-- | 
-- Maintainer	: Ralf Laemmel, Joost Visser
-- Stability	: experimental
-- Portability	: portable
-- This module is part of 'StrategyLib', a library of functional strategy
-- combinators, including combinators for generic traversal. This module
-- overloads basic combinators to enable uniform treatment of TU and TP
-- strategies. The overloading scheme is motivated in the 
-- "... Polymorphic Symphony" paper. The names in the present module
-- deviate from the paper in that they are postfixed by an "...S" 
-- in order to rule out name clashes and to avoid labour-intensive
-- resolution. The class constraints in this module seem to be outrageous
-- but this has to do with a type inferencing bug for class hierarchies
-- in hugs. This bug is removed in the October 2002 release.


module Data.Generics.Strafunski.StrategyLib.OverloadingTheme where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Generics.Strafunski.StrategyLib.StrategyPrelude

-- * Unconstrained 

-- | Overload completely unconstrained strategy combinators 
class Monad m => Strategy s m
    voidS :: s m -> TU () m     
    -- | Sequential composition          
    seqS  :: TP m -> s m -> s m   
    -- | Sequential composition with value passing        
    passS :: TU a m -> (a -> s m) -> s m  
instance Monad m => Strategy TP m
    voidS = voidTP
    seqS  = seqTP
    passS = passTP

instance Monad m => Strategy (TU a) m
    voidS = voidTU
    seqS  = seqTU
    passS = passTU

-- | Overload apply and adhoc combinators
class (Strategy s m, Monad m, Term t) => StrategyApply s m t x | s t -> x
    -- | Strategy application
    applyS :: s m -> t -> m x            
    -- | Dynamic type case
    adhocS :: s m -> (t -> m x) -> s m   

instance (Monad m, Term t) => StrategyApply TP m t t
    applyS = applyTP
    adhocS = adhocTP

instance (Monad m, Term t) => StrategyApply (TU a) m t a
    applyS = applyTU
    adhocS = adhocTU

-- * Involving Monoid, MonadPlus, 

-- | Overload basic combinators which might involve a monoid
class (Monad m, Strategy s m) => StrategyMonoid s m
    -- | Identity (success)
    skipS    :: s m     
    -- | Push down to all children             
    allS     :: s m -> s m   
    -- | Combine sequentially        
    combS    :: s m -> s m -> s m    

instance (Monad m, Strategy TP m) => StrategyMonoid TP m
    skipS    = idTP
    allS     = allTP
    combS    = seqTP

instance (Monad m, Monoid u, Strategy (TU u) m) => StrategyMonoid (TU u) m
    skipS    = constTU mempty
    allS     = allTU'
    combS    = op2TU mappend

-- | Overload basic combinators which involve MonadPlus
class (Strategy s m, Monad m, MonadPlus m) => StrategyPlus s m
    -- | Failure
    failS   :: s m     
    -- | Choice             
    choiceS :: s m -> s m -> s m    
    -- | Push down to a single child
    oneS    :: s m -> s m           

instance (Monad m, MonadPlus m, Strategy TP m) => StrategyPlus TP m
    failS   = failTP
    choiceS = choiceTP
    oneS    = oneTP

instance (Monad m, MonadPlus m, Strategy (TU u) m) => StrategyPlus (TU u) m
    failS   = failTU
    choiceS = choiceTU
    oneS    = oneTU

-- | Overloaded lifting with failure 
monoS 	:: (StrategyApply s m t x, StrategyPlus s m) 
   	=> (t -> m x) 
	-> s m
monoS f = adhocS failS f

-- * Effect substitution (see "EffectTheme").

-- | Overload msubst combinator (Experimental)
class StrategyMSubst s
    -- | Substitute one monad for another
    msubstS :: (Monad m, Monad m') => (forall t . m t -> m' t) -> s m -> s m'
instance StrategyMSubst TP
    msubstS f = msubstTP f
instance StrategyMSubst (TU a)
    msubstS f = msubstTU f    
