Shpadoinkle Core

Shpadoinkle is a programming model for UI development, oriented around simplicity,
performance, and ergonomics.
The core concept
Is to model the user interface as a pure function from some model a
to Html.
This is not a new idea in the slightest. Declaratively describing the view in terms
of the model through a data structure is the dominant approach in UI today. And
for good reason.
If all we need is to render something based on some a
we can have Html
be a
simple data structure where Html :: Type
view :: a -> Html
This might look something like:
view :: Text -> Html
view username =
H "div" [ ("class", "greeting") ] [ Text $ "Hi there!" <> username ]
Events and effects
Which is all well and good, and something we might expect from a static renderer,
like Heist, or Blaze. Shpadoinkle handles this by allowing for Html
to have two
type variables associated with events, Html :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
The first is typically some Monad you want to use in response to events m
, and
the second is the payload of those events, typically the model for your view a
These variables in Html m a
are strickly about event listeners, so any view
that doesn't have event listeners should be parametic in both m
and a
look at a toggle as an example:
toggle :: Applicative m => Bool -> Html m Bool
toggle b = h "div" []
[ text $ "Currently it's " <> if b then "ON" else "OFF"
, h "button" [ listen "click" (not b) ] [ text "Toggle" ]
That's it, we have a stateful view. When the user click's on
the "Toggle" button the state will switch. Because we do a pure
state transition in this function, m
need only be Applicative
We could put Identity
here if we wanted to, but keeping m
helps our views compose.
But what if we need to do more? Well we can update our m
have more functionality. We can add some logging to the console:
toggle :: Bool -> Html IO Bool
toggle b = h "div" []
[ text $ "Currently it's " <> if b then "ON" else "OFF"
, h "button"
[ listen' "click" $ do
putStrLn "We toggled!"
return $ not b
] [ text "Toggle" ]
What if we want to access some record of capabilities? Or update some
concurrent memory thing? Let's say we have an enterprise grade Monad:
newtype App a = App { runApp :: RIO (TVar Metrics) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader (TVar Metrics), MonadIO, MonadJSM)
toggle :: Bool -> Html App Bool
toggle b = h "div" []
[ text $ "Currently it's " <> if b then "ON" else "OFF"
, h "button"
[ listen' "click" $ do
metrics <- ask
liftIO $ do
atomically . modifyTVar metrics $
\m -> m { toggleCount = toggleCount m + 1 }
putStrLn "We toggled!"
return $ not b
] [ text "Toggle" ]
Composing views
In Shpadoinkle we can compose views without impedance if the types match,
or are parametric. For example:
hero :: Html m a
hero = h "h1" [] [ text "Online String Reverse" ]
input :: Html m Text
input = h "input" [ onInput id ] []
view :: Text -> Html m Text
view s = h "div" []
[ hero -- no impedance, this Html is fully generic
, input -- no impedance, this Html has matching types `(Text ~ Text)`
, text $ "Reversed: \"" <> reverse s <> "\""
If you have nesting, with different types,
we can resolve the mismatch using 'fmap' like so:
input :: Html m Text
input = h "input" [ onInput id ] []
view :: (Int, Text) -> Html m (Int, Text)
view (i,t) = h "div" []
-- here we update the `Text` side of the model
-- with the value produced by `input`, and we
-- increment the `Int` as well.
[ (\t_ -> (i + 1, t_)) <$> input
, text $ "Reversed: \"" <> reverse t <> "\""
, text $ "you have reversed " <> pack (show i) <> " strings"
The primitive
The Shpadoinkle programming model core primitive is the shpadoinkle
:: (Shpadoinkle b m a, Territory t, Eq a) =>
=> (m ~> JSM) -> (t a -> b m ~> m) -- How to render
-> a -> t a -- What is our model
-> (a -> Html (b m) a) -- What to render
-> b m RawNode -> JSM () -- Actually render
This is the machine that runs a Shpadoinkle view. To run we need
the following ingredients:
m ~> JSM
We need a Natural Transformation from our m
to JSM
, so that
we can perform the needed JavaScript effects in JSM from the m
you provide.
t a -> b m ~> m
This a function that takes a state container of some kind t
and returns a Natural Transformation from our Shpadoinkle backend b
to our monad m
. Backends kind of works like Monad Transformers, where
wraps our Monad m
, and needs to be unwrappable.
This is the initial value of our model. This will be passed to our view
for the first render.
t a
This is the state container t
that will drive the view. When the state
changes, we should re-render the view. The semantic behind determing when
to do this, is upto you via the Territory
type class. Typically this is
just a TVar
as that is the provided cannonical implimentation.
a -> Html (b m) a
This is the view function, you actual application to render. It takes
the model and returns the html to render, such that it's events produce the
same model.
b m RawNode
This is the raw node we that will wrap our view. If you want the Shpadoinkle view
to be the entire page, then you want to pass document.body
as this node.
You could use this to embed a Shpadoinkle application into another application,
(such a Reflex-dom or Miso).