Name: Shellac-compatline Version: Cabal-version: >= 1.2.2 Build-Type: Simple Author: Robert Dockins License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Maintainer: robdockins AT fastmail DOT fm Category: User Interfaces Stability: Beta Homepage: Synopsis: "compatline" backend module for Shellac Description: This package provides a Shellac backend which acts a thin interface for the Shellac-readline or Shellac-editline packages, depending on avaliability. Note that this package may be compiled against readline, which is licended under the GPL. Flag UseEditline Description: Use the Shellac-editline pacakge Default: True Flag UseReadline Description: Use the Shellac-readline package Default: False Library Hs-Source-Dirs: src Build-Depends: base >= 1.0 && < 5, Shellac >= 0.9 if(flag(UseEditline)) Build-Depends: Shellac-editline CPP-Options: -DUSE_EDITLINE if(!flag(UseEditline) && flag(UseReadline)) Build-Depends: Shellac-readline CPP-Options: -DUSE_READLINE if(!flag(UseEditline) && !(flag(UseReadline))) Build-Depends: DependencyResolutionFailure > 999 Exposed-modules: System.Console.Shell.Backend.Compatline Extensions: CPP