This file is part of ShellCheck.
ShellCheck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ShellCheck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.IO.Device
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import ShellCheck.Data
import ShellCheck.Simple
import ShellCheck.Analytics
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Text.JSON
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data Flag = Flag String String
header = "Usage: shellcheck [OPTIONS...] FILES..."
options = [
Option ['f'] ["format"]
(ReqArg (Flag "format") "FORMAT") "output format",
Option ['e'] ["exclude"]
(ReqArg (Flag "exclude") "CODE1,CODE2..") "exclude types of warnings",
Option ['s'] ["shell"]
(ReqArg (Flag "shell") "SHELLNAME") "Specify dialect (bash,sh,ksh,zsh)",
Option ['V'] ["version"]
(NoArg $ Flag "version" "true") "Print version information"
printErr = hPutStrLn stderr
syntaxFailure = ExitFailure 3
supportFailure = ExitFailure 4
instance JSON ShellCheckComment where
showJSON c = makeObj [
("line", showJSON $ scLine c),
("column", showJSON $ scColumn c),
("level", showJSON $ scSeverity c),
("code", showJSON $ scCode c),
("message", showJSON $ scMessage c)
readJSON = undefined
parseArguments argv =
case getOpt Permute options argv of
(opts, files, []) -> do
verifyOptions opts files
return $ Just (opts, files)
(_, _, errors) -> do
printErr $ (concat errors) ++ "\n" ++ usageInfo header options
exitWith syntaxFailure
formats = Map.fromList [
("json", forJson),
("gcc", forGcc),
("checkstyle", forCheckstyle),
("tty", forTty)
forTty options files = do
output <- mapM doFile files
return $ and output
clear = ansi 0
ansi n = "\x1B[" ++ (show n) ++ "m"
colorForLevel "error" = 31 -- red
colorForLevel "warning" = 33 -- yellow
colorForLevel "info" = 32 -- green
colorForLevel "style" = 32 -- green
colorForLevel "message" = 1 -- bold
colorForLevel "source" = 0 -- none
colorForLevel _ = 0 -- none
colorComment level comment = (ansi $ colorForLevel level) ++ comment ++ clear
doFile path = do
contents <- readContents path
doInput path contents
doInput filename contents = do
let fileLines = lines contents
let lineCount = length fileLines
let comments = getComments options contents
let groups = groupWith scLine comments
colorFunc <- getColorFunc
mapM_ (\x -> do
let lineNum = scLine (head x)
let line = if lineNum < 1 || lineNum > lineCount
then ""
else fileLines !! (lineNum - 1)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ colorFunc "message" ("In " ++ filename ++" line " ++ (show $ lineNum) ++ ":")
putStrLn (colorFunc "source" line)
mapM (\c -> putStrLn (colorFunc (scSeverity c) $ cuteIndent c)) x
putStrLn ""
) groups
return $ null comments
cuteIndent comment =
(replicate ((scColumn comment) - 1) ' ') ++ "^-- " ++ (code $ scCode comment) ++ ": " ++ (scMessage comment)
code code = "SC" ++ (show code)
getColorFunc = do
term <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout
return $ if term then colorComment else const id
-- This totally ignores the filenames. Fixme?
forJson options files = do
comments <- liftM concat $ mapM (commentsFor options) files
putStrLn $ encodeStrict $ comments
return . null $ comments
-- Mimic GCC "file:line:col: (error|warning|note): message" format
forGcc options files = do
files <- mapM process files
return $ and files
process file = do
contents <- readContents file
let comments = makeNonVirtual (getComments options contents) contents
mapM_ (putStrLn . format file) comments
return $ null comments
format filename c = concat [
filename, ":",
show $ scLine c, ":",
show $ scColumn c, ": ",
case scSeverity c of
"error" -> "error"
"warning" -> "warning"
_ -> "note",
": ",
concat . lines $ scMessage c,
" [SC", show $ scCode c, "]"
-- Checkstyle compatible output. A bit of a hack to avoid XML dependencies
forCheckstyle options files = do
putStrLn ""
putStrLn ""
statuses <- mapM (\x -> process x `catch` report) files
putStrLn ""
return $ and statuses
process file = do
comments <- commentsFor options file
putStrLn (formatFile file comments)
return $ null comments
report error = do
printErr $ show (error :: SomeException)
return False
severity "error" = "error"
severity "warning" = "warning"
severity _ = "info"
attr s v = concat [ s, "='", escape v, "' " ]
escape msg = concatMap escape' msg
escape' c = if isOk c then [c] else "" ++ (show $ ord c) ++ ";"
isOk x = any ($x) [isAsciiUpper, isAsciiLower, isDigit, (`elem` " ./")]
formatFile name comments = concat [
concatMap format comments,
format c = concat [
commentsFor options file =
liftM (getComments options) $ readContents file
getComments options contents =
excludeCodes (getExclusions options) $ shellCheck contents analysisOptions
analysisOptions = catMaybes [ shellOption ]
shellOption = do
option <- getOption options "shell"
sh <- shellForExecutable option
return $ ForceShell sh
readContents file = if file == "-" then getContents else readFile file
-- Realign comments from a tabstop of 8 to 1
makeNonVirtual comments contents =
map fix comments
ls = lines contents
fix c = c { scColumn = real (ls !! (scLine c - 1)) 0 0 (scColumn c) }
real _ r v target | target <= v = r
real [] r v _ = r -- should never happen
real ('\t':rest) r v target =
real rest (r+1) (v + 8 - (v `mod` 8)) target
real (_:rest) r v target = real rest (r+1) (v+1) target
getOption [] _ = Nothing
getOption ((Flag var val):_) name | name == var = return val
getOption (_:rest) flag = getOption rest flag
getOptions options name =
map (\(Flag _ val) -> val) . filter (\(Flag var _) -> var == name) $ options
split char str =
split' str []
split' (a:rest) element =
if a == char
then (reverse element) : split' rest []
else split' rest (a:element)
split' [] element = [reverse element]
getExclusions options =
let elements = concatMap (split ',') $ getOptions options "exclude"
clean = dropWhile (not . isDigit)
map (Prelude.read . clean) elements :: [Int]
excludeCodes codes comments =
filter (not . hasCode) comments
hasCode c = scCode c `elem` codes
main = do
args <- getArgs
parsedArgs <- parseArguments args
code <- do
status <- process parsedArgs
return $ if status then ExitSuccess else ExitFailure 1
`catch` return
`catch` \err -> do
printErr $ show (err :: SomeException)
return $ ExitFailure 2
exitWith code
process Nothing = return False
process (Just (options, files)) = do
let format = fromMaybe "tty" $ getOption options "format" in
case Map.lookup format formats of
Nothing -> do
printErr $ "Unknown format " ++ format
printErr $ "Supported formats:"
mapM_ (printErr . write) $ Map.keys formats
exitWith supportFailure
where write s = " " ++ s
Just f -> do
f options files
verifyOptions opts files = do
when (isJust $ getOption opts "version") printVersionAndExit
let shell = getOption opts "shell" in
if isNothing shell
then return ()
else when (isNothing $ shell >>= shellForExecutable) $ do
printErr $ "Unknown shell: " ++ (fromJust shell)
exitWith supportFailure
when (null files) $ do
printErr "No files specified.\n"
printErr $ usageInfo header options
exitWith syntaxFailure
printVersionAndExit = do
putStrLn $ "ShellCheck - shell script analysis tool"
putStrLn $ "version: " ++ shellcheckVersion
putStrLn $ "license: GNU Affero General Public License, version 3"
putStrLn $ "website: http://www.shellcheck.net"
exitWith ExitSuccess