{-| __Note__: for help porting pre-1.8 code to SVGFonts-1.8, <https://github.com/diagrams/SVGFonts/#porting-to-version-18 see the README>. == Text drawing example The following is a simple example that covers basic use cases of the predefined text drawing functions. The text rendering can be even more customized, see e.g. the implementation of 'svgText_fitRect_stretchySpace'. The example creates: * a width-adjusted text: @textw@ * a height-adjusted text: @texth@ * a text adjusted to both width and height with evenly stretched advances of characters: @textr@ * a text adjusted to both width and height, where space characters are stretched more than others: @textrs@ * a text, from which only the path is extracted, dropping the enclosing rectangle given by font: @textp@ * a text wrapped and block-adjusted into a box: @textbox@ <<diagrams/src_Graphics_SVGFonts_allTexts.svg#diagram=allTexts&width=400>> > {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} > > import Diagrams.Prelude hiding (text, width, height) > import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine > import qualified Graphics.SVGFonts as F > import qualified Graphics.SVGFonts.Wrap as FW > > main = mainWith diagram > > diagram :: Diagram B > diagram = vsep 1 [textw, texth, textr, textrs, textp, textbox] > > text = "Hello World, ahoy!" > long_text = > "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis \ > \praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores." > > width = 200 :: Double > height = 22 > > stylize text = text # fc blue # lc blue # bg lightgrey # fillRule EvenOdd # showOrigin > text_diagram = stylize . F.set_envelope > > textw = text_diagram$ F.fit_width width$ F.svgText def text > texth = text_diagram$ F.fit_height height$ F.svgText def text > textr = text_diagram$ F.svgText_fitRect def (width, height) text > textrs = text_diagram$ F.svgText_fitRect_stretchySpace def (width, height) 5 text > textp = stylize$ stroke$ F.drop_rect$ F.fit_height height$ F.svgText def text > > textbox = stylize$ vcat$ map F.set_envelope$ > map (F.svgText_fitRect_stretchySpace def (width, height) 5) (init texts) > ++ [F.fit_height height$ F.svgText def$ last texts] > where > texts = case FW.wrapText def height splits long_text of > Just texts -> texts > Nothing -> map return long_text > > splits = > [ (FW.splitAtSpaces, (width - 30, width + 10)) > , (FW.splitEachTwoChars, (width - 30, width + 10)) > , (const Nothing, (-1, 1/0)) > ] == Font loading example > main = do > font1 <- loadDataFont "fonts/LinLibertine.svg" > font2 <- loadFont "/path/to/font.svg" > let > t1 = F.svgText_raw def{textFont = font1} "Hello" > t2 = F.svgText_raw def{textFont = font2} "Hello" > mainWith (stroke t1 === stroke t2 :: Diagram B) -} module Graphics.SVGFonts ( -- * Drawing text svgText , svgText_raw , svgText_modifyPreglyphs , svgText_fitRect , svgText_fitRect_stretchySpace , fit_height , fit_width , set_envelope , drop_rect -- * Options , TextOpts(..), Spacing(..) -- * Provided fonts , bit, lin, lin2 -- * Loading fonts , loadFont, loadDataFont -- * Backward compatibility , textSVG ) where import Graphics.SVGFonts.Text import Graphics.SVGFonts.Fonts (bit, lin, lin2, loadDataFont) import Graphics.SVGFonts.ReadFont (loadFont) import Graphics.SVGFonts.PathInRect