module ShellCheck.ASTLib where
import ShellCheck.AST
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad
import Data.Functor
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
isLoop t = case t of
T_WhileExpression {} -> True
T_UntilExpression {} -> True
T_ForIn {} -> True
T_ForArithmetic {} -> True
T_SelectIn {} -> True
_ -> False
willSplit x =
case x of
T_DollarBraced {} -> True
T_DollarExpansion {} -> True
T_Backticked {} -> True
T_BraceExpansion {} -> True
T_Glob {} -> True
T_Extglob {} -> True
T_NormalWord _ l -> any willSplit l
_ -> False
isGlob T_Extglob {} = True
isGlob T_Glob {} = True
isGlob (T_NormalWord _ l) = any isGlob l
isGlob _ = False
isConstant token =
case token of
T_NormalWord _ (T_Literal _ ('~':_) : _) -> False
T_NormalWord _ l -> all isConstant l
T_DoubleQuoted _ l -> all isConstant l
T_SingleQuoted _ _ -> True
T_Literal _ _ -> True
_ -> False
isEmpty token =
case token of
T_NormalWord _ l -> all isEmpty l
T_DoubleQuoted _ l -> all isEmpty l
T_SingleQuoted _ "" -> True
T_Literal _ "" -> True
_ -> False
oversimplify token =
case token of
(T_NormalWord _ l) -> [concat (concatMap oversimplify l)]
(T_DoubleQuoted _ l) -> [concat (concatMap oversimplify l)]
(T_SingleQuoted _ s) -> [s]
(T_DollarBraced _ _) -> ["${VAR}"]
(T_DollarArithmetic _ _) -> ["${VAR}"]
(T_DollarExpansion _ _) -> ["${VAR}"]
(T_Backticked _ _) -> ["${VAR}"]
(T_Glob _ s) -> [s]
(T_Pipeline _ _ [x]) -> oversimplify x
(T_Literal _ x) -> [x]
(T_ParamSubSpecialChar _ x) -> [x]
(T_SimpleCommand _ vars words) -> concatMap oversimplify words
(T_Redirecting _ _ foo) -> oversimplify foo
(T_DollarSingleQuoted _ s) -> [s]
(T_Annotation _ _ s) -> oversimplify s
(TA_Sequence _ [TA_Expansion _ v]) -> concatMap oversimplify v
_ -> []
getFlagsUntil stopCondition (T_SimpleCommand _ _ (_:args)) =
let tokenAndText = map (\x -> (x, concat $ oversimplify x)) args
(flagArgs, rest) = break (stopCondition . snd) tokenAndText
concatMap flag flagArgs ++ map (\(t, _) -> (t, "")) rest
flag (x, '-':'-':arg) = [ (x, takeWhile (/= '=') arg) ]
flag (x, '-':args) = map (\v -> (x, [v])) args
flag (x, _) = [ (x, "") ]
getFlagsUntil _ _ = error "Internal shellcheck error, please report! (getFlags on non-command)"
getAllFlags = getFlagsUntil (== "--")
getLeadingFlags = getFlagsUntil (\x -> x == "--" || (not $ "-" `isPrefixOf` x))
hasFlag cmd str = str `elem` (map snd $ getAllFlags cmd)
isFlag token =
case getWordParts token of
T_Literal _ ('-':_) : _ -> True
_ -> False
isUnquotedFlag token = fromMaybe False $ do
str <- getLeadingUnquotedString token
return $ "-" `isPrefixOf` str
bracedString (T_DollarBraced _ l) = concat $ oversimplify l
bracedString _ = error "Internal shellcheck error, please report! (bracedString on non-variable)"
isArrayExpansion t@(T_DollarBraced _ _) =
let string = bracedString t in
"@" `isPrefixOf` string ||
not ("#" `isPrefixOf` string) && "[@]" `isInfixOf` string
isArrayExpansion _ = False
mayBecomeMultipleArgs t = willBecomeMultipleArgs t || f t
f t@(T_DollarBraced _ _) =
let string = bracedString t in
"!" `isPrefixOf` string
f (T_DoubleQuoted _ parts) = any f parts
f (T_NormalWord _ parts) = any f parts
f _ = False
willBecomeMultipleArgs t = willConcatInAssignment t || f t
