rid of explicit destroy
Why two libraries?
We decided that the user shouldn't pay the extra burder of a SFML
monad if all he
wants is a low level SFML binding.