f T_Extglob {} = True
f T_Glob {} = True
f T_BraceExpansion {} = True
f (T_DoubleQuoted _ parts) = any f parts
f (T_NormalWord _ parts) = any f parts
f _ = False
willConcatInAssignment token =
case token of
t@T_DollarBraced {} -> isArrayExpansion t
(T_DoubleQuoted _ parts) -> any willConcatInAssignment parts
(T_NormalWord _ parts) -> any willConcatInAssignment parts
_ -> False
getLiteralString :: Token -> Maybe String
getLiteralString = getLiteralStringExt (const Nothing)
onlyLiteralString :: Token -> String
onlyLiteralString = fromJust . getLiteralStringExt (const $ return "")
getUnquotedLiteral (T_NormalWord _ list) =
concat <$> mapM str list
str (T_Literal _ s) = return s
str _ = Nothing
getUnquotedLiteral _ = Nothing
getTrailingUnquotedLiteral :: Token -> Maybe Token
getTrailingUnquotedLiteral t =
case t of
(T_NormalWord _ list@(_:_)) ->
from (last list)
_ -> Nothing
from t =
case t of
T_Literal {} -> return t
_ -> Nothing
getLeadingUnquotedString :: Token -> Maybe String
getLeadingUnquotedString t =
case t of
T_NormalWord _ ((T_Literal _ s) : _) -> return s
_ -> Nothing
getGlobOrLiteralString = getLiteralStringExt f
f (T_Glob _ str) = return str
f _ = Nothing
getLiteralStringExt :: (Token -> Maybe String) -> Token -> Maybe String
getLiteralStringExt more = g
allInList = fmap concat . mapM g
g (T_DoubleQuoted _ l) = allInList l
g (T_DollarDoubleQuoted _ l) = allInList l
g (T_NormalWord _ l) = allInList l
g (TA_Expansion _ l) = allInList l
g (T_SingleQuoted _ s) = return s
g (T_Literal _ s) = return s
g (T_ParamSubSpecialChar _ s) = return s
g x = more x
isLiteral t = isJust $ getLiteralString t
getWordParts (T_NormalWord _ l) = concatMap getWordParts l
getWordParts (T_DoubleQuoted _ l) = l
getWordParts (TA_Expansion _ l) = concatMap getWordParts l
getWordParts other = [other]
braceExpand (T_NormalWord id list) = take 1000 $ do
items <- mapM part list
return $ T_NormalWord id items
part (T_BraceExpansion id items) = do
item <- items
braceExpand item
part x = return x
getCommand t =
case t of
T_Redirecting _ _ w -> getCommand w
T_SimpleCommand _ _ (w:_) -> return t
T_Annotation _ _ t -> getCommand t
_ -> Nothing
getCommandName t = do
(T_SimpleCommand _ _ (w:rest)) <- getCommand t
s <- getLiteralString w
if "busybox" `isSuffixOf` s
case rest of
(applet:_) -> getLiteralString applet
_ -> return s
return s
getCommandNameFromExpansion :: Token -> Maybe String
getCommandNameFromExpansion t =
case t of
T_DollarExpansion _ [c] -> extract c
T_Backticked _ [c] -> extract c
T_DollarBraceCommandExpansion _ [c] -> extract c
_ -> Nothing
extract (T_Pipeline _ _ [cmd]) = getCommandName cmd
extract _ = Nothing
getCommandBasename = fmap basename . getCommandName
basename = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse
isAssignment t =
case t of
T_Redirecting _ _ w -> isAssignment w
T_SimpleCommand _ (w:_) [] -> True
T_Assignment {} -> True
T_Annotation _ _ w -> isAssignment w
_ -> False
isOnlyRedirection t =
case t of
T_Pipeline _ _ [x] -> isOnlyRedirection x
T_Annotation _ _ w -> isOnlyRedirection w
T_Redirecting _ (_:_) c -> isOnlyRedirection c
T_SimpleCommand _ [] [] -> True
_ -> False
isFunction t = case t of T_Function {} -> True; _ -> False
isBraceExpansion t = case t of T_BraceExpansion {} -> True; _ -> False
getCommandSequences :: Token -> [[Token]]
getCommandSequences t =
case t of
T_Script _ _ cmds -> [cmds]
T_BraceGroup _ cmds -> [cmds]
T_Subshell _ cmds -> [cmds]
T_WhileExpression _ _ cmds -> [cmds]
T_UntilExpression _ _ cmds -> [cmds]
T_ForIn _ _ _ cmds -> [cmds]
T_ForArithmetic _ _ _ _ cmds -> [cmds]
T_IfExpression _ thens elses -> map snd thens ++ [elses]
T_Annotation _ _ t -> getCommandSequences t
_ -> []
getAssociativeArrays t =
nub . execWriter $ doAnalysis f t
f :: Token -> Writer [String] ()
f t@T_SimpleCommand {} = fromMaybe (return ()) $ do
name <- getCommandName t
let assocNames = ["declare","local","typeset"]
guard $ elem name assocNames
let flags = getAllFlags t
guard $ elem "A" $ map snd flags
let args = map fst . filter ((==) "" . snd) $ flags
let names = mapMaybe (getLiteralStringExt nameAssignments) args
return $ tell names
f _ = return ()
nameAssignments t =
case t of
T_Assignment _ _ name _ _ -> return name
_ -> Nothing
data PseudoGlob = PGAny | PGMany | PGChar Char
deriving (Eq, Show)
wordToPseudoGlob :: Token -> Maybe [PseudoGlob]
wordToPseudoGlob word =
simplifyPseudoGlob . concat <$> mapM f (getWordParts word)
f x = case x of
T_Literal _ s -> return $ map PGChar s
T_SingleQuoted _ s -> return $ map PGChar s
T_DollarBraced {} -> return [PGMany]
T_DollarExpansion {} -> return [PGMany]
T_Backticked {} -> return [PGMany]
T_Glob _ "?" -> return [PGAny]
T_Glob _ ('[':_) -> return [PGAny]
T_Glob {} -> return [PGMany]
T_Extglob {} -> return [PGMany]
_ -> return [PGMany]
wordToExactPseudoGlob :: Token -> Maybe [PseudoGlob]
wordToExactPseudoGlob word =
simplifyPseudoGlob . concat <$> mapM f (getWordParts word)
f x = case x of
T_Literal _ s -> return $ map PGChar s
T_SingleQuoted _ s -> return $ map PGChar s
T_Glob _ "?" -> return [PGAny]
T_Glob _ "*" -> return [PGMany]
_ -> fail "Unknown token type"
simplifyPseudoGlob :: [PseudoGlob] -> [PseudoGlob]
simplifyPseudoGlob = f
f [] = []
f (x@(PGChar _) : rest ) = x : f rest
f list =
let (anys, rest) = span (\x -> x == PGMany || x == PGAny) list in
order anys ++ f rest
order s = let (any, many) = partition (== PGAny) s in
any ++ take 1 many
pseudoGlobsCanOverlap :: [PseudoGlob] -> [PseudoGlob] -> Bool
pseudoGlobsCanOverlap = matchable
matchable x@(xf:xs) y@(yf:ys) =
case (xf, yf) of
(PGMany, _) -> matchable x ys || matchable xs y
(_, PGMany) -> matchable x ys || matchable xs y
(PGAny, _) -> matchable xs ys
(_, PGAny) -> matchable xs ys
(_, _) -> xf == yf && matchable xs ys
matchable [] [] = True
matchable (PGMany : rest) [] = matchable rest []
matchable (_:_) [] = False
matchable [] r = matchable r []
pseudoGlobIsSuperSetof :: [PseudoGlob] -> [PseudoGlob] -> Bool
pseudoGlobIsSuperSetof = matchable
matchable x@(xf:xs) y@(yf:ys) =
case (xf, yf) of
(PGMany, PGMany) -> matchable x ys
(PGMany, _) -> matchable x ys || matchable xs y
(_, PGMany) -> False
(PGAny, _) -> matchable xs ys
(_, PGAny) -> False
(_, _) -> xf == yf && matchable xs ys
matchable [] [] = True
matchable (PGMany : rest) [] = matchable rest []
matchable _ _ = False
wordsCanBeEqual x y = fromMaybe True $
liftM2 pseudoGlobsCanOverlap (wordToPseudoGlob x) (wordToPseudoGlob y